Choose a wardrobe: the modern design of 75 photos

If you have accumulated a lot of things, and old wooden cupboard, already tired - the most the best way out of this situation, will the purchase of the cabinet compartment. From the range of the entire cabinet furniture design has the greatest demand in the market. And this is no accident, it can be used to hide a lot of things needed, freeing up more space in an apartment or house.

modern design wardrobe

The problem is, how to choose the wardrobe does not have to create any trouble if you follow these basic principles.

Wardrobe Slide

You can construct virtually any, even the smallest room.

Functional and practical piece of furniture sliding wardrobe - Conveniently located in any room - in the bedroom, living room or hallway.

Will the acquisition of items is actually reliable and practical, will depend, above all, what it's made. But the question arises, how to choose the closet, that he was a reliable, practical and served more than a decade? To choose a worthy option, you need to know basic secrets of the choice of the piece of furniture.

Modern wardrobe, from which it is

But we should not neglect the basic principles of flower arrangement in the room.


  • 1 Where to begin?
  • 2 The apparatus functioning doors
  • 3 cabinet compartment purchase Features
  • 4 The choice of material doors and their execution
  • 5 And a few more useful tips
  • 6 VIDEO: How to choose a wardrobe?
  • 7 50 photo ideas how to choose the wardrobe

Where to begin?

You need to decide what exactly is meant the cabinet and in what room to put it. At this stage, you need to decide on its size and content, taking into account all the needs and number of people in the family. Also take into account the possibility of installation in the room, the size of doorways to its size, did not become an unpleasant surprise.

When choosing wardrobe ponder, how would you like to see it.

  1. Solid (cabinet).
  2. Mounted in a niche or wall (built-in).

There are also other types. Depending on the customer cabinet can be:

  1. semicircular;
  2. Radius;
  3. diagonal;
  4. angular.
wardrobe design photo

The choice of color will depend entirely on your taste and style of the room.

The one-piece closet is a separate structure having its walls, top and bottom. This model is not mounted in a variety of niches, and a parietal furniture options. The advantage of such a product will be able to move it, and a more accurate internal filling. Of the minuses - it is cumbersome, a case will take more than a vast area and is hardly suitable for small rooms. costs will also be slightly higher than that of its competitors embedded.

Modern wardrobes

From the cabinet's location will depend on its stylistic design and color.

Recessed is the most economical one, as in the aspect of price, and on the footprint. Mounting this type of furniture takes place in special niches in the walls. The main component of it are the walls, floor and ceiling of the room in which it is located. Also it is possible to construct virtually any, even the smallest room. The main drawback - the cupboard is not moving design, installation of doors, must performed with great reliability, as poorly secured doors can break and cause damage man.

wardrobe, and a dressing room and a convenient closet

With regard to dimensions, they can be up to 1 m in width and a height of 2.5 meters.

Advantages of sliding wardrobes

Particular attention should be paid to the method of opening the sliding door system

The apparatus functioning doors

Particular attention should be paid to the method of opening the sliding door system. They are divided into two types.

  1. Roller type. The door of the cabinet is a special frame made of aluminum or other metal and performs motion using standard rollers. This method is the most popular, much cheaper, but such systems are much smaller. The reason for the exit of the building may be hit the obstacle or strong physical effects, whereby the rollers can pop out and the door can fall out.
  2. Monorail type. The rollers move in the closet on the monorail. This type is more expensive, but they are much longer. The monorail does not get foreign objects and debris. This type of system is protected against loss and will be more practical and functional.

3.Nemalovazhnym aspect is the material from which the rollers. The material rolls will depend on the durability of the whole structure. Preference should be given - castors made of metal. A simpler system will be made of plastic with a Teflon coating. But the cheapest and most unreliable option - from the usual plastic rollers.

Wardrobe under the order

The catalogs manufacturers can meet a variety of other materials relevant to your liking.

Wardrobe Hilton

Also take into account the possibility of installation in the room, the size of doorways to its size, did not become an unpleasant surprise.

cabinet compartment purchase Features

Pay attention to the material of construction of the system. Under the system, keep in mind the profile, in which the door moves. For the manufacture of conventional rails used a variety of metal alloys. Typically, the sliding system is of two kinds.

  1. Profile of steel. This type is the most common among manufacturers. The most practical and robust - steel profile. But it sliding doors move more noisily, as well as to the steel profile suit every material on the door trim. But the main advantage of a win-win of the steel construction will be their longevity - they can last for decades.
  2. Profile of aluminum. Aluminum systems look more refined and accurate, but the cost will be much more expensive. This system also makes it less load on the entire framework and fittings, as is more thin and light one. Aluminum profiles do not generate noise during operation. However, they have disadvantages - continuous operation of the system service life to 10 years, as opposed to steel "brother."

4.Otdelnym and an important selection criterion is the depth of the cabinet. The depth of the product will depend on its capacity. The depth should be chosen according to the needs and number of family members. On the large family better to buy a design with space reserve, as the number of items is growing steadily. If the family consists of 1-3 persons, the point in buying a large cabinet no.

Main sizes of products are given in the table.

View Width mm. Height, mm. Depth, mm.
A small, two-door 1100 2100-2400 450
A standard two-door 1100 2100-2400 650
Standard, three or four doors 1900-2400 2100-2400 600-650
coupe italy cabinet

Facade doors are made from a list of materials, of which there are many, the choice depends on stylistic preferences.

Favorite wardrobe

Pay attention to the material of construction of the system.

The choice of material doors and their execution

Facade doors are made from a list of materials, of which there are many, the choice depends on stylistic preferences. Doors can be made of the following materials.

1 chipboard, MDF (10 mm).

  1. A variety of mirrors and glasses.
  2. Veneer.
  3. Rattan, etc.
wardrobe functionality

For the manufacture of conventional rails used a variety of metal alloys.

Dimensions coupe cabinet Standard

You need to decide what exactly is meant the cabinet and in what room to put it.

The catalogs manufacturers can meet a variety of other materials relevant to your liking.

Camellia compartment cabinet

The material rolls will depend on the durability of the whole structure.

Calculation of sliding wardrobe doors

With it, you can hide a lot of things needed, freeing up more space in an apartment or house.

Often these materials are combined. The doors of the windows and mirrors used printing, sandblasting image stained.

The most durable doors - made of laminated chipboard and MDF, but they look quite boring, so it is desirable to combine.

With regard to dimensions, they can be up to 1 m in width and a height of 2.5 meters. But too large and heavy doors will not function properly, you need to expect that the construction was able to withstand such a load.

built-in wardrobes coupe on order

On the large family better to buy a design with space reserve, as the number of items is growing steadily.

The correct dimensions of the internal compartment enclosure filling

Will the acquisition of items is actually reliable and practical, will depend, above all, what it's made.

And a few more useful tips

From the cabinet's location will depend on its stylistic design and color. By the choice of color should be approached with great care, as it will affect the design of the room as a whole. The easiest way to load a designer who most accurately determine the color scheme and style of future construction. However, you can do without it. The choice of color will depend entirely on your taste and style of the room. But we should not neglect the basic principles of flower arrangement in the room.

  • Bright, "pastel" colors are perfect for bedrooms and children, because of their calming effect on the human psyche.
  • Shades of green-yellow range allowed charge power emit cheerfulness and vivacity.
  • Dark colors, especially black, is the color of luxury. Although they are not suitable for every room, as are cold energy.
  • Always it looks favorably furnished with the texture of wood. And the style is suited to almost any room.
cabinet compartment design standards

When choosing wardrobe ponder, how would you like to see it.

closet in the living room

Sliding wardrobe - Conveniently located in any room - in the bedroom, living room or hallway.

Reliability and appearance of the cabinet are important, it is also important to pick up and internal filling wardrobe. Wardrobe must have all the necessary accessories for folding and placing clothes. Shelves and rods - filling foundation of any wardrobe. Optionally, you can add all sorts of internal drawers, shoe grid, baskets, pantograph (a device for placement in two floors, with the possibility of movement of the upper), galstuchnitsy and more. But keep in mind that all supplements may "spill" in a decent amount. You may want to install the light inside the cabinet - it is very convenient, especially in larger structures.

If your needs for a small cabinet, the manufacturer can offer you a product group, stylistically appropriate and complementary.

  1. Compound individual sections ready cabinets in a certain order. This occurs by the contraction of their special fasteners.
  2. Combining section via a common sidewall. The method makes it possible to infinitely increase the required amount of product.
closet in the apartment

Mounting this type of furniture takes place in special niches in the walls.

corner cabinet compartment

Cabinet will take over a large area and is hardly suitable for small rooms.

When choosing specify who makes the furniture. Not to be mistaken with the purchase will help the simple rules.

  • Look at the reviews on the internet, ask your friends, addresses and office.
  • Ask prices for additional services to installation and delivery is not accounted for half of the cost of the cabinet.
  • On all the furniture plant should give the warranty period.
  • Check out the pricing, compare prices.
Large closet white

This model is not mounted in a variety of niches, and a parietal furniture options.

Wardrobes with mirror

From the range of the entire cabinet furniture design has the greatest demand in the market.

The problem is, how to choose the wardrobe does not have to create any trouble if you follow these basic principles. The main thing is not to try to save money on fittings and quality material to the closet served you long and pleased the durability and functionality of more than one year.

Destination wardrobes

The question arises, how to choose the closet, that he was a reliable, practical and served more than a decade.

original closet in the hallway

The one-piece closet is a separate structure having its walls, top and bottom.

VIDEO: How to choose a wardrobe?

50 photo ideas how to choose the wardrobe

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