Plastic doors conquered the market two decades ago, and now they are ubiquitous. Plastic is very practical and accessible material, so it is quite natural. Doors made it easier to design and manufacture, and consumers, in turn, they like the fact that ensure integrity and have a relatively low weight. For plastic is easier to look after, when compared with many other materials, including wood or iron. However, in the process of using the input systems made of plastic there are all the same problems as in the other cases. The door may sag, rub on the box, touch the floor - such defects will bring a lot of trouble. But even without all masters can be corrected, for it is enough to read the instructions. In no case can not be brought to a situation where the door jam or just stop to go to the box. From time to time it is necessary to carry out the adjustment as a precautionary measure.
- Why regulate PVC doors
- Types of plastic doors
- Common defects in which the necessary adjustment of plastic doors
- Tools required for adjustment of plastic doors
Instructions for self-adjustment of doors
- Height adjustment
- Setting loops and canopies
- Alignment in the horizontal plane
- What to do for a tight seal - Front adjustment of the eccentrics
- at the close of the difficulties
- Adjustment of hinges
- How to change the seal
- Setting the door handle
- How to adjust to winter
- Adjusting the door slack
What to do to plastic doors rarely need to be adjusted
- Features of Plastic entrance doors
- Closer - binding fitting member
- Adjusting and setting closers
- conclusion
Why regulate PVC doors
There are several reasons for adjusting the position of the door. Firstly, it is the shrinkage of the building. The phenomenon is typical for new buildings and is considered the norm. Second, regulation needs to improper operation causes the door structure. The use of flaps and handles for hanging items like clothes and towels, leading to increased pressure on the loop, advance to the unprepared. Sagging shutters - another reason for adjusting the position. The fact is that the door leaf itself - it is a heavy construction, and this process will take place in any case. Rapid and frequent temperature changes - it is an occasion from time to time to adjust the structure, since all this leads to depressurization. Door systems made of PVC are also subject to such exposure. It is also recommended to regularly check the gaps and misalignment, to track the dynamics of the possible changes.

Types of plastic doors
Door systems made of plastic for its intended purpose is divided into:
- input;
- interior;
- balcony.
Plastic designs are characterized by high strength, even without metal inclusions. It concerns including interior doors made of plastic. With a bit more complicated type of construction. Distinguish sliding, folding and hinged doors. Construction of the first category is a system of two wings, moving in different directions along the guide rails. Sliding plastic doors often complement the function of automatic opening. Such systems react to the pressure on the lower platform. These doors are space-saving, but make a lot of noise and expensive. Folding systems consist of two or more folding flaps. They are called "accordion". Because of the insulation joints for folding plastic doors worse. Swing system there are single and double and open on / off itself.

Common defects in which the necessary adjustment of plastic doors
The door may sag under its own weight. This sometimes happens with plastic doors, despite the relatively low weight. Sometimes the painting "decimated" in the side. His condition is verified by drawing a line. Evaluated in parallel with the bottom of the opening. One of the most frequent reasons for the adjustment becomes a backlash in the mounts. Much depends on the structure itself: one with doors that happens regularly with other rare. In most cases it is necessary to correct hanging out of pens and correct fasteners are mounted on hinges. These elements need to make sure that the time to correct the defects.
Other signs of the need for adjustment - the leakage of cool air and increase the noise level in the room. Sometimes when you close the flap appears friction sound. This means that the door began to touch the box and requires adjustment of the loops. It occurs also problems with shut-off device of the castle - with closed doors or in any position.

Tools required for adjustment of plastic doors
To adjust and simplify the process of a standard set of tools prepared in advance. Among the most important tools for flat-nose pliers, Phillips and flat screwdrivers, L-shaped keys with a 6-face cross-section (another name - furniture keys). In the absence of the latter house will need to address in building hardware stores. It is recommended to assemble the tools in several sizes, in the range of 1.5-5 mm. The whole set will cost about 500 rubles. Phillips screwdriver and a flat screwdriver, capable of replacing the necessary bits. The most commonly used nozzles T and TX. Screwdriver will be useful in another sense. He will free the hands of the additional work. Still require scissors to cut seal, and needles.
See also:Sliding doors for walk-in wardrobe
The list of tools for adjustment of plastic doors must also be made:
- a chisel or a special knife;
- freewheeling hammer;
- a handle for removing the loops;
- Scoop raspakechivaniya.

Instructions for self-adjustment of doors
Correct small problems with the location, you can own. Initially, the plant will contribute to a competent, to this point came soon, however, if irregularities are detected, to postpone their removal can not be for later. And this is connected not only with the possible expiration of the warranty period. First, she is already a guarantee constrains the actions, since any intervention will give the company-manufacturer a reason to refuse the corresponding service. And secondly, it is possible, and an option that will have to buy a new door at his own expense. If the guarantee is no longer valid or has been decided to make the adjustment on their own, it is necessary to strictly observe the technical instructions and recommendations of experts. Particular attention should be given to adjusting the fasteners. Improve indoor comfort can be achieved by increasing or decreasing the tightness of the door structure.
Door Adjustment comprises the following steps:
- Vertical adjustment.
- Changing the position in the horizontal plane.
- Setting hinges, hinges and canopies.
- Adjusting the handle.
- Sealing of the contact surfaces.
- Adjusting the various hardware components.

Height adjustment
Adjust the blade height is best immediately after it has been spotted roughness or dents on the seals. To change the blade position will need to tighten the bottom hinged loop. Actions carried out by a certain algorithm. First, we get access to the adjustment screws on the bottom of the loop. they are usually hidden under the trim strip. This element is removed movement on itself and upwards. Actions are carried out carefully, because with the passage of time becomes a plastic prone to dry out and become cracked. Further work with the vertical adjustment screw. Guides in the head 6 Allen key the right size (typically 4 mm). Then rotate it. Clockwise movement would lift the flap, and the return will lower. Some manufacturers of door designs instead of hexagonal holes there is a "star".

Setting loops and canopies
Typically, the doors made of plastic or metal and plastic hinges are installed overhead a buried type. In systems without metal inclusions usually suffice two fixing nodes. In the presence of glass is considered to be the best option with three fasteners. Veil controlled in several different ways. They are directly connected with adjustable blade height, as well as moving it from side to side. The setting is made adjusting screw. Leaf at this time should be slightly ajar. Motion made by or counter-clockwise. It is not necessary to tighten only one mount, because the profile of this curvature can be formed, and when you open the door - there was creaking or crunching. The need to adjust loops and canopies indicate drafts, cracks appeared, slowing or complication when closing the sash. Prevention of defects significantly increase the service life of door designs of plastic.

Faulty installation technology of the door system will cause serious problems that will not be possible to fix the normal adjustment.
Alignment in the horizontal plane
This type of adjustment involves moving the sash parallel top and bottom of the structure. The door can cling to the top of the carrier rack or near the threshold for a number of the opposite. The web is subject to thermal expansion, and that enhances the above problems. To adjust the required 4 6 mm Allen key, at least - other tool. Screw for horizontal alignment is similar - horizontally. To open the door to complete the task, the plant in the hole and twist the key. Clockwise rotation will attract the web to the loop and lift the bottom of the side opposite the rack. Tool movement in the other direction will result in the opposite result. If it is necessary to eliminate the rubbing or neutralize the effects of thermal expansion, it will take effect on all hinges.

What to do for a tight seal - Front adjustment of the eccentrics
The cams are designed to control the density abutting portions of the door frame to each other. The principle of operation is similar to the functional load, performed by them in the window frames. Clutch density is adjusted by turning most of these eccentrics. There is a clear sequence of actions for the most tightly sealed. First, loops are released from the decorative shutters. Then open the flap and pressed blocker. Then the door top is removed to obtain a normal access to the eccentric. Next, the screw is rotated. If the desired level of contact pressure is reached, will only make a final action. The movable elements must be lubricated. Then presses the door lock, and returns to the initial position. The highest position of the eccentric pressing is provided at the highest level. After adjustment falls a retaining bolt, shift details and tightened fastener.

at the close of the difficulties
The most common problems are skewed, sagging, gapping, complexity by turning the knob. In the worst cases, the door is no longer closed at all. If the situation is easier, and the web is no longer just fixed tightly in the opening, the reason - extremely technical nature. Most likely, you will need only adjust the fittings. But if the flap does not come into the frame at all, then you have to search for damage. The most common causes of malfunctions becomes unsuitable accessories, penetration of foreign objects into the door mechanism or disorder structural integrity. Less unpleasant than jamming door, but more frequent negative moments are sagging or distortion of the door and discomfort when turning the knob. If the latter cause become too sharp or sash movement handle, the warp and sagging associated with excessive load on the door structure axis.
See also:Making a doorway without a door

Adjustment of hinges
Joints are the building blocks of loops and other mounting components. Built-in spherical bearings, for example, reduce wear and make the process of opening more easily and smoothly. They, like other joints should be lubricated timely. Depending on the detected defect, used 3 adjustment method - vertical, horizontal and front. In the first case you need to remove the protective cap and insert a screwdriver into the hole in the end. Horizontal adjustment includes work with an adjustable screw. During manipulation tool should draw the web to the loop. The third way, front, involves adjustments on the opposite relative to the hinge pillar. There may be eccentrics hinges. You can work with pliers, wrench or other tool, it all depends on the individual case.

How to change the seal
First you need to select and purchase a new one. Typically, a plastic rubber band. For the plastic construction material required appropriate shape. These seals are of 2 types: for frames and sashes. The old gasket is removed easily. First choose a place where it can be picked up, and then a sharp movement, she pulled out of the groove. Further purify groove from dust and dirt. In net slot and then insert the end of the new gum. Cushion plant in the groove completely. Then hold your finger along the tape, pushing the cushion into the groove. Slips will remain outside. He will assume the role of protection from drafts and street dust. At the same time, you can adjust the door. Setting the seal - is also possible to adjust the density of contiguity door. In conjunction with the installation of a quality seal should also address pressing of doors, scrolling bolts clamping web. This is especially true in the period before winter.

Setting the door handle
Adjusting the handles - one of the most simple manipulations. In life generally occur these types of faults as tight turn and hanging out. Imbalance is corrected by the same method. First, a 90 ° rotated protective plate covering the bracket. Move the insert to be careful, because it is made of thin plastic. When accessed by the adjusting screws, there are 2 options. Turn the screw more tightly, if the problem is looseness of the handle. And on the contrary, weaken the lock when the handle has a tight turn. Then the plate put back into position and check the connection. If the play was the same as the original, it is possible, in case there is a crack. In this case, you will need new hardware. When the door vertically divided, then half turn regulated.

How to adjust to winter
First of all we check whether the flap does not sag, and it is adjacent to the frame. Then you need to learn, not whether the blows of the lumens. This is verified by the usual sheet of paper. Then be engaged in checking the quality of fixtures. If necessary, replace the seal. However, the main aspect of the preparation of the door in a cycle of summer / winter is a clamp. Its effectiveness is determined by the cylindrical element - eccentric. Regulate this detail need a flathead screwdriver or Allen key, depending on the configuration. If the cam is smooth, then turn first need to pull the item from the web. Maximum tightness is guaranteed by 6 Allen key number 4. The label on the eccentric must "look" in the direction of overlap, which the web is pressed against the box. If we carry out this manipulation correctly, even in strong winds likely infiltration of cold air will be minimal.

Adjusting the door slack
If the door edge mesh rack door boxes - this indicates subsidence. In the closed position the upper part will be more or less noticeable crack. The technical part of correcting the defect will be the adjustment of the gap between a loop knot and the web. This process is somewhat similar to the alignment of the valves in the windows. Eliminate horizontal skew adjustment, allowing the web to shift left or right. The first step is finding a horizontal adjusting screw at the bottom of the loop structure. The hole is located at the bottom of the loop side of the door frame. Turning of the screw blade zoom in or out of the loop. In the first case the rotation made clockwise, in the second - against. It then examines the possibility of free open / close doors. The flap swings open at 90 °, the and if everything is in order, then the position is adjusted also through the top loop. Usually enough 1-2 key turns.
See also:How to choose a door to the apartment

What to do to plastic doors rarely need to be adjusted
There are several ways to facilitate the operation of doors:
- installation of door closers;
- selection of a suitable embodiment of the structure;
- lifter assembly;
- Grease fittings;
- improvement of reliable protection from the wind.
Fully protect the door from exposure is not possible, as to do without alignment. However, using the above methods, you can avoid the frequent repair and regulation. The experience of many people shows that some of the problems fails to warn. You must be aware of the importance of selecting the loop. Recent designed for structures where the load will be about 80 or 160 kilograms. Important is the number of loops, however, not always. Calculated data items by an average of 200,000 opening / closing. In any case it is recommended to observe a certain margin of safety. Reliable protection from subsidence door is a lifter. In its structure there is a strap that is installed on the canvas, and the corresponding element in the frame. Both parts are connected when you close a little door raising and lowering the load on the loop. A few drops of lubricant also improves performance. Rubber seals will reduce the impact of strong winds and drafts.

For maximum density rubber protection should be treated with silicone pencil.
Features of Plastic entrance doors
Entrance systems made of plastic are manufactured with the use of reinforced plastic profiles with separate air chambers and ribs. Profiles are either only plastic, or with the use of reinforcement. To increase the structural strength of the frame elements are connected by metal mortgage. The shape of the carcass structure, as well as the entire product, is the most diverse - trapezoidal, rectangular, arched, and others. On the front door of plastic installed special deadbolts, locks of high reliability and power loop. Multilateral locking mechanism is provided to ensure maximum density. The plastic door of any configuration composed of elements such as a door leaf, a frame and a fitting part. Unlike other types of doors, plastic may be of an integral metal box profile.

Closer - binding fitting member
They differ in the type of installation:
- outdoor;
- hidden;
- floor.
And the principle of action:
- knee;
- slide.
This device is designed to ensure a smooth movement of the door. As a result of its use increases the life of the hinge pins and other parts and accessories, respectively, the entire door structure. The closer has to be used in door systems in public places, because there the door is opened and closed numerous times per day. Design features of different embodiments of the fittings differ - closing mechanism, place and method of installation. On fixing the place of distinguished external, hidden and floor closers. Devices of the first type are arranged on top, the second - within the web and frame, floor mounted in the casement and on the floor. Last subspecies suitable for both one-way and for swing doors. According to one embodiment there are two categories closers mechanism: a knee (scissor) and slide transfer.

Adjusting and setting closers
Adjusting the latching effect on the overall speed of the door closing. In interior it is better to reduce and increase in input, but much depends on the specific situation. Using latching speed controlled latching action (pressing towards the door frame) and the intermediate turn. In the first case it is a question of setting priorities: to make a move fast or slow to remove the excessive load on the door frame. In the second option, by setting up, it is possible to organize the passage of several people simultaneously. Adjust the door closer is not difficult, because it has a special screw. Door closing speed is reduced if you turn it clockwise. If the velocity has changed too much, the bolt is returned to an intermediate position between the current and initial and set again. The screws can not be unscrewed more than 2 turns. To adjust the latching action adjustment is made for the 15-20 cm from the frame. Control third adjusting screw defines an intermediate speed.

With this same third delay adjustment screw carried closing canvas.
Those who wish to purchase a door is not necessary to save on materials, fittings and design configuration. But once it is displayed on the door of the key functions. When a defect has been detected, it is necessary to apply for warranty service. However, if the situation is not serious, or the warranty has expired, it is possible to eliminate the shortcomings alone. Most often there are problems such as sagging canvas, its offset to the loops or rack mounting plate, difficulty closing the door stroke when, reduction of tightness and imbalance accessories. Most of these defects are corrected ordinary hex wrench, which is easy to find on sale. Adjust the door mechanism must be at least twice a year - before the winter and a few months before the summer. We need to change the density of the junction box parts. If there are any difficulties, you should immediately ask for qualified help in the process of setting up the door mechanisms.