The doors at the entrance, between the rooms and public areas - it is a means of protection and visual element. But the functions they carry out much more, in fact impede the propagation of sound, keeping you warm indoors or shelter from prying eyes. The security situation in the first place is to talk about the front door. A good system of housing inlet, helps the owners sleep. The same can be said about companies and their owners. A single door protects the products to a huge amount. On these aspects it becomes clear that it is all about the reliability of the materials. Possess high strength metals, especially iron, from which make the most stable door. Most aspects of the method depends on the manufacturing, assembly and quality of raw materials. The buyer can do is to put the structure in the opening. Installation of metal entrance doors are usually bought, for an independent installation leads to difficulties.
- Types of metal doors
- Dimensions of metal doors
- openings to the requirements for the installation of metal doors
- Materials and tools for installation
preparation of the opening
- expansion opening
- The narrowing of the opening
Methods for mounting boxes
- Fixing eyelets for
- Fixing through the box
- Fixing the Taking
Features installation of doors in different wall materials
- Installation in a brick and concrete wall
- Installation in wooden doorway
- Installation in the opening of aerated concrete
- The main criteria for choosing a metal door
- How to order a door installation
- conclusion
Types of metal doors
They are on different parameters:
- for residential, industrial premises, offices, industrial facilities;
- parade, doors, interior doors;
- technical, tambour, protective;
- 1-, 2-and wing polutorastvorchatye;
- Grades 1-6 burglary (mostly).

Metal doors between rooms pose relatively rare, while the input and parade are popular because of their reliability. Tambour construction is used essentially only as additional barriers. They are solid and latticed. Technical and safety equip blockers made to the specific needs furniture, heaters, additional locks. In particular, fire withstand a fire for 15 to 90 minutes. A key indicator for metal doors is a burglar. Products of the first class will not be able to reliably protect even by physical force. The second crack using simple tools. Models of the third class is opened only with a crowbar. Doors, since the 4th grade and above, already much more difficult to break. For the 4th need more sophisticated tools, 5th - electric. But items 6th grade will not be able to crack without large power tools.

Dimensions of metal doors
Parameters define the guests. For single input systems values correspond to 2085 and 2385 mm in height and 884 and 984 mm in width. The standard specifies the input parameters of folding patterns in the outer set at 1871, 2071, 2091 mm tall and 1272, 1472 and 1872 mm in width. The manufacturers, customers, builders and so on. D. have the right to design and production of windows with non-standard values. The rules and regulations have provided corridors for single and double fabrics. Products of the first type have up to 2400 mm and a width of 700-1100 mm. In systems dvupolnyh vertical size reached 2500 mm 1300-2150 mm when horizontally. Non-standard products from a small height, large width and unusual proportions set in shops, stores, offices. The minimum size of the door in blocks of flats is 700 × 1900 mm, where the first value - the width, and the second - height. At the entrances of homes usually are single-model with dimensions of 900 × 2100 mm or folding to any size.

special configuration of the doors are more expensive by 30 percent or more!

openings to the requirements for the installation of metal doors
Opening the door to exceed in size to the door there stood a box. By margin width corresponding to about 8-10 cm. The vertical size of the passage ideally - at exactly 6 cm greater than the height of the web. According to building codes, opening width should not interfere with normal movement and conduct of evacuation measures, transportation on a stretcher. Sanitary norms say about the minimum size of 80 and 190 cm for the width and height of the opening. They also determine the level of placing a jumper. In rooms with low ceiling - is 185-188 cm from the floor. Figures correspond to the ceilings with a height of 2-2.3 m. All the non-compliance in size necessarily correct. Fit to the parameters is carried out before the end of the finishing works. If the extension is more or less simple, narrow opening should be no longer than 3 cm, and equally on each side. Another option requires approval.
See also:The combination with the interior door Wenge

Materials and tools for installation
In the course of using cement mortar or mounting foam for sealing the gap between the door frame and the wall. any excess is removed before the installation of the door block. At different stages of action is also performed with a hammer, sledge hammers, grinders, building level roulette perforator anchors foamed or cinder blocks, expanders. Bulgarian make cuts in a metal box door. Too wide a setting place finish with slag or foam blocks, or bricks. Small discrepancies corrected expanders for the frame. In turn, ordinary punch aperture size increases. Building level to achieve absolute verticality. Installation of metal doors or perform anchor fasteners for the eyes, or the seizure. Only after installation clean protective film. It is left for the duration of that time and time again not to remove material from the surface.

preparation of the opening
The first thing he is freed from all superfluous: the door frame, trim, transoms. The passage is purified so that assess the state of the wall. Sometimes it is necessary to extend the piers due to dilapidation, after which need strengthening under the new "skeleton." The next thing shift all communications and wires, which hurt the new figure of the opening. All-too-close-to-pass line also rearrange to another location. Blank cutout is required to test the strength of the walls and in case of need for decreasing determine how such a change. At this stage the selected material for the work. Opening before the manipulation of expanding or narrowing has to be clean, and its concrete or brickwork - are clearly visible. Before narrowing of the passage is labeled using a metal rule delivered to the floor into abutment with the wall coating.

expansion opening
Doorway expand after prior negotiation. Thus the removal of material along the vertical parts of the opening operate independently in accordance with the limits set in the guest. So, before the extension determine the dismantling area. Its dimensions correspond to the actual dimensions of the assembled system, plus the gaps. The stock carries insulation, compensation and mounting features. By increasing the opening in the pier thickness more than 10 cm at a distance of 10 cm in each side of the diamond cutting wire rope used. Study 1 meter cost 1000 rubles taking into account that the layer thickness - 10 cm. Surplus eliminate drilling of fracture lines. Eliminating layers can be carried out with trimming and breaking up into small fragments. In the case with walls up to 8 cm thick enough conventional angle grinders with circle stone. Then determine and match the cutting line.

The narrowing of the opening
It is performed by one of the following methods:
- foamed, cinder blocks;
- brick;
- plasterboard;
- bar.
The narrowing is produced in several stages. First, the current passage is measured ribbon construction. They work together, so that it does not sag. After determining the optimum height make a mark on the sides. Most durable option of narrowing - with the help of brickwork. If we talk about the blocks, the elements needed for the opening width in the right quantity. Among the materials and tools required steel corners, cement, masonry, cutting tools, pencil, ruler, screwdriver, fasteners, construction trowel, level trim. The walls of the grooves is set to mount on the corners of the nails and screws. The blocks are placed underneath. Fill the entire height can not be, but it's doing to the maximum level. Construction trowel remove excess cement. Then wait a day and start a covering. Top fill the void foam or foam.

Methods for mounting boxes
Three main options: for the eyes, through the box, with the seizure. In this case, the perimeter necessarily make 10 positions for fixing. The lugs are some models base member. With their apertures adjusted system when mounted in the doorway. With regard to the installation as a whole, then it starts with bending strips to the side wall surface. They pressed tightly as possible, because it affects performance. At the places of the holes on the strap makes the hole to the desired depth. Then, use the anchors in size, helping himself with a wrench. Also check the vertical bar on the inner end face, a lower partition and one of the sidewalls. At all points it is important to check the full match on indicators flatness. Set box can be smoother by eliminating unnecessary elements hammer, grinder or chisel.
Whichever method of fixing the box is chosen - on the side faces of the need 3 fixing points, and the top and bottom - from 2!

Fixing eyelets for
Method for eyelets involves the use of anchors or pins. Some new models of metal doors have eyelets are welded to the frame. So, put up a box on the level and proceed to fixing it. Through the slot in the eyelet punch create a 10- or 15-centimeter hole in the wall. Then insert a pin or anchor it. The second variant is prepared in advance. It suffices to take a piece armature having a diameter of about 1 cm one edge to sharpen, and a second - flatten to form boss. Thus, the anchor or pin driven into the recess until it stops. The fastening elements are welded to the lugs. If using anchors, they fix the Allen key. After installing the boxes hang cloth and check the correctness of the course. The door opening alternately 45 ° and 90 °. In this position of the sash should not move without effort.
See also:How to choose a door to the apartment

Fixing through the box
In some models, manufacturers have provided through holes in the box. In this case, the main advantage is the ease of self-installation. At each end of the door then make the hole with a drill. The scheme of work does not cause complications: first drill hole, focusing on the door frame, and then insert attachment. Parts for fixing all serve the same hostility or anchors. Metal doors in this respect is much more profitable option than wood. Indeed, in the second case it is used exclusively in the anchors waterboarding frame. In connection with this need and pre-harvested recess. In the case of nuts important depth of planting - in accordance with the width of the fastener. Self-installation of a metal door through hole will give savings of up to 5000 rubles for the installation of a simple model, and up to 10,000 - in the installation of reinforced doors.

Fixing the Taking
A good option for metal doors. To implement the method of using an additional outer box. It is made of profiled metal of steel. Installation begins with fixing metal bars to Lutkov. In the process of resorting to welding. Rods are welded along the perimeter at the given points. Width eventually must coincide with the end of the doorway. At the same time, its optimal thickness is 2-3 mm. As a result, the consumer receives a stable system, which is held on the outer side due to the profiled pipes. Fixation on the inside to make the hooks. After each manipulation Securing inspect the position of the box. Boca regularly check the building level. Door unit set on the side where there is a loop, with the performance of work in the downward direction.

Features installation of doors in different wall materials
Installation steps:
- Elimination of old cells.
- Preparation of space for installation.
- When demand - increased opening.
- Mounting frame.
- Installation of the web.
After removing the old door and fixtures dismantle all protruding parts, pieces of masonry elements, pieces of putty and so on. Eliminate anything that might fall. Fill a large empty space, leaving only a small potholes. If the floor at the site of the opening before removing the old fabric was weak, strengthen it, or remove old paint and doing new things. Status check awl wood. Installation of doors in strong piers like concrete or brick does not require complicated "maneuvers". In the course of using pads and wedges. Moreover, any suitable method of attaching the box. In the case of wooden walls are needed for mounting the bars and the seal passage. Partitions of blocks amplify several ways. This metal frame or angled or angled BS or a layer of wooden boards.

Installation in a brick and concrete wall
The door is first placed without flaps / wings. The prepared passage pose frame. At the bottom of her props 20-mm mounting pads. The box should stand freely. Appropriate levels sought by changing the thickness of shims. Expose the box so that the rack did not deviate in any of the planes. Further, a flat frame pre-cooked securely seal wedges. Wooden little better, but the faster and easier it will be to buy the plastic. Put wedges along the length of the legs, as a whole closer to the top. Not far from the fasteners, but so as not to overlap them. Then start the installation via any of the 2 types of holes: through-hole or welded lugs. For hard concrete or brick walls fit any options. But chosen through a method in panel houses with thin piers.
See also:How to choose the interior doors to apartments

Installation in wooden doorway
The wooden architectural elements door constructions do not directly set in the wall and through okosyachku or obsadu. Okosyachka - a timber with a movable bracket to the framework. A compound based on the principle tongue and groove and is retained at the required level due to elasticity. To the bar already attached directly to the door frame. This approach is connected with the peculiarities of the wooden houses. Because of the sealing seams and shrinkage of the house sits and continues this year, especially in buildings made of logs. If you do not abide by the door mount technology in wooden houses, the rigid connection is impossible, and door system can pull or jam. The reverse situation is also possible - the door block will prevent the normal shrinkage of the wood. If anything in the passage groove is cut and from the bar do obsadu. The two parts are sacrificed at each other hammer. No additional fasteners are needed.

Installation in the opening of aerated concrete
Opening usually reinforce some of the following methods:
- a metal frame;
- mortgage;
- structures made of wood.
For example, in gas concrete wall can form a frame from a metal bracket. If no strengthening do may simply be thrown out the door. Jumpers to tie 2 corners do, where will the mounting holes or eyelets. Slopes plastered, and only then go to the main stage of the installation. The variant with a mortgage is performing at the same time strengthening the masonry. The doorway reinforcing inlay part of the corner section 100 × 75 × 8 mm with welded whiskers of relief valves diameter of 10 mm. On each side of the aisle are mounted embedded, and their number depends on the height of the door leaf. To 2.1 m - it is 3 pieces. Box amplifiers are fixed with anchors. After a series of manipulations, and set the door. Sometimes it is used a U-shaped banding of wooden boards 40 × 100 mm. Strapping fastened with screws 20-40 mm.

The main criteria for choosing a metal door
Doors fabricated mainly from sheet-steel profile and the corner. Armored selected options for greater reliability and anti-burglary protection. Carcass fabric and power elements formed from bent square profile with additional stiffening ribs. power skeleton cell area must not exceed 220 cm², if the sheet steel thickness is reduced from 1.5 mm to 2 mm. Preferred noise and heat insulation are mineralnovatny filler. In turn, the most reliable profile of the door frame - in the form of the letter "P", with a girth of partition. Such a model would not allow the door to squeeze in any of the parties. Another detail, loop resistance is determined doors and counteraction to attempts of hacking. Most fasteners - those who have antisrezy. Hidden hinge with arms or levers have smaller resources.

How to order a door installation
You need to choose the design and the degree (grade) stability. It is necessary to determine the minimum width of the opening, which will need at least three measurements. Another indicator, the height, greatly affects the cost. As a rule, it is more advantageous to change the passage height in any of the parties than to do a special order. Last will cost 30-50% more expensive. We need to learn more about hacking cases. Basically there are two: power and intelligent. sophisticated locks are working against the second method. Require different systems on each of them and in addition - the internal latch. Locks even with identical characteristics secrecy have different indicators of reliability. Therefore, preference is given to options with the highest number of secrets. At the optimal scenario - at least one of the locks is above average.

Calmness and confidence require certain steps. For example, select and install massive iron door with sturdy internal structure, good performance and anti-burglar sophisticated locks. metal systems, in particular of steel, less frequently mounted between rooms. For this reason, manufacturers have focused on products with the above qualities, that is to protect the entire apartment. GOSTS SNiPy and provide a precise set of dimensional characteristics and door systems, and for openings. This largely facilitates the preparation of the works. Sami openings often have to expand or contract. After preparing places operate one of the three mounting options - for eyelets, through the through hole in the box or grip. The passages from different materials doors installed on different rules. Special measures usually involve strengthening.