- What harms mold?
- Why does the fungus form on the surface?
- How to destroy mold?
- Destruction of the fungus in the bathroom
- Than to remove the fungus in the bathroom?
- Modern means from the fungus in the bathroom
If the bathroom is constantly smelling damp, and on the ceiling, in the corners or on the seams between the tiles, you find brown or blue-black spots - moldy fungi, the result of high humidity and poor ventilation in the room. Than to deduce a fungus in a bathroom and to forget about a mold problem for ever, you learn, having familiarized with recommendations of our experts in this article.
to the contents ↑What harms mold?
Mold is not only an unsightly view of the "mushroom glade" on the walls, but also a threat to your health. The products of the disintegration of the fungus affect the respiratory, immune systems, as a result, you can get an allergic reaction. If there is such a problem you need to act immediately - carry out the treatment of the room to avoid trouble with your health. To do this, you should learn how to destroy the fungus of the bathroom and what tools to use in order to ensure that the result is long and high quality.
Important! Fungus does not disdain anything, it is formed on wood, concrete, painted surfaces, even is taken away under the sealant. Fungal spores germinate with thin threads on any surface, irretrievably destroying it. To remove the fungus on the ceiling and on the tile in the bathroom, you need to apply cardinal measures to destroy it.
to the contents ↑Why does the fungus form on the surface?
Ideal conditions for the appearance of fungus - faulty ventilation, high humidity and poor ventilation. If you have made repairs according to all the rules, but do not adhere to the rules of prevention of the problem, the fungus can be in a "dormant" state for several years before favorable conditions arise. If the room has an excess moisture level: frequent washing, drying clothes in the room, temperature changes, faulty plumbing, poor waterproofing, etc., in such cases, condensation forms - this is the future ideal environment for the formation of fungus.
Important! To prevent the appearance of fungus in the bathroom, first of all, establish the cause of its formation and think through measures to eliminate it, so that in the future the fungus could not appear again. Only in this case it makes sense to wonder what to bring out the fungus in the bathroom. Otherwise, all actions will go wrong and very quickly the mold colonies will resume their existence.
to the contents ↑How to destroy mold?
Remove the fungus in the bathroom, start with the following actions:
- Check the condition of the hood. If the ventilation is incorrectly designed, there are often problems with excessive dampness and as a result - the problem of how to destroy the fungus in the bathroom. In addition, the ventilation shaft can be clogged with foreign debris, which does not contribute to a free flow of air.
- Identify sources of damp generation. The culprit of constant moisture can be faulty plumbing, permanent condensation on the pipes, bathroom, closed below with plastic panels.
- To avoid the above reasons isolate faults, install a modern heated towel rail, if possible make a warm floor.
- If there is a washing machine in the bathroom, pay attention to the fact that water does not accumulate in it after washing.
- Remove from the premises objects contaminated with fungus. Furniture with traces of mold is a constant hotbed of fungal spores, if you notice the affected areas in small quantities, in this case, the object of coziness should be competed with antiseptic drugs. But if the mushroom areas are extensive - will have to dispose of the object of infection.
Destruction of the fungus in the bathroom
As the most laborious part of the process is to remove the fungus, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- Dry the bathroom thoroughly with an electric heater.
- Treat areas affected by fungus with special or folk remedies, depending on the extent of the lesion.
Important! Before you start combating the fungus in the bathroom:
- Take care of your personal safety: wear protective clothing, use things that you recycle afterwards, wear a hat, rubber gloves, goggles and a gauze bandage( respirator) to avoid breathing dust containing fungus spores.
- Close the doors to the bathroom so that dirt does not spread to the rest of the rooms.
- Prepare working materials and means for the destruction of fungal mold.
- Identify the surface to be cleaned so that no excess dust forms, moisten the area to be cleaned slightly.
- If you use a special preparation for the destruction of fungus, be sure to read the instructions for use before use, in order to avoid unforeseen reactions.
To qualitatively remove the fungus in the bathroom, the main rule - the choice of means for cleaning and prevention. On this depends largely on the success of the process. We offer a list of improvised drugs, which for sure will be found in the medical kit and in your kitchen:
- Hydrogen Peroxide. Strip the affected area with sandpaper and treat with the preparation, leave until completely dry.
- Ammonium alcohol. Mix 2 parts of ammonia and detergent, add 4 parts of water, lubricate the moldy areas. Leave it for awhile and scrub with a brush.
- Bura. This natural mold inhibitor can be used by people suffering from allergic reactions. Dilute with water at a ratio of 1:10.Apply the solution to the affected area with a stiff brush. Do not rinse after handling.
- Boric acid and table vinegar. Wipe the mold with undiluted vinegar, to make a better effect, make a solution: add 4 parts of water, 2 parts of vinegar, 2 parts of peroxide and 1 part of boric acid, this mixture grease the affected area.
- Soda. The most accessible and effective substance. On the problem zone, apply a thick layer of powder and pour vinegar. After a while, wash off the foam with water.
- Aromatic tea tree oil. Perfectly affects the fungus on the tile in the bathroom, subsequently gives a pleasant scent to your room. At 1 tbsp.warm water add 2 tsp.oil. Use a spray gun to spray into problem areas.
- Chlorine bleach. Spread the product around the perimeter of the affected area. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. Gently use on silicone - it can turn yellow.
What else to take out the fungus in the bathroom?
If a fungus formed on the ceiling and walls, it destroyed the paint and tile adhesive, you need to take more drastic measures. In this case, the surfaces can not be removed without disassembling the surface:
- The plots affected by mold should be removed to the concrete using an acute spatula or a drill with a special nozzle.
- Dry the building hair dryer.
For prevention use special products from the fungus in the bathroom:
- .They can be used when interlaced stitches are affected. The base of the marker is a waterproof dye, which prevents the appearance of the fungus. In order to quickly solve the problem, how to clean the fungus in the bathroom, mop the problem with the milling cutter and process it with a felt-tip pen.
- Copper vitriol. Excellent remedy for the fungus on the walls in the bathroom. Dissolve the powder in water in a 1:10 ratio. Brush moistened in vitriol, treat the surface, pay attention to more affected areas. Time for exposure from several hours to days. Wash off the preparation and thoroughly dry. The drug is toxic, so work in a well-ventilated room.
Important! This chemical can be used with the above drugs, depending on the severity of the degree of injury. Before use, these solutions are heated to 50-70 ° C and applied to the problem areas of the .
to the table of contents ↑Modern means for the fungus in the bathroom
Chemical production produces new, increasingly effective means for combating mold. Antifungal drugs can be purchased at any construction or hardware store, they professionalize the quality of biocorrosion and prevent its further appearance.
Especially popular are such tools:
- Antiseptic "Teflex Anti Mold".The drug is used in waterproofing works, with the final coating of walls and ceiling, as well as in the form of aqueous concentrate for the treatment of moldy areas.
- Antifungal Spray. Fungal spores constantly hover in the air, so to prevent a new appearance of the fungus, periodically treat the airspace in the bathroom.
Now you know what to bring out the fungus in the bathroom, and for sure you managed to solve the problem with the help of our helpful tips. Do not forget to arrange preventive maintenance in a timely manner and your bathroom will please with its cleanliness and freshness