Balcony many use to store the necessary and sometimes unclaimed items. In this case, rarely think about how to refine this place. Execution begins with the platform design, select the appropriate style compilation scheme selection of materials for the walls and the flooring. One of the most important operations is the arrangement of the floor on the balcony, the alignment of its surface, tiles, linoleum, other building material.
Having decided on the repair, the first step is to determine the status of the remote design. For older houses, the terrace is a weak point, as the concrete is constantly fall precipitation, leading to its destruction. In this case, you want to carefully and gently treat the additional stress that may occur during the construction work, as much as possible to strengthen the object in question.
- Features floor on the balcony
Types of ties, their features and manufacturing techniques with their own hands
- "The wet screed" - strengths, weaknesses and filling technology
- Semi-dry screed - pros, cons and installation
- Dry screed - advantages and disadvantages, stacking technology
- Advantages and disadvantages of wooden floor
Selection of flooring: their features and characteristics
- Ceramic tile
- Porcelain tiles
- Linoleum
- Laminate
- carpeting
- Parquet
- Wood
- cork flooring
- self-leveling floor
- Painting
Tips for choosing the floor of the balcony type
- For an open balcony
- For glazed / warm balcony
- conclusion
Features floor on the balcony
Plates of balconies connected to the bearing wall of the building with only one hand, rarely with two (angular design options), the rest of it in no way fixed. This situation makes the area very limited load capacity, which influences the choice of finishing materials for the flooring. Overhaul requires a detailed study of the state of the platform. The following work is not possible without special engineering skills.
Selecting the alignment process, as a finishing coating depends not only on the design of property owners, but also on the architectural element, especially its use. If the permissible level the floor loggia usual screed, then on such a basis will create a huge balcony load, so before performing this kind of work requires not only repair the plate, but also its gain. Also, when leveling the floor must follow certain rules:

- Applying unacceptably thick tie layer and stacking grout over the old coating;
- When aligning the wet process is necessary to prevent possible leakage of the solution;
- On Open balcony should provide a small bias plate to 5 °, to provide a flow of water;
- For open structures as the finish flooring is best to use cold-resistant linoleum or ceramic tiles;
- The glazed areas are often used wood frame covered with parquet and laminate other materials.
Minimum screed layer is 2-2.5 cm, adding waterproofing increase to 3.5 cm, and if insulating layer is provided, its thickness will be 5 cm (platform 2 m, 1 m wide increase its weight 250 kg). Given such loads, without the involvement of experts is simply dangerous to carry out the work with his own hands.
Types of ties, their features and manufacturing techniques with their own hands
There are several ways in which you can perform floor leveling. In some cases, enough to hold a face-lift plate, and sometimes without applying mortar or the installation of wooden log simply can not do. Work always starts with surface preparation, check it for cracks, dents. Particular attention should be given to the line of contact with the carrier plate wall structure.

For outdoor terraces, which are not protected from temperature changes, rainfall, it requires a coating having the characteristics of frost resistant, resistant to moisture. For glazed structures, protected from the wind, rain, snow, a screed much softer demand. You can use the entire list, which includes such species as the alignment:
- Wet screed;
- leveling (self-leveling floor);
- dry;
- semi-dry;
- on regulated joists.
Regardless of the degree of security of the balcony, any design requires waterproofing layer which can be accomplished by setting the web material, applying to the concrete surface specific primer lubricative compositions. Such protection does not allow to pass, absorb moisture. Layer insulation for glass-free facilities is not always advisable to install, unlike private terraces glazing that without such additions does not make sense.
"The wet screed" - strengths, weaknesses and filling technology
This method is chosen, if it is necessary to align the base give it the required slope, are rarely seeks to insulate the room to raise the floor level. For platforms with small lesions and differences do not exceed 3 cm, the filler can use the floor, eliminating significant defects and irregularities is carried out by applying a layer of cement-sand mortar, the thickness of which should be within 3-5 cm if the layer is thinner, the screed may crack, a thick layer would lead to overload.

Alignment surface wet screed relates to the most simple, does not require significant cost method. The disadvantages of the coating may include a lot of weight, which is not able to withstand all the balcony slab, as a long term solution drying (10-14 days).
Trace process of applying wet screed as follows:
- The first stage of works will be training grounds. We clean it of loose material portions, sagging, then embedded cracks. If the stove is already covered by the screed, which is unsuitable for use, dismantle it, gently bring down the hammer. After that, the surface is cleaned of debris, dust, degreased.
- The next step is to apply a layer of waterproofing mixture mastic film which should act on the edges of at least 10 cm up. For open balconies layer of insulation is not necessary, but it is simply necessary for the glazed structures. So the next step is to install insulation. You can use a solid sheet products, such as penoplex, polyurethane or loose - expanded clay, slag. The thickness of the layer should be at least 5 cm.
- Some owners prefer to comfortably use the premises in winter, set the system of floor heating. For wet tie such a structure can be accomplished in two ways: aqueous, electrically. For the first embodiment of the water circuit are located directly in the pipe coupler, the second - under the floor, on top of the screed.
- Determined with a particular embodiment of a heater, floor heating, proceed to the next step, installing a reinforcing mesh. Preference is better to give it to her, not the bars of reinforcement, which will only increase the already heavy load. Next install formwork (open plates), after which the level expose beacons, via fix solution. The distance between them should not exceed 50 cm.
- After completing the preparatory work, move on to the preparation of the solution. The ratio of cement and sand therein should be 1: 3. The components are mixed in dry form, manually or mechanically, then added water, until a solution at a consistency resembling thick cream (10 kg of the mixture 2 using l water). To improve the quality threshold increase frost, use a plasticizer which may be both liquid and powdered.
- The mixture was poured onto the prepared surface, and then using the rules do coupler, pull it in one direction. Clean beacons Optionally, remove the formwork after 1-2 days. After solidification of the solution, the sharp side rules remove nodules. To screed is not cracked, the top periodically moisten it with water, cover with plastic wrap.
See also:Gray floor 75 photo examples in the interior
Semi-dry screed - pros, cons and installation
This is a perfect look. The secret of the solution lies in special additives, namely plasticizers and fiberglass. These components make the structure more elastic and prevent the occurrence of cracks. Screed differs less weight, dries within 12 hours laying the floor covering can be performed after 4 days. The weak point of the complexity of the technology. Get the right mix manually is practically impossible to mix require special equipment that is not available home specialist. Laying a tie is as follows:

- When repairing, replacing the old coatings perform removal of all layers to the base.
- The surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust. All irregularities we clean sandpaper damaged areas fall asleep non-shrinking grout.
- Further produce waterproofing packing of high-quality polyethylene film of at least 100 microns.
- It is used exclusively for thermal insulation quality material: smooth plates made of polystyrene or formatted columns, polystyrene, covered with plastic wrap.
- The restriction in kinds of insulation due to the absence of the reinforcing layer and the need for installation of floor heating system pipes fixing directly to a heater.
- To install beacons nominated stringent requirements, it is recommended to use the factory default options (T-profile).
- To manufacture Portland cement solution is used, no lower grade M-400 and sifted sand in the ratio 1: 3. It is also necessary to add fibrovolokno in an amount of 0.6 kg per m³ of solution, 10 g of plasticizer per 1 kg of cement, water 0.7 liters per 10 kg.
- After placing the solution, tamped it, align rule.
Such a coating may be mounted exclusively on a glassed, balcony insulation. This is due to the fact that the semi-dry mix, even after solidification afraid of water. Contact with moisture is more likely cement crystallization that result in a substantial reduction in structural strength.
Dry screed - advantages and disadvantages, stacking technology
One of the best cover everything. The design fulfills several functions - warms the floor, at the same time aligning it. Installation is quick, then you can immediately proceed to the installation of floor finishes. In the bulk layer except for floor heating system easily place and communication wiring. Such an arrangement of the floor is not suitable for Open balconies. Contact with moisture in the dry blend may appear musty odor, leading to the need for its replacement. Mounting such an alignment is performed as follows:

- As in previous cases, the work begins with the preparation of a base remove rubbish, dust, cracks smeared cement mortar.
- The first layer should be laid with sound insulation in the form of an edge band, which will help get rid of the noise. Then install waterproof film.
- If required, install a warm aqueous type floor, a waterproofing layer of polystyrene laid profile, over which the water circuit mount tube. Mounting of electric infrared film occurs after the installation of OSB boards, gypsum fiber boards, DSP.
- In the next step we expose beacons using U-shaped profile.
- Fall asleep concrete block, align the surface of the rule, after we remove the beacons.
- In the resulting surface laid gypsum, cement-sheets.
Advantages and disadvantages of wooden floor
Classic wooden floor the strength to perform virtually anyone with minimal skills in working with wood. In this case, the frame does not create a large burden on the plate, it allows you to raise, to insulate the floor. The installation process is to manufacture lathing topped slabs or boards. The tree does not tolerate moisture is a breeding ground for all sorts of pests, fungi and microorganisms.
See also:Linoleum in the interior 75 photo example

Consider the procedure works:
- Cleaning surface layer laid waterproofing.
- For racks required level surface. Waterproofing layer on top of the bars laid 50x50 mm, fastened to the base by means of dowels, the distance between which is 40-50 cm. If you want to increase the height of the floor, change the size of the boards, put them on top of each other, cross the board put on a longitudinal or, on the contrary, connected to each other with screws.
- We laid between the joists heater using materials such as mineral wool, expanded clay, extruded polystyrene.
- We cover the joists planks, plywood, OSB boards, DSPs, GVL.
- Getting to perform finishing.
- Warm water floor and electric type installed on top of a layer of insulation, until the closure lag plates.
Selection of flooring: their features and characteristics
When equipping the balcony is important to choose high quality materials, it was not necessary to carry out repair work in an uncomfortable process for this season and an uncomfortable atmosphere. The floor covering must completely match the type of premises. Create a truly eye-catching design as possible, taking into account all the features - the need for insulation, resistance to precipitation, temperature extremes. Select a suitable material can be from a huge list of options.

Ceramic tile
One of the best options for the floor on the balcony, which is subjected to the influence of an aggressive environment, is not heated, it does not glazing. The composition of the material includes sand, clay and water. Strong, durable elements are of several types. Better to give preference to the single-fired ceramic. Affordable material has the following advantages:
- Easy to process. It can be cut as a specialized tool, and still an amateur;
- A wide variety of shapes, colors, types of coatings that allows you to create a special interior on the balcony;
- Good performance - resistance to abrasion, resistance to frost;
- Aesthetic appeal. Create an original design as possible, using a ceramic gress, cotto, clinker.
Buying tile floor should take it with a reserve. If the elements are not enough, the product of the other parties can not come in color, that spoil the overall look. For a small lodge is better to use large tiles. The fewer seams, the more spacious it will seem premises. Of the minuses - the floor is constantly cold.

Porcelain tiles
Material is classified as the most hardy coatings for balcony. Stoneware tiles can obscure any exposed surface in the most severe climatic conditions. It does not have the porous structure has a maximum density. Material for years withstand significant loads without reducing the functional and aesthetic qualities.
With granite balcony can be turned into a full room. Material may mimic natural stone, leather, wood, mosaic. In the manufacture of products subjected to high temperature calcination, which improves their characteristics. The disadvantages are the high cost and heavy weight.

One of the most affordable types of coatings. Make laying on the balcony with his hands easily. The material is very popular due to the ease of care and a large list of positive characteristics. Properly laid flooring on a concrete slab is well protected against the ingress of dust and moisture. That the floor on the balcony for a long time maintained the original look, should be to choose the right material, is entirely consistent with the needs of the room. Should pay attention to such of its varieties:
- Gliphtal. Coating applied to the tissue, has good sound insulation, keeps a warm floor. Stel it can be heated only on balconies, because at low temperature the material cracks;
- Kolloksilinovy. It does not strengthen, so it is thin and elastic, has high water resistance. It has a characteristic shine, thanks to the nitrocellulose in the composition. Only suitable for glazed balconies because his device does not allow the material to temperatures above 35 degrees;
- Rubber-based. It will be appropriate on an open balcony. The material does not absorb moisture, it can be easily cleaned. It is not recommended to use this type of decoration in regions with harsh winters. When a hard frost may form cracks;
- On the basis of PVC. The most popular and sensible option for the balcony. Obscure they may be both open and enclosed spaces. It is water resistant, lightweight, elastic and aesthetic option.

On the choice of a quality cover will depend on the service life and wear. Sex on the balcony of the laminate must be strong, so it is better to give preference to its special classes (31 and above). Stel coating can be in a warm room, with quality fiberglass, insulation handrail walls, partitions.
The base laminate - chipboards coated paper with a characteristic pattern and the protective resin layer with an acrylic structure. Laying on the balcony only on special substrate should occur. Its purpose - smoothing irregularities, moisture protection, the elimination of unnecessary noise.

You can apply at the glazed and open balcony. There are many types of sexual carpet, so choose it as a floor covering should be after studying the characteristics of each. Material from natural raw material retains heat well, soft and pleasant to the touch. To lay his best in a well-glazed windows, loggia when used as a study, sitting area. If on the balcony drying clothes often, arranged flower beds, the floor is better to make an artificial carpet rubber-based. Good density and wear resistance are following its forms:
- Nylon. Practical, resistant to deformation. Easy to clean, long retains color and texture;
- Polyester. It has a long nap and distinctive sheen, resistant to bacteria and fungi;
- With polypropylene fibers. On the balcony is best to lay the material, specially treated (supra, terklon);
- Acrylic. Does not absorb moisture, it is easy to clean.
See also:floor design 155 photos in the interior of apartments and houses

Natural material has the necessary characteristics for coating on the balcony floor. It's pretty expensive, but if the budget allows, invest better in a couple of squares of parquet of oak, ash, maple. There are a variety of sizes, allowing you to select the appropriate items to the general style of the room.
Parquet does not efficiently use the open balcony. It will last much longer in a dry and warm environment. Of the disadvantages is the difficulty experienced self-stacking, the necessity of processing. It will have to be updated periodically using painting, spackling, sanding, painting.

Natural wooden boards are often used as floor covering on balconies and loggia. This is ideal for rooms without heating. Visually attractive material has low thermal conductivity, it fits completely into any interior.
If the tree can be used to align some of the defects of the balcony slab. Wooden flooring on joists to raise the floor level inside the room, hide substrate unevenness. Using any wooden structure can hold insulation quality. The material can be used even on the old balconies, with shabby concrete slabs. Easy tree will not be bothered with. All the drawbacks of the material, it is easy to remove by means of flame retardants, stains, preservatives, coloring and painting.

cork flooring
The raw material for the manufacture of slug coating is comminuted bark. The main advantage of the floor - natural and ecological. During the manufacturing process the material undergoes several processing steps. Pre-finished flooring, cork has a good vapor permeability, has excellent insulating properties, absorbs noise, when the strain quickly to its original shape, but is not cheap. Cons - rapid wear. In use as a floor covering material the following types:
- Tile. Is floating and adhesive. Elements similar in appearance to the tiles or parquet. The service life of the room with a small cross - up to 10 years;
- Panel. Dense parts, thickness of 4 mm. They come in many shapes and sizes, have a natural wood color;
- Cloth. It can help you make a smooth screed.

self-leveling floor
Robust and reliable material can serve as an independent, and still rough coating. It can then be finish laminate, ceramic tiles, parquet. It is indispensable open onto balconies. Samoniviliruyuschiesya mixtures composed of polymers, mineral fillers, binders components. A choice of self-leveling floor is influenced by:
- Climatic parameters. For outdoor terraces, balconies, use a mixture of hydrophobic frost resistance;
- Design features. For balconies with load limitation is necessary to choose lightweight self-leveling materials. They consist of cement and crushed expanded clay;
- Operating conditions. In rooms with high dynamic, static load is better to use a strong cement, gypsum-cement compositions.

The simplest version of the floor finish on the balcony. According to a concrete slab, you can just walk a few times the paint for exterior use. Such a coating will last up to 3 years. When you select it, note that it will not be strong, because not designed for load pressure.
Necessarily need to paint the floor of the finishing boards. It is better to use a paint for external use of the corresponding color. Before the start of application, wooden floors should be primed, apply hydrogen peroxide at the projecting portions with the resin. Floor on the balcony, you can use alkyd, silicone, water-based, latex coloring compositions.

Tips for choosing the floor of the balcony type
Select the material for the floor to be given its characteristics and features. It should be durable, high-quality, easy to install and maintain, easy enough. You should also take into account the state of the bearing plates balcony. If they have lost over the years, the strength, do not overload them. Any material from a vast list will retain the original appearance and properties only with proper operation.
For an open balcony
Protect the coating from the cement destructive moisture can be achieved by applying any topcoat. On this balcony will not collect dust and debris. For balconies open type layer is required to form the inclined wall. This will provide a free water outflow. Exterior finishing is better to carry out the following materials:
- Paints and enamels;
- Self-leveling floor;
- Decking;
- Ceramic tile;
- Granite.

For glazed / warm balcony
For glazed balconies, with heating, choice of materials much easier. It can cover costly decorative embodiments materials for clearance floor. To flooring will last longer on the concrete screed should be separated at least a sheet of plywood. As the insulation is suitable mineral wool, expanded polystyrene. You can also use an electric floor. Finish may be any, even the most unusual for such facilities:
- carpet;
- Parquet;
- Laminate;
- Cork;
- Any type of linoleum.

Having taken a firm decision to elevate its own balcony, it is necessary to consider in detail the repair plan, execute a thorough analysis of the speaker overlap, determine the type of screed, the material for the floor coverage. For open structures the choice of materials is limited. The glazed areas with insulation and floor heating system can be used in virtually any finish. Make repairs can both independently and enlist the help of professionals.