Rating of the most expensive roads in the world

Roads are an integral part of a unified transport system. They represent a whole complex of facilities designed for the safe movement of cars. Roads are necessary for the development of the economy, culture, social sphere, ensuring the security of the state. The operation of motor roads ensures the continuous and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians, regardless of the time of year, increasing the life of the road at minimal cost.
The automobile road consists not only of pavement, therefore for its construction and maintenance it is necessary to carry out a lot of works that require significant capital investments.

Rating of the few most expensive in the maintenance of roads:

1.- It is surprising that among 139 countries on the state of roads Russia occupies the 125th place , although for their maintenance is allocated 8 038 euros per 1 kilometer of the route, exactly as much as inFinland, which takes the 13th place. At the same time, expenses were also taken into account on municipal roads. To date, the most expensive in the world is the Adler-Yasnaya Polyana road. For its construction 227 billion rubles were spent. Since its length is all 48 kilometers, the cost of one kilometer of this road is about 140 million dollars. If you consider the Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway, which consists of several lanes, you can see that the construction of one kilometer takes about 19, 5 million euros. A lot of? Highly! But the objective costs are very comparable. For example, the construction of a similar highway in Germany takes 19, 15 million euros per kilometer, in Sweden - 25, 76 million euros.

2.- Switzerland .The quality of the Swiss roads, like everything that the hands of the Swiss touch, is flawless. Before the construction of the Adler-Yasnaya Polyana road, the most expensive was the tunnel in Switzerland, for each kilometer it cost 40 million euros.

3.- Construction of roads in America - one of the priority types of construction. The roads here are the subject of national pride, therefore they are built quickly, qualitatively and economically enough. In the statistics of the cost of roads, only one strip is often taken into account. So, one kilometer of the lane costs from 1.2 million dollars to 117.5 million dollars. This is a stretch of road in Boston, passing through the territory with tunnels and trestles. The cost of roads depends on specific circumstances.

4.- Germany .The main attraction of Germany is the roads. The streets of cities and villages, and, of course, their famous autobahns. For example, on a section of one of the streets, 2.4 km long, the old upper layer of asphalt was replaced with a noise-damping asphalt, the thickness of which is about 7 cm. The official cost of the road is 2, 75 million euros per kilometer of the road. Even if it consists of eight bands, $ 450,000 is needed to repair one kilometer of the strip. One could write off everything for the high cost of noise-damping asphalt, but there is nothing unusual in it, and it is produced in those factories that are usual. The average cost of one kilometer of the highway is 19 million euros.

5.- In China to roads are treated as an important tool for strengthening statehood, so their construction and operation are given great attention. Of the roads constructed over the past two years, the minimum cost per kilometer of the highway is about $ 1.99 million( part of the highway in northwest China), the maximum is about 71.16 million dollars( Changde-Jishou Expressway).The average cost is 11 million dollars.

Road maintenance plays a very important role in maintaining the road in operational condition. In connection with the growth of traffic, it is necessary to monitor the situation on the roads all the year round. But even all the measures taken can not exclude the emergence of emergencies, so it should be remembered that the responsibility for maintaining a normal traffic flow lies not only on road maintenance services, but also on the drivers themselves.