Not only the design of works of art It requires the ability to work with shades, but even these skills can be useful for educational purposes. For example, when teaching the child. Editorial HouseChief disassemble in more detail the question of how to get purple color by mixing colors in today's publication. Perhaps it is useful in, for example the future, when painting walls or decorations.

Read article
- 1 Information about the color purple: it acts on the man
- 2 What colors can be mixed to obtain the purple: the options
- 2.1 What kind of paint mixed to obtain a dark purple color
- 2.2 How to obtain a light purple color: simple manipulation
- 2.3 What colors should be mixed to obtain a purple tone bright shade
- 3 How to adjust the shade of purple: the basic points
- 4 How to make the color purple, if you work with different colors: the basics of the process
- 4.1 Working with oil paint
- 4.2 Using acrylic paint
- 4.3 Mixing gouache
- 4.4 watercolor
Information about the color purple: it acts on the man
Purple color and its shades can cause a particular mood at different ages. The palette of colors symbolizes wisdom, peace and quiet. If you believe the experts, this is able to adjust the tone of a person to a certain solemnity of which he could not even suspect.
In addition, the purple tone is often a symbol of irritability when changing emotional state. He is able to stimulate the function of the cardiovascular system. Psychologists say that people who are regularly confronted with these tones palette, less likely to suffer colds and viral diseases.

If you use this in the shade interior and be able to properly allocate, then you can forget about all kinds of inflammatory diseases and serious pathologies.
What colors can be mixed to obtain the purple: the options
Blue and red colors are considered to be the main basis of purple as a result of mixing. However, ready variant will depend on how saturated the tone colors have been involved in the mixing. The structure of the material also plays an important role.
What kind of paint mixed to obtain a dark purple color

To understand how to get a dark purple color, you must be guided by the two win-win ways.
- Use both blue and red. In this case, it is sure to add more of the first tone. Otherwise, you risk getting just the basic tone.
- To add black to red. Here it is necessary to closely monitor the contrast to a darker shade not to overdo it.
Just in case if you accidentally made too dark result, which differs little from the black, you can try to add a few drops of white shades and all carefully mix.
How to obtain a light purple color: simple manipulation

Outset that light purple tone is of two types: a light and absolutely tender. When this method for preparing such a panel between the colors will vary. For example, to create an ordinary light tone, enough to add a basic purple color white. Or just on the palette to dilute it a little water. Again, it all depends on what types of colors to work with.
Gentle tone is very attractive, it causes air emotions and pleasant feeling in my heart. To create a color, it is necessary to mix pink and blue paint color. the result can not be achieved by diluting the pitch. As a result, the proper conduct of tactical turns a shade of lilac blossoms.
What colors should be mixed to obtain a purple tone bright shade

Bright or purple shade of paint appears through the merger of yellow, red and blue in equal proportions. Sometimes used magenta. It is worth remembering that this is one of the primary colors and get it by mixing impossible.
To purple or magenta get a contrast and self-colored, do not forget about the correctness of adding tones. Not pour too much shade. The correct color of bright purple can be obtained only by gradually adding a diluent.
How to adjust the shade of purple: the basic points

If you have made every effort, but still have not achieved the desired tone is perfect, do not start work again. Try the color correction. To do this, you must keep in mind a few simple guidelines that will tell you how you can get the color purple.
- To arrange a pastel color, you can mix a ready tone with white. Try not to add too much fluid, especially for mixing using watercolors.
- A little black allows to correct the situation, if you have created a normal tone of purple and dark needs.
- Often there is a need in the shade of lavender. It is possible to properly organize, using four colors: black and white, blue and red. But first it is the basic tone and then added to a mixture of light gray clarifier.
Very many make errors when creating violet shades by mixing. It would seem better to take an ordinary color and do not suffer. The main problem in such cases, it can become stained brush. Therefore, each time a new contact with the ink, should be washed in clear water villi.

How to make the color purple, if you work with different colors: the basics of the process
Depending on the composition, which have a paint mixing method will differ. In some cases it is necessary to add more density, in others, on the contrary, to make the tone of the liquid, but thoroughly. Let us examine what features and differences.
Working with oil paint

Oil paint in the home is very difficult to mix. As a rule, their consistency is too sticky, so you have to mix very carefully, avoiding drying. However, thanks to the correct technology shades connection is possible to obtain a uniform tone. There are three ways of mixing oil paint:
- mechanical. All mixing is carried out in one container and the required base used to tone correction;
- optic. It involves mixing colors directly in the place where the ready tone will be applied. This will achieve color uniformity;
- color overlay method. Smears are simply applied to each other to form the desired tone gradually.
If you are using oil paints to make a partial fusion of colors, the result is the insertion of different tones.
On a note! Dark green color can be used to darken the purple instead of black shades.
Using acrylic paint

Acrylic is considered no less difficult material to work with. It is therefore important to know some nuances of how to get purple and what colors to mix. To do this, be sure to check the table of combinations, as to create the desired option can not be apart from mixing the primary colors.

Mixing gouache
Gouache have to use most often at home. This material is not difficult to handle, but it requires utmost care. In order to connect the required shade of purple white, blue and red colors. The contrast can be different depending on what shade is needed. If you need to add some shading may be black or any other dark colors, for example, brown.
How to obtain a light purple color when mixed gouache - the easiest way to dissolve a ready tone a little water with little white.

Knowing from what you can get purple flowers using watercolors, keep in mind that is allowed to use only clean and not pre-mixed inks. For example, for educational purposes (kindergarten), often there are already spoiled shades. It is such a completely unsuitable to create purple. Ideal to buy new ones, as they are very quickly absorb "another shade."
Please note that check for excess pigment in the final shade by adding the whitewash. With just a few drops to clearly understand what kind of colors would be superfluous. See also a video in which discussed in detail the process of obtaining the purple hue of the other colors by mixing.
If you are not an artist, the knowledge to amateur painting is enough to make the mix. Dear readers evaluate our current publication and place evaluation article. Get mixed? Great! Share your impressions in the comments.