Manufacture of furniture with his hands is subject to only a real master, which each product - a work of art. But, sooner or later, the period of service desk, cabinet or table expires: furniture comes into disrepair, loses its form. There are other situations: the furniture is still in good condition, but the sick: I want to brightness, a holiday to an apartment decorated with original stuff, not dull standard cabinet, table or dresser. And here for those who can and want to tinkering with his own hands, a wide field of activity.

Self-upgrading and restoration of furniture in the home has a number of advantages.
- 1 Advantages of decorating furniture with their hands
- 2 We determine the design
- 3 Decoupage old furniture
- 4 Restoration of the cabinet with traditional wallpaper
- 5 Surface decor glizalyu
- 6 Decoration of facades with acrylic paints
- 7 Covering furniture cracelures
- 8 Decorating Furniture by aging
- 9 Stencils for furniture decoration
- 10 VIDEO: DIY Decor old furniture with his own hands. #DIY Marusya Di
- 11 50 photo-ideas: the decoration of furniture with his hands
Advantages of decorating furniture with their hands
Self-upgrading and restoration of furniture in the home has a number of advantages:
- you can choose the most appropriate decor, beauty meets the requirements;
- purchase of materials is much cheaper;
- There are no restrictions in terms of performance of works;
- savings on the purchase of new furniture.

Manufacture of furniture with his hands is subject to only a real master, which each product - a work of art.
We determine the design
Restoration of old furniture for a design change will inevitably lead to the room, and there can not be "just so" in an established interior of the apartment to bring new forms, unusual decoration of furniture that will stand out from the general harmony. It is worth noting that there are design techniques that allow you to "enter" the product of another decoration in the overall picture of the room design.

It is worth noting that there are design techniques that allow you to "enter" the product of another decoration in the overall picture of the room design.
Before embarking on decorating, you need to decide on the design and the elements of its renewal. To do this, you can use:
- decoupage;
- glizal;
- tissue, including - tulle;
- painting;
- Artificial aging using cracelures;
- stencils;
- mosaic;
- adhesive film;
- other methods.

Aging - one of the ways to restore the furniture in vintage style.
Each of them has its advantages, but what to choose - decide handyman.

There are no restrictions in terms of performance.

Vintage furniture does not fit well into the current design of most of the apartments, and it is necessary to consider the house master.
Decoupage old furniture
One of the most interesting options for decorating the decoupage is. It gives the opportunity to decorate a variety of household items images, photographs, drawings. But often this is done using special napkins decoupage.

Before embarking on decorating, you need to decide on the design and the elements of its renewal.
decoupage technique is not complicated, but requires attention and care, just like any other job. To decorate the product with its use need to:
- free surface of the furniture from the varnish, old paint, drawings, pasted pictures;
- to clean up its state perfectly smooth;
- primed with acrylic paint;
- completely dry;
- thereafter applied to the adhesive surface of the PVA;
- neatly arrange cloth or another material selected for the decoration;
- the furniture gleamed, decoupage image and the rest of the surface can be coated with varnish;
- completely dry.

Restoration of old furniture will inevitably lead to a change in the design space.

Elevate furniture, decorating her original drawings, unfortunately, not everyone can.
Restoration of the cabinet with traditional wallpaper
Many seem unacceptable way to decorate old furniture with the help of wallpaper, but it is not. Today the market offers a wide range of these products made in different colors and diverse texture, allows the imagination to decorate their furniture hands. Wallpaper, you can update any piece of furniture, depending on this, use a different material and pattern. But the most impressive looking cabinets, a large surface area which can be decorated with wallpaper with a spectacular bright pattern.

One of the most interesting options for decorating the decoupage is.
Surface decor glizalyu
Special chic when decorating some consider translucent coating paint products, called glizalyu, Glaze, or azure. You can use it to decorate any surface, including the furniture, whether it is made of wood or in its design to use glass.

But often this is done using special napkins decoupage.
It is easy to "lies" to the material does not smell, but different color shades. It can be applied by roller, brush or sponge, as well as conventional paint. The procedure for the use of paint is as follows:
- you must first treat the surface: clean, remove dirt, degrease;
- then apply a primer: a wooden surface of furniture - one or two layers on the glass - four to five layers of the soil, which creates the effect of frosted glass.
Before using glizal diluted with water in a proportion corresponding to the instruction. Start pattern can be within half an hour after application of the mixture; otherwise, it will harden, and "draw" it will be impossible.

decoupage technique is not complicated, but requires attention and care, just like any other job.

Effectively will look furniture, dyed one color paint applied with the stencil using white filigree ornament.
Decoration of facades with acrylic paints
The use of paint - one of the ways of decorating furniture. This - not just "refresh", as expressed by some, but the possibility to refine it and to breathe new life. In this case, you can not just paint over the surface of a monochromatic paint and paint different patterns and apply any ornament. If the home has a master the skills of the artist, his imagination will transform an ordinary wardrobe or table into a work of art.

Many seem unacceptable way to decorate old furniture with the help of wallpaper, but it is not.
Typically, acrylic paints are used for the decoration of furniture, it is absolutely harmless to health, bright and saturated. But it is possible and monochromatic paint can be used so that any piece of furniture will look elegant and impressive. This can take a few flowers and arrange the facade in the form of multi-colored stripes of different sizes, squares, triangles, circles, ovals - it does not need great skill. And even if the figures will not completely geometrically accurate, they will look very provocatively.

Many home craquelure masters use to help achieve the effect of cracking.
The procedure for decorating with acrylic paints using the following templates:
- furniture surface need to clean up the state of perfectly smooth; in the presence of irregularities - sanded;
- paint and let it dry completely;
- attach the stencil and paint over it in the appropriate color;
- Carefully remove it to dry completely;
- to the surface of the furniture shone, it must be varnished.

But the most impressive looking cabinets, a large surface area which can be decorated with wallpaper with a spectacular bright pattern.

Decoration of old furniture - a great chance to show their creativity to DIY and save the family budget.
Covering furniture cracelures
Many home craquelure masters use to help achieve the effect of cracking. It is achieved as follows:
- on the not yet dried paint must be carefully applied varnish krakelyurny;
- it is prepared from egg white PVA or glue; sometimes used vinegar or gelatin.
- to effect the cracking was the most striking, the paint should be applied twice;
- the second layer is applied immediately after drying of the first: then appearing "cracks" will shine through the upper.

Special chic when decorating some consider translucent coating paint products, called glizalyu, Glaze, or azure.
Decorating Furniture by aging
Aging - one of the ways to restore the furniture in vintage style. If you plan is its decoration, furniture need to prepare as follows:
- proshkurit: first the coarse sandpaper, and then - a fine-grained;
- you can even completely erase the paint on the surface of some places that enhance the effects of aging.

With the help of paint can be used to decorate any surface, including the furniture, whether it is made of wood or in its design to use glass.
Vintage furniture does not fit well into the current design of most of the apartments, and it is necessary to consider the house master. Therefore, its design can incorporate modern design finds, that will perfectly fit it into the existing interior.

Start pattern can be within half an hour after application of the mixture; otherwise, it will harden, and "draw" it will be impossible.
Stencils for furniture decoration
Elevate furniture, decorating her original drawings, unfortunately, not everyone can not be given to all artists - not all pets masters are able to draw, but there is no reason for grief: put pictures, you can use ready-made or homemade stencils with various ornaments. Patterns are applied paint using a template, and you can fix them with a special varnish.

The use of paint - one of the ways of decorating furniture.
Templates can be made:
- a thin plywood previously causing them pattern, and then to saw jigsaw, manually or electrically;
- construction paper;
- monochrome film.

If the home has a master the skills of the artist, his imagination will transform an ordinary wardrobe or table into a work of art.
In addition, you can use self-adhesive film on which a pattern. It can be cut along the contour and circle it with a pencil, and then carefully paint. Effectively will look furniture, dyed one color paint applied with the stencil using white filigree ornament.

Typically, acrylic paints are used for the decoration of furniture, it is absolutely harmless to health, bright and saturated.
The order of decorating using a stencil as follows:
- trimmed surface of the product; in the presence of irregularities - polished;
- All elements painted over, after which they need to dry completely;
- to produce a stencil, and accurately attach it to paint the appropriate color or multiple colors;
- carefully remove the template, give the furniture to dry completely;
- to refurbish the product retains its form as long as possible, it can be covered with varnish.

And even if the figures will not completely geometrically accurate, they will look very provocatively.
Decoration of old furniture - a great chance to show their creativity to DIY and save the family budget.

You can take a few flowers and arrange the facade in the form of multi-colored stripes of different sizes, squares, triangles, circles, ovals - it does not need great skill.
VIDEO: DIY Decor old furniture with his own hands. #DIY Marusya Di
50 photo-ideas: the decoration of furniture with his hands