Rack - comfortable, practical and versatile furniture design. It does not take much space and it has an impressive capacity. Open shelves can avoid feeling cluttered and cramped. They do not prevent the penetration of light into the room and free air circulation. Due to the absence of opening doors racks help to save, if necessary, properly zoned space. Especially popular in this sense embodiments, not having a rear wall that is not fenced off darken the room.
The design of this product is not complicated, so if you want quite possible to build a rack by hand. The advantages of a self-made storage system is that it allows you to save money. When designing, you can take into account the dimensions of the space provided for it and the needs of the future owner.
- varieties racks
Variants of using a rack in the interior
- Shelves for food
- Shelving in the living room
- Shelves in the room
- Shelves in the nursery
- Racks for cellar and garage
- Materials manufacturing racks
Independent production rack from wood
- Tools and materials
- Design and drawing
- Cutting the material and assembly
- Decor items
- Main features of the rack of the metal profile
- Rack from old water pipes
Mounting rack of plasterboard
- Design and layout
- surface preparation
- frame assembly
- plasterboard paneling
- Finishing construction finishing
varieties racks
There are a variety of shelving. The choice of design depends on the future:
- her place of dislocation - in the kitchen, bedroom, pantry, living room, child;
- destination - for books, flower pots, toys, decorations, stationery, blank. Filling directly influences the choice of manufacture and shelf dimensions of the material;
- location - along the wall, on the wall of the room as a partition.

By design, you can select the following types of racks:
- frame - basis is a wooden or metal frame, on which are mounted shelves;
- beam - are similar in construction to the previous ones, but have a more solid skeleton;
- modular - composed of separate modules, the location of which can be changed at their discretion;
- console - shelf is attached only to the back wall, side walls are missing. Increase a feeling of free space;
- Rope - horizontal surfaces for fastening ropes are used. The shelves are held at the desired height by means of restriction sites. The rear and side walls are absent;
- A-frame racks - based in the bridge circuit. Shelves are secured to the side members connected at an angle;
- corner - just needed in tight spaces when space does not indulge in size and importance every centimeter. Corner shelves help to correct the shortcomings of the existing plan, to place the maximum number of things, rational use of the corners of the room. They are indispensable in the narrow, elongated closets. Help solve the problem of storing the balconies, where it is impossible to build a rectangular cabinet, as his end will abut the glazing;
- rotating rack in the shape of a cylinder - an interesting model, which often is used at exhibitions and in sales areas than in the interior of the apartments;
- built-in - for their facilities needed niche suitable size. The shelves are attached to the side walls. The material is suitable for shelves wood, chipboard, plastic, glass.

By location:
- Stationary - different solidity for conveying their need to disassemble into separate components.
- Mobile - are made of lightweight materials, they are often equipped with wheels, which makes it possible to move them.
- Curtain - their advantage is the compactness. racks mounted on the wall allow you to organize the storage of things without taking up space on the floor. Relevant for smaller areas.

Variants of using a rack in the interior
Rack - incredibly practical structure that would be appropriate in any room, regardless of its destination.
Shelves for food
During cooking it is often necessary to quickly take the necessary shelves with spices, dishes, books of recipes. With the rack shelves you can get everything you need for a second and just as quickly arrange the items used in its place. No need to open the doors, drawers can save considerable time and effort mistress.

Shelving in the kitchen - a great place for storage of domestic preparations, it is able to partially replace the pantry. But it must be remembered that such a structure will withstand a considerable weight jars with marinated vegetables and jam. This should be taken into account when designing the system and the choice of materials for its production.

Exposed surfaces - the perfect place to put the decorative elements that adorn the kitchen and create comfort. Stylish jars with cereals, coffee, candied fruit, floral arrangements, fruit bowls, figurines fill the kitchen space life make it complete.

Shelving in the living room
In the living room shelves often fulfill a decorative function. They placed a variety of accessories - gifts, designer creations, candles, figurines, photo frames. Such a system can be made of wood, glass, drywall.

If necessary, place the library in the common room. For bookcase suitable stationary structure with the solid carrier and the wooden shelves desired length and thickness. Books have significant weight, and properly selected materials can cause sagging shelves and even the destruction of buildings.
See also:Folding tables with fastening to the wall

Living room - the largest room, with respect to the other rooms in the house. Therefore, it is often successfully allocate additional functional areas - kitchen, dining room, bedroom, office. And one of the most popular types of partitions - rack. It can be either completely open - not to have a front and rear wall, and closed on one side. Remarkably will look structure with glass shelves and walls. It does not prevent the passage of light, it looks weightless and incredibly stylish and at the same time allows you to fully isolate individual zones.

Shelves in the room
Open shelving in the bedroom is used for storage of personal belongings, a variety of decorative accessories, useful things. Complementing the design baskets and boxes, it is possible to substantially increase the usable area and improve the functionality of the furniture.

Shelving in the bedroom often placed along one of the walls, integrate into the television or audio system. An interesting option - put the bed, so that it became the center of the headboard storage composition. A good solution for elongated rooms - to build a rack along the short wall on which there is a window. This visually make the room more square and will not take up the already narrow space along the long wall.

With the stack can be separated working area. For this purpose, it is desirable to choose a design with a blank wall, so that the light of a makeshift office does not interfere with the sleeping family member. For papers and documents you can place the hinged version. If space permits - Establish a full stationary system, centered on the desktop will be located. It is convenient to accommodate office equipment and everything necessary for fruitful work.

Shelves in the nursery
Mess, which is normally present in the nursery - a headache almost every mom. It is very difficult to maintain order, if a child's room is not a convenient place to store. Unfolding toys in cupboards and drawers takes a lot of time. Excellent way out - to set the rack with capacious baskets. These beautiful products also serve as a decorative feature. From now on all you need to do - go to the basket in the room, collect toys in it and send it on the shelf.

Advantages of the use of shelving in the children that they are:
- It takes up much less space compared with fixed cabinets, and it is very important for small rooms;
- It does not require additional space for opening doors and pulling out drawers;
- does not require expensive hardware and facades;
- Unlike cabinets with doors do not require replacement of loops, coils, Push To Open opening systems, etc.;
- It is much easier to manufacture.

Racks for cellar and garage
The business premises equipment rack is more than justified. The main argument - their large capacity, easy access to the placed on them subjects, high load-bearing characteristics.

Cellar - the traditional place for storing - vegetables, domestic preparations of vegetables, mushrooms, sausages, smoked products, homemade alcohol - wine, liqueurs and other things. Dimensions of rack space for this purpose depends on its size and the number of products that are planned to be placed here. The thickness of the shelves should be sufficient to support the weight of heavy crates and cans.

The garage structure can be positioned along one of the walls. It is necessary to carefully consider the size of the rack to fit your needs. Need as a high shelf, for example, a spare set of tires, and small - for tools and small parts. Because in addition to the garage for the car accessories are often stored everything that does not fit in -lyzhi apartment, sledges, rubber boats, beach umbrellas, tables and chairs for a picnic, chairs, remnants of building materials, paint cans, you need to provide a place for them Storage. Often the garage is also a storage room for domestic preparations. For cans with conservation is better to allocate a separate bookshelf.

Materials manufacturing racks
The choice of material for the shelf due to the following positions:
- in what room it will be located;
- that it will be placed;
- value.

What materials can be used?
- Wood - resistant to high loads, suitable for any room, will fit into any interior.
- Metal - withstand heavy loads, especially popular in commercial and warehouses, but so often used in home interior - for storing books, flower pots, food, shoes, instruments.
- Drywall - a cheap version of the rack. Manufactured on the basis of the frame of metal profiles. Requires finishing - spackling and painting or cladding of ceramic tiles, mosaics. In wet areas - the kitchen and the bathroom is allowed to use only water-resistant material variant. Gipsokraton perfect for garage equipment, workshop.
Drywall - a fragile material, so do not post it too heavy objects. This can cause deformation and failure of the structure.

Independent production rack from wood
Wooden storage system suited to accommodate a wide variety of subjects and fit perfectly into the design of any room. The assembly of such structures with their own hands - quite feasible project, subject to the availability of all necessary tools and materials.
See also:How to make a stool with his hands

Tools and materials
In the manufacture of wooden pallets need to carefully choose the basic material. For this fit is strong, sturdy and solid wood. Wood-sheet materials should be avoided because of lack of strength and durability of the latter. It is best for these purposes to take pine, oak and other valuable species. Boards should be prepared - to treat with antiseptic solution and leave for a few days soaking and drying.
Wood you need to thoroughly dry - its moisture content must not exceed 12%. Otherwise, when drying wood could "story."
What else is needed for the construction of wooden pallets?
- mounts for shelves;
- metal corners;
- furniture legs or wheels - preferably metallic;
- wooden blocks;
- carpenter's glue;
- screws;
- varnish or paint finishing.
- electric drill;
- Drill the required caliber;
- hammer;
- electric jigsaw;
- machine for grinding;
- level, tape measure, a pencil.

Design and drawing
rack design starts with the measuring point for the installation. If you intend to manufacture of embedded design, it is necessary to find out the height of the walls from floor to ceiling, and the width of the niche. Dimensions of shelves depend on the weight and dimensions of items that will be stored on them. Small accessories, souvenirs, toys are perfect for long shelves up to 1.5 meters. For heavy cans with preservation, seedlings, their length should not exceed 90 cm. Otherwise, deflection may occur. The width depends on the size of stored items. For books or cans of 25-40 cm is sufficient. For large tools, this parameter is calculated based on their dimensions + 10-15 cm for easy placement. Next made a detailed drawing of the future product, taking into account all the parameters.

Cutting the material and assembly
Cut parts required is performed in accordance with the drawing according to predetermined dimensions. The assembly had read below. For the bottom shelf is necessary to choose the thickest board, for which you can use screws measuring 3 cm. Long shelf must be strengthened bottom with wooden sticks and strips. They serve as additional stiffeners.
Next is the fixation of the side walls, which can be performed both from the board and from thick plywood. On the side of the inside of the marked places fixing shelves. The most common intervals - 21 or 42 cm. With proper alternation of these parameters obtained convenient, aesthetic and functional wardrobe.
The next step - cutting the shelves on the set sizes. The thickness of these parts must be at least 2.5 cm. If desired, they can be reinforced by fixing to the lower side of several wooden bars.
If necessary, cut from plywood rear wall. This step is optional. If the wall, which will stand rack satisfied with their appearance, without this part, you can do.
Assembling the rack:
- To a lower shelf mounted rear wall by means of small nails.
- On the side of the mount holders for future shelves. If you plan to attach them with screws from the outside, this step is omitted.
- The side parts are connected to the lower shelf using brackets and screws.
- Holders on shelves or set screws are fixed. In the latter case needs an assistant who will keep the shelf until the collector twists fasteners.
You must promazyvat hole after drilling glue. This provides greater strength and reliability of the construction.

Decor items
Decorating wooden shelving units comes down to handling them with varnish or paint. Pre-product can be covered with varnish, paint stained in any color suitable to the interior.
If chipboard or chipboard was used to make shelves, melamine will need a special tape for processing edge. The strip of material is superimposed on and glued oshkurenny end with a hot iron. The product acquires factory appearance.

Main features of the rack of the metal profile
Metal products are more durable, compared with wood. They can withstand considerable loads, are not subject to combustion, the effects of the fungus, bark beetles, do not rot. Racks of metal profiles are optimal for placing a lot of things.
The most popular form of such construction - with a skeleton structure of a metal profile equipped wooden shelves, corrugated sheet metal, particleboard or chipboard.
In the design of the rack is necessary to consider the following points:
- the weight of items that will be placed on the shelves;
- Structures length must be less than the length of the wall 15 cm;
- in height, he made up to the ceiling or the profile of the size;
- shelves width must not exceed 100 cm;
- Shelf height is determined by the height of the objects to be stored - 30-50 cm;
- the height of the lower shelves are always more.
See also:Evrochehol on the sofa and armchairs

For manufacturing metal profile struts used 3.5 cm or 2.5 cm profiled tube. For the carcass under the shelf - suitable profile with perforations 5h2,5 cm;
Steps for the frame structures:
- Measure out the desired length Profile lengths and cut them with a grinder. For an additional fee you can order the cutting of the material in the store where it was bought.
- Connect the frame members together by welding or special bolts.
During assembly, be sure to use to control the building level. Subsequently, the metal frame curvature will be extremely difficult to recover.
- Putting a framework for the shelves.
- Attach it to the profile column previously accurately noting the site of attachment.
- In the assembled structure plot the means protecting from corrosion gruntuem surface and stains in the desired color.
- Prepare shelves - cut them to size and fix on the frame. Wooden shelves previously be treated with varnish, paint and dry thoroughly.
- For greater stability fasten the rack to the wall and to the ceiling with anchors, brackets, spacers.

Rack from old water pipes
The unexpected decision - to use in the manufacture of water pipes racks. However, this method uses a certain popularity. Most often pipe serve as components of racks and holders for shelves. Individual pipe sections are collected as a designer using adapters in a variety of formations. Known versions of designer racks when items - books, shoes, accessories, household chemicals placed directly on the pipes themselves. The advantage of this material in its strength, so that no hurry to get rid of the old pipeline. It is better to give him the opportunity to serve you in a new way. This design is perfect for the garage or pantry. With no less success it will fit into a modern industrial interior.

Mounting rack of plasterboard
Drywall allows you to create unique designs of various shapes, designed the object and purpose of the future owner. In this case, the cost of such construction will not cause irreparable damage to your budget.
Design and layout
The first thing to do - to create a sketch of the future construction. After that, it developed a drawing with all dimensions. We need to consider the dimensions of the shelves, their functionality and location, the necessary load. To play a complex curved forms necessary to develop special patterns.
It should be defined in advance with the filling of the rack. If it will settle down light unit accessories, will be enough light, almost overhead shelves. Support in this case will serve as the drywall itself, and the profile will bear the purely symbolic function.
If you want to create a stable construction to accommodate TV, music system and other heavy items, the main task will be to carry out a profile. Drywall will perform a purely decorative function.
Third Embodiment - intermediate when each cell is assigned a role. On the one supposed to place heavy machinery on the other easy decor.
Partitioning is removed from the circuit in the wall via gon roulette. It is necessary to control the correct application of the marks using a spirit level.

surface preparation
Preparing the walls before installing drywall rack is reduced to the following actions:
- cleaning of the surface of old wallpaper, plaster;
- puttying crevices, cracks;
- Processing wall antiseptic composition.

frame assembly
The principle of the assembly may vary depending on the type of design. In one case, the built structure is mounted on the wall in the other - is collected separately and in finished form is fixed via screws.
The steps of manufacturing the carcass directly at the location of the future stack:
- on the wall using dowels mounted guides;
- guides symmetrically arranged on the floor and ceiling;
- in the resulting substrate by screws fixed rack;
- on the vertical supports are fixed cut-to-size rack shelves.

plasterboard paneling
Prepared sheathed construction details of drywall cut by predetermined dimensions. Fasteners are arranged at intervals of 12-15 cm. First close the side part of the future of the rack, and then the benches. The angles should be protected with metal corners, which are fixed with screws.

Finishing construction finishing
In order to avoid further cracking, all corners and reinforced structures shpaklyuyut mesh construction. Caulking is applied in several layers, each of which is necessary to dry thoroughly. Next, the surface must be treated using sandpaper. This will help make it perfectly flat and smooth. The next step - applying a primer to increase the adhesion strengthening and binding loose dye base and reducing consumption. The primer is thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface with a brush. The final stage - painting.

Self-production of the rack allows you to save money and get a product that fully complies with the needs of the owner.