Wardrobe - an integral part of the interior, the functional part of any apartment, house, office space. Many people when choosing a preference to the construction of sliding doors, they can be used to save storage space, accommodate large items and items independently construct dimensions, individually simulate the number, size, functionality and shelves partitions.

The original wardrobe, decorated with fresco
As practice shows, the design of sliding doors used for cabinets, compartment spaces, niches rooms, closets, hallways, install interior sliding doors. Of interest is how to install the cabinet doors to the compartment with their hands, as all more or less clear with the installation of its innards.
- 1 Benefits of creating their own hands
2 We determine the design and construction
- 2.1 Constructions are different:
- 3 Calculation of door sizes
- 4 Necessary materials
- 5 Required tools
- 6 Assembling the frame with his hands
- 7 Installation and adjustment
- 8 The final stage - decoration
- 9 Video: How to build your own hands-door coupe
Benefits of creating their own hands
No need to have a large construction skills to assemble, construct, assemble the door to the cabinet compartment with your hands. If you decide on this, you get a number of advantages.
- Save money on payment collector of furniture, designer gager, sales manager.
- You will be able to pick up the necessary materials and components for the installation.
- Pick up the individual design of facades.
- Rational use valuable space.
- Save time, you do not need to wait when the master assembly is free. Often from the order of the day just before the assembly takes about two weeks.
- Gain valuable experience installing sliding doors and apply it to other rooms in the country, with relatives.
they can not be moved - the only negative compartment door. However, what they have to open the door not ninety degrees, thus greatly saving useful space, allows a good think about the place of installation in a rational way that they do not move I never want to.
We determine the design and construction
In each house - his own world, in the room - its design. When choosing fabrics for the cabinet compartment, coating materials, it is necessary to choose an individual design of their unique design.
Significantly on the choice of fabric design affects fullness room furniture, style, repair, color wallpaper, furniture fittings, material curtains, lighting rooms, function rooms: bedroom, living room, children's room, hall, kitchen, balcony, office, dressing room, storage room, stock.
For seating the facade is made of a glossy, wooden materials, heat, light, dark tones. Doors may be provided combined materials: gloss is combined with matte inserts, tree, mirror glass. The color selected by the color of the furniture.

Interior living room with a combined wardrobe
Bedroom suit shades of bright, warm colors: white, beige, milky, ivory, gray, different shades of wood. Often in the bedroom sets the insertion of a mirror pattern on the basis of a glossy, matte with ornament on the door area or a small part.

Large closet in the bedroom classic
For a children perform sliding wardrobe with bright saturated colors with pictures of animals, cartoon characters. It is not recommended to insert a mirror in the nursery, in order to avoid the fact that it is broken. It is not recommended to use a gloss on this material may remain traces of children's pens that you need to constantly clean.

Bright wardrobe with your favorite characters for children's room
Hallway designers recommend using brown, black, beige tones, or a mirror, visually increase the boundaries of the room.

Mirrored wardrobe for a large entrance hall
For interior sliding doors preference is given to materials from solid wood, chipboard.

Suspension system of interior sliding doors
By design fabric add pictures of flowers, plants, trees, personal photos, animal stickers.
Constructions are different:
- straight rectangular shape (the most common design, is embedded in the free angles, useless niches along the length of the room, between rooms);
- oval shape with rounded corners (oval design is considered the most complicated and expensive, but it looks very attractive, skirting different angularity);
- full-height ceilings - the most common design;
- below the top - is used when the time setting sliding structure installed ceiling straining of plasterboard with an abstract design, built-in illumination;
- with the bottom and top guide - are used for cabinets, separation of the room space conversion in a small cabinet or pantry;
- with an overhead structure - are used as an interior;
Accessories for suspended sliding doors
- cassette - when part of the structure is hidden in the wall, suitable for separating the space as interior.
In the open position fabric tape sliding doors is in the niche in the wall
Calculation of door sizes

Calculation of cabinet compartment door
To install the door, measure:
- height of the room from floor to ceiling,
- the length of which will be installed door.
If the ceiling height is greater than 280 centimeters, the operation of the cabinet with high, heavy doors would be very uncomfortable, Mechanisms with wheels will wear out quickly, which can lead to unpleasant consequences: loss of doors, jam, distortion. At this altitude, it is recommended to divide the cabinet vertically into primary and secondary, acting as a mezzanine.
For example, the room height = 300 cm, the height of the basic cabinet is 240 centimeters, the auxiliary - 60 centimeters.
When the determined width of the cabinet, it is necessary to determine how much of the flaps to be set. For ease of use it is recommended to install the leaf widths from 60 to 90 centimeters.

Depending on the size and geometry of the door-opening compartment may have 2, 3, 4, 5 LEAF
For example, the width of the cabinet = 280 centimeters, the width of the flaps is 70 centimeters, 4 pieces. Do not forget to add to each valve a so-called gap 3 - 5 centimeters, so that when fully closed cabinet there was no cracks.
It should be considered the optimal ratio of the width of the doors to its height. The ratio should not be more than 2 to 1, and less than 4 to 1.
For example, height = 200 cm, its width can not be less than 50 centimeters (4: 1) and greater than 100 centimeters (2: 1).
Necessary materials

The composition of the aluminum profile system for sliding doors
After the design, material, structure, size, installation location identified, proceed to the assembly itself. To do this, you need to buy the necessary materials:
- door leaf,
- metal rails (upper and lower guide)
- Kata rollers door mechanism (lower, upper),
- buffer tape, softening shocks when extended doors,
- Silicone sealant,
- profiles
- vertical frames (profile)
- A special adhesive film that protects from fragments, if it is accidentally broken.

Structural elements that make up the compartment door nizhneopornaya
Required tools
Need support tools:
- screwdriver,
- screws,
- electric jigsaw,
- hammer,
- screwdriver,
- hexagon,
- drill,
- building level,
- roulette,
- pencil,
- scissors,
- stationery knife.
Assembling the frame with his hands

Installation diagram sliding doors
Initially, proceed directly to the sliding door assembly. The following sequence.
- Fasten the ends of the silicone sealant around the perimeter of the door leaf. Recommended mirror surface pasted with the rear side of a special film which protects from shrapnel if it is accidentally broken.
Silicone sealant is attached around the perimeter of the door leaf
- Insert the blade in the vertical and horizontal profile with a rubber hammer.
- Set flaps to the uprights with all vertical ends, filling light hammer blows.
- Fasten roller mechanisms to the horizontal profiles from the bottom first, then the top.
- Glue on the vertical profiles of the doors of the buffer strip protects against bumps.
Process mount closet doors
Installation and adjustment
- First we set the upper guide rail to the ceiling. Please note that an upper guide must be strictly horizontal. Therefore, use the building level during installation.
Top guide for sliding doors cabinet
- Inserted into the upper guide ready-made doors.
- Not securing the bottom rail to the floor, inserted into her sash.
Lower guide for sliding doors
- Aligned position with the lower guide means level construction horizontally aligned position of the door vertically inserted using the level that they were clearly vertically.
When installing a door tightly led into the first upper guide, the flap is then raised to stop and put lower rollers into the slot
- Fasten the bottom rail to the floor.
- With a screwdriver and hex align, we adjust the position of the doors smoothly with respect to each other, parallel to the floor, arranged horizontally to a position 5.3 mm from the floor.
Stoppers for doors in the lower guide
The final stage - decoration

Design wardrobe shutters without filling
When the installation compartment of the cabinet doors are made, they can be interesting to decorate the image. For decor doors are often used when changing environment, interior design, to hide damage or wear.
Consider the options:
- Vinyl stickers. Can be the size of the entire door or has interesting geometric prints, stripes middle, top, bottom, at the corners of a pattern, randomly scattered pattern elements on all the perimeter the cabinet.
A simple idea for a hall - the use of labels for closet decor
- Full-color posters. There is a huge variety of posters with a variety of drawings and paintings with views of nature, flowers and copies of famous paintings, views of beautiful cities, personal photos.
The poster for the closet doors "Purple Lavender"
- Matting. Suitable for glass, mirror, glossy surfaces. Is performed using a stencil, paste and special spatula.
Artistic matting (sandblasting) for sliding doors
- Airbrushing. This technique is used for application to the figure closet of any complexity. This is perhaps the most unusual composition of the interior decoration, it looks expensive, luxurious, rich, exclusively.
Airbrushing on the doors wardrobe
- Colored and stained glass film. The most simple, economical way to decorate furniture. With it you can paste over any furniture, giving it a unique, inimitable style.
Colored glass decoration film for sliding doors
Thus, in the design and assembly of the compartment of the cabinet with their hands nothing complicated - especially if you I enjoy learning new things, to equip your home in accordance with their wishes and views.
Imagine how pleasant for any woman to receive a gift from beloved son, husband, brother-gift made with their own hands. The long-awaited, desired sliding wardrobe in the hallway or bedroom will appreciate each family member, because its functionality will be available to all.
The process of creating the cabinet may be long, but the result will certainly please many years. Do not be afraid to experiment, take the tools needed materials and go for it. If you feel that you can not or are afraid to spoil the purchased materials - is better to contact the professionals.