Garage has long ceased to be exclusively a place for storage of personal vehicles. Someone here keeps a supply of food, stores the collected harvest in the country, harvested pickles, some prefer to equip their own workshop, someone manages to turn a garage into a cozy little house for gatherings male company. Of course, that all this was possible, it is necessary to take care of maintenance at the facility comfortable environment, because not everywhere has a centralized heating pipe. Standalone effective heating in the garage Not only does it stay as comfortable as possible, but also provides many other benefits.

acquired benefits
Thus, efficient heating system has a set of positive features:
- If the internal temperature exceeds 5 degrees, and sufficient ventilation, that no condensation occurs inside the room, is fatal to the body parts of the vehicle.
- Low temperatures make it difficult to start the engine, the oil increase density, reduce the capacity of the battery. Claus also damaging to parts made of rubber and rubber, they lose their original elasticity and service life.
- To sit in the car warmed much more pleasant, there are no problems with opening the lock, the engine warms up faster and smoother, which directly contributes to the resource.
Of course, the organization of the heating system requires some effort and financial costs, but the result, however, is worth it.
Preliminary preparation
Before starting work on the heating system, it should insulate your garage. If the heat loss through the walls, floor and roof will be too high, even the use of powerful equipment, burning huge amounts of fuel would be ineffective.
Insulation works carried out in the following order:
- Checked a perfect seal to the planes of the windows and doors;
- Insulated wall panels are mounted from rock wool or other similar material;
- Roof insulation;
- Warming of the gate;
- Warming of the floor. Surprisingly, the ground also takes up a large proportion of the heat produced, but they know very little about it motorists.
In the preparation stage, in addition to the insulation, it is recommended to take care of an efficient ventilation system. Its task is to maintain an optimal level of indoor air humidity, as well as in the rapid removal of products of combustion, which ensures safety. Practice shows that the increase in moisture content rusty spots on the back of the machine there are just a couple of years.

common options
Heating Garage can be based on the use of the following systems:
- Boilers and furnaces for solid fuels. Popular options, but quite dangerous, demanding unconditional observance of fire safety rules. Weighty advantage - cheapness of fuel, this is especially true in rural areas where wood could find no problems. However, to keep the heating system is not suitable, because the person every few hours is necessary to enclose the fuel.
- Electricity. It is carried out not only on the electric boiler, but also on the thermal guns, convectors, infrared emitters and films. The method is convenient and safe, but for these advantages have to pay well, kilowatt price increases from year to year.
- The gas method It involves the installation of boilers and convection settings. The main disadvantage - the high cost of installation, but even it quickly pays for itself when you connect to the backbone. If cylinders are used, the cost method is close to electricity.
- Liquid fuel. Most motorists are stored in garages stocks of gasoline and diesel, which can be used for combustion in the boiler. However, this technology can not be attributed to the category of cheap (the price of fuel, again, increases from year to year), in addition, will not do without the formation of large amounts of the products of combustion.
If there is a house ...

If the garage is located close to the cottage, you can use a single heating circuit, which is quite convenient and economical for heating objects. Owners need only responsible approach to the setup process, remember that in the garage there is no need to maintain temperature, current for premises, it will be enough even 5-10 degrees. However, even if the cottage to the garage about 50 meters, there is a possibility of forming a single system. You need to perform warming pipes to minimize heat loss, as well as its lay below the frost line. Circulating pumps are used to ensure optimal pressure. If you create a single contour is impossible, it is necessary to focus on the specific conditions:
- If the garage is located in a cooperative that does not have its own backbone, it is unlikely that management will give the green light to the use of boilers with liquid or solid fuels. To solve the problem would have to install electric heaters, whether thermal guns, convectors or IR emitter. It should prepare for higher costs.
- The associations, which are located in the garage wall to wall with each other, it is possible to mount common boilers for gas, electricity or solid fuel. We'll have to see about getting a set of necessary permits, but the end result will justify the effort.
Selection of the system based on the intensity of use of the object
Each garage on his appointment, which determines how often people appear in it:
- Continuous operation of the vehicle in the winter - the need to maintain a stable 5-degree room temperature.
- Operation time from the time of the vehicle. The need for constant maintenance of temperature disappears, you can choose a complete system of heating systems, mobile, for example, a heat gun or a small oven on solid fuel.
- If the garage is used regularly as a workshop, it is the most economical combined scheme or system with automatic temperature control. In the presence of people automatically increased temperature and in the absence - is reduced to the minimum marks, anti-freeze coolant.
Recommended: Choice of economical method of heating a garage.
In custody
Thus, heating the garage, equipped with their own hands - this is not a luxury but a vital necessity. It actually helps extend the service life of the vehicle, protects it from corrosion, increased engine wear during warm-up and other negative phenomena. When choosing a method it is recommended to carefully weigh all the factors for and against, to stay on the scheme, the implementation of which would be beneficial in terms of resources spent and achieved results. The main thing should be remembered - strict adherence to the rules of fire safety, as well as instructions for installation of specific equipment.