Many ways to effectively heat the garage. One of the most effective, the use of hot water heating system. Thanks to its numerous advantages, the demand is high enough. But they have one major drawback - when severe frosts, being in the water pipes may freeze. To avoid this, many owners of garages, pour into a complex variety of antifreeze. As practice shows, garage heating system for antifreeze, it is quite effective.
Types garage heating arrangement with antifreeze coolant as:
- system installation from scratch, taking into account the properties of antifreeze;
- adaptation existing water heating systems under the use of antifreeze:
- revision process connections and joints;
- extra radiator;
- installation of ventilation.

Advantages and disadvantages
Attention: Antifreeze does not freeze in the heating system, even at strong frosts. That is what is its main advantage. The maximum that can happen to him, he will go into a jelly-like substance. But it will not affect the heating capacity. After all warmed up, it will become liquid again.
Antifreeze is capable of effectively used in high-temperature circuits, since it has a high boiling point which is 110-125 degrees. But when you select a temperature mode, keep in mind that it heats up more slowly than water.
Antifreeze is not only advantages, but also some disadvantages that must be taken into account.
The disadvantages of antifreeze are:
- Large compared to water viscosity. For its pumping through pipes need extra power. Circular pump needs to be replaced with a more powerful.
- The heat capacity of the coolant at 1-15% lower than that of water. To compensate for this, the need to install additional sections of the radiator, heat exchangers, etc.
- High turnover, which requires good sealing of all available connections on the heating system. Rubber gaskets should be replaced by paronitovye.
- The service life of antifreeze, as well as many other anti-freeze - no more than 5 years. After that, it needs full replacement.
- When stagnation, it forms white flakes that are capable, upon settling, to spoil the heating structure.
There have antifreeze another drawback. The most essential. It is toxic. Apply this composition in the heating system is necessary so that he could not get into the room. The heating system must not have any leaks and to be sealed at the joints. Indeed, as already mentioned, the flowability of the substance greater than that of water, and is able to leak even through a small crack.

Leakage antifreeze detected immediately, and to avoid inhalation of vapors, which under the action of heat out easily out, should pay careful attention to the condition of the heating system and from time to time to make its examination for the presence of any damage.
Attention: If leakage is detected, should immediately repair it, aerate garage and thoroughly wash the floor.
In addition, it in no event it is impossible to fill the heating system when using a bypass boiler, as the substance can easily fall into the hot water circuit and the consequences of this will be very unpleasant.
Fill the heating system
If you do not mind that the toxic antifreeze and you decide to pour it into the heating rack, you must fully observe safety precautions as in casting and during subsequent operation.
Remember, before pouring, antifreeze should be diluted. Use it in a concentrated form should not be, as it can cause damage to the boiler and the circulatory pump. Diluting the antifreeze, you can choose the desired ratio of water and antifreeze. But first you should find out the lowest temperature at which it is possible crystallization. Most often, these data are available on the packaging.
Attention: Before pouring antifreeze, should pick up the correct temperature range. It indicates the temperature at which crystallization occurs it in his name. For example, M-A40 (-40 degrees). Note finished coolant water should not be diluted. It is necessary to use concentrates which consist of 95% ethylene glycol. Using it for casting, it is possible to choose the desired ratio of concentrate to water.
Diluting it with water to be taken into account that if freezing takes place at a temperature of - 40 degrees, the water and concentrate ratio should be 1: 1. If the freezing temperature - 30 degrees 2: 3. And if freezing occurs at - 20 degrees, a ratio of 1: 2.
Prior to his casting in the heating system should pull out of it all the available heat transfer fluid, rinse thoroughly with radiators and pipes. All internal contamination must be eliminated. It is best to wash a few times, so you can achieve a better result. If before the system was filled with any antifreeze, it must be completely drained. Mix it with the antifreeze should not be poured.
The system used for heating a garage for antifreeze requires sealing heating system and replacement of the rubber pads. If necessary, you should remove the detected violations. It must be made crimping required to check the heating system for possible exceeding the normal pressure. This procedure can detect hidden defects.
But first you should find out the quality of the concentrate, to see if you can pour it into the heating system. To find out, take a solution in a small glass container, and leave it for a few days. The temperature should be room temperature. If foaming or sediments will not, it can be used. Otherwise, it should not be used.
Only after all the procedures with a special pump, it should start pouring antifreeze. This should be done cautiously.
Attention: Be sure to use a protective suit, gloves and a respirator. Garage at this time, should be well ventilated. If you fill it gets on your skin, you should immediately wash it off with water. If there is a chemical burn - consult your doctor.
heating system
Heating your garage antifreeze, requires the installation of radiators larger volume and more powerful circulation pump. In addition, should pay attention to set radiators and pipes. Since antifreeze and many like antifreeze, are made based on ethylene glycol, it is necessary to find out in advance, whether it is possible to use them as heat transfer medium in the presence of aluminum or galvanized bimetallic heating radiators and pipes.
Antifreeze types: green, red, blue. How to choose - the differences and the impact of each on the metal heating systems and components.
Otherwise used antifreeze may adversely affect the heating system, for example, causing metal corrosion.
Be sure before pouring antifreeze, make sure that it will not cause harm to your heating system. In addition, consider the risks and costs associated with its operation. Note, the smaller the concentration of the coolant, the smaller the likelihood of a burn in case of contact on the skin.
Antifreeze, can effectively be used for heating of the garage. Its use allows to achieve it the heat, and to avoid the freezing of the system even in extreme cold. But to use it should be done with caution, as it is very toxic. In its application, it is necessary to follow safety rules. In any case, do not use it in the presence of a two-circuit boiler.