make central heating in the garage with his hands It can be fast enough, because such a system has a slight difference from the liquid heating circuits, which are now the most common. The basis of both structures is the boiler and the piping structure. The only difference in the applied coolant. For steam heating - it is superheated steam.
Principle of operation
Steam heating - it is space heating steam that appears when you boil water in the boiler. After that he goes through pipes to radiators.
The structure of the steam heating system includes:
- boiler;
- pipes;
- radiators;
- firebox;
- circulation pump;
- valves - the exhaust valve and the valves (steam version).
Attention: The heating system can be open or closed. In the first case, to return condensate to the boiler pump is used. If it is closed, the condensate flows back into the boiler own, thanks to the presence of a small tilt of technological pipes and under the influence of gravity.
By wiring the piping system may be mono- or twin-tube. In the latter case, the steam passes through the same pipe, and appeared condensate returned to the tank on the other. In this case both tubes are closed in a loop.

If the layout of a single pipe, the steam and condensate move in one tube, creating the other sounds in the complex.
If the heating of private homes usually used two-pipe system, the single pipe and its analog can be used to heat the garage. After all, the size of the garage is most often small, and the performance and capacity of the boiler is quite enough for quality of its heat, even in extreme cold. Although it is not forbidden to install in the garage and two-pipe systems. Which one would be more advantageous to solve only the owner of the garage.
Fuel and boiler
Attention: For the steam heating the boiler may be used liquid (diesel fuel, fuel oil) or solid (coal, wood) fuel. Also, natural gas can be used, but for heating the garage it is rarely used.
for steam heating boilers are of two types:
- -Tube - thin, with a significant increase explosive power.
- Water tube - with a large power capacity, more modern and, as a consequence, more secure.
Whatever the boiler is used, its the same device. It is composed of combustor burner, and the ash pan drum.
Calculation and installation
Deciding to install central heating in the garage, you should carefully approach the design phase. The following considerations should be made:
- Hydraulic. It allows you to set the characteristics of capacitors and paroprovodyaschih pipes.
- Thermal. It provides an opportunity to calculate the geometric and other characteristics of the batteries.
It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of the boiler, and other additional equipment that is required for steam heating garage.
Installation of steam heating system in the garage for a similar arrangement of space technology Water heating systemsHowever due to the fact that the steam - aggressive coolant heat to the material quality of assembly and ensure safe operation of the steam circuit requirements are particularly high. Therefore, the characteristics of valves must meet the requirements for use on steam lines, sealing fittings (sealants, gaskets) - to be steam and heat-resistant, and the number of field joints - minimum.
Despite the fact that the steam heating system is considered outdated, it is excellent for heating the garage - with the right of its calculation and installing central heating efficiently even in bitter cold, the room temperature is amenable to adjustment, and the arrangements do not require special care.
To achieve high-quality garage heating using steam heating, it is necessary to choose the right equipment and materials correctly. Much depends on the correct installation of the system. That's what will be recommended to the project. It can help you find out what their schemes of water heating, will be most suitable for your garage. Also, due to the project, you can determine the length and position of all circuits, including their ramifications, turns, etc. It is indispensable to select the boiler installation site and radiators.

Selection of the optimal scheme is required to determine the required vapor pressure in the heating of a garage. It may be four categories, but since the garage is usually a small area, you can opt for extra-low (vacuum-steam).
Also, it is possible to establish how the moisture will go back to the boiler. There are two options - indoor and outdoor mode. In the first case, the return occurs due to the presence of the pump, which pumps it through a special tank. Closed method comprises returning water by gravity, thanks to the high pressure.
Attention: Due scheme and can determine the most appropriate path which may be single or double. For the steam heating can be used both. If the single-loop to achieve movement of steam and condensate in one direction should be had to the desired angles and inclinations. If a double circuit, the movement of coolant and condensate occurs on different pipes.
Central heating garage, must be properly drawn up a scheme to determine the desired parameters of the equipment. The first output of the boiler. But, as already mentioned, the floor space is usually small and do not need to acquire a powerful boiler for its heating.
When you select should take into account the type of fuel that you intend to use for heating. It should have a reasonable cost and be available in the area where you live and, accordingly, it is your garage.
It will be appreciated the pipe material and geometric characteristics. They should be selected with the possibility to withstand the pressure and the effects of steam in the system through the expected life of operation. It is best to choose a pipe made of alloy steel, copper or steel. Despite the fact that their value can not be called cheap, in this case, you should pay attention to their safety. The effectiveness and durability of the heating steam in the garage and depends on the material from which the radiators are made and their dimensions.
Installation of the steam heating system depends on the chosen scheme. You should also familiarize yourself with all the recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment used.
Attention: It is necessary to take into account the distance from the boiler to the ceiling and walls of the garage. The latter should be fire resistant. The room in which it is established steam heating must have a good set of ventilation.

heating installation includes the following steps:
- Preparation of the site for installation.
- Installation of boiler and radiators.
- Tying the boiler and radiators.
- Test run and control the correct operation.
Setting in the garage of the steam heating system, you will be able to feel comfortable doing it, for example, repair his car. It will be warm even in the most severe frosts. The main thing is that it was designed and installed properly.
Before you start, heated garage with the help of this system, it is necessary to conduct its tests. It is necessary to check the tightness of the circuit, in fact should know in advance whether it will be able to withstand the operating pressure. Is it also possible during the test to determine whether the steam is supplied uniformly, and misses the kondensatoprovodyaschuyu tube (if double pipe arrangement).
We recommend you visit the link to the article on the basis of the implementation of the heating in the garage of the home.
What is steam heating
System structure is simple enough. It includes a device with the vapor. It is typically used as boiler. Radiators, similar to those used in water heating systems. Do not do without the connecting elements. This fittings, piping, etc. If the circulation of the coolant is naturally impossible in the system need to install the pump.

The principle of action of a steam heating pump is the following:
- The heat exchange circuit of the boiler with the burning fuel, the water turns to steam which moves through the pipes.
- Process moisture condensation occurs in the radiator. It is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature.
- Moisture flows first into a collecting tank, and then back into the vessel. In the last step, you need "help" pump.
Attention: steam heating system can be used without a pump. This is possible with the necessary slope and the correct positioning of all parts and fasteners.
This structure has both positive and negative sides. can be isolated from the positive:
- The high rate in effect - after starting the boiler, radiators become hot very quickly.
- High efficiency. He is almost 100%. heat losses - minimum, and its return - max.
- Dimensions of the entire system is quite small. It can be easily installed in the garage.
- It has a good resistance to freezing. If such happens, when it is thawing, any damage should not be.
The disadvantages of this structure include:
- The surface of the radiators and pipes can be so hot that when you touch them, can cause burns.
- As this system works in a rather "hard" conditions, this has a negative effect on the duration of its operation.
- There is no possibility to adjust the temperature of individual radiators.
As you can see, the advantages and disadvantages of steam obogerva system without using pump a lot. And only you choose to use any of the types of steam heating is the most efficient.