Demand for stoves was always great. They are actively used for heating houses, bathhouses, greenhouses, cottages. Heating garage a bourgeois also quite popular heating method. Especially that such a furnace can be made at the factory or on their own, from scrap materials. There are many modifications of this furnace. One of the most effective is a stove with batteries installed.
system design
Burzhujku can simply produce enough on their own. For this purpose, perfect exhaust gas cylinders and fire extinguishers, cans, metal drums. Burzhujku can be welded from steel sheets. Most often it is a rectangular, cylindrical or any other shape.
The design of stoves as follows:
- firebox;
- chimney;
- ash pan;
- grate;
- chimney.
Attention: The dimensions of the opening of the furnace depends on the fuel used. When using wood-hole must be wide, if used as a fuel or coal briquettes, the aperture size is much smaller. The main thing is the ability to freely laid into the furnace fuel used.

See also: water heating in the garage with his hands.
Applying burzhujku for heating the garage should be remembered that it is capable of operating at the wrong cause a fire. To avoid this, it is required to install the steel sheet of the desired size or any other coating impervious to fire and high temperature. The chimney must have a spark arrestor.
To achieve better heat the room, in this case, the garage, stove can be connected to the water circuit. In this case, it must be additionally equipped with the water tank and pipes. As has been proven in practice, stove with batteries, significantly faster and better to heat the garage, even in extreme cold. But to make such a heating system, it is necessary to achieve good circulation of water in it.
The water circuit may be established simultaneously with a bourgeois or later. Water circulation in the heating system can be forced (with pump) or natural.
Stove with battery has numerous advantages, making it popular for heating garages. Among the advantages are the following:
- Fuel Availability - stove capable of working with wood, briquettes, coal, peat etc. The cost of these fuels is small and they are accessible to almost everyone.
- Savings - because of the low cost stoves with a water circuit in comparison with other systems heating, it allows you to save a good idea, at the same time making it possible to efficiently warm room.
In addition, since the size of small stoves, in the garage you can without too much trouble to find a place for its installation.

Attention: Stove, if you do it yourself instead of buying ready-made, It shall be manufactured from high-quality, durable materials. It is best suited for this purpose steel, minimum thickness of 3 millimeters.
Production stoves with a water circuit consists of several stages. The first and very important - drawing preparation. To make it, first you should decide with the place where the stove is installed, remove all the necessary measurements and transfer them to the drawing.
In most stove in the garage is mounted on the metal sheet. But in some cases, the foundation can be done for her. This operation is performed in the following order:
- Parse the subfloor and make a rectangular pit depth of 40-50 centimeters.
- Fall asleep pit bottom layer of sand, fine crushed stone or brick crumbs.
- Fill the bottom of zabuchennoe cement. Performing this procedure, you should check horizontal with a spirit level.
- We wait until the cement is completely dry, and then laid several layers of roofing material. It performs the function of waterproofing and protects burzhujku from moisture, which can seep from the soil.
After the foundation is ready, it is possible to proceed to the next step - manufacturing stoves.
See also - review of furnaces for heating the garage.
Burzhujku do is not difficult. To the bottom of the furnace to be welded two lateral and one rear wall. In this case, note that the lower part must be at least 30 centimeters from the floor surface. This can be achieved, it is welded to the metal legs her. Although, if the floor is made of non-combustible materials, to fulfill this condition is not necessary. All components must be interconnected at an angle of 90 degrees. The compound produced welder.
That done, you can start creating partitions between the firebox and ash-pit. It must necessarily have an opening for the extraction of ash. It must be from the walls at a distance of about 5 centimeters. Window size of the blower must be at least 3 centimeters smaller than the size of the blower.

Further, the front portion should be welded stoves, which must be made in advance doorways with awnings. Having finished with this, you can proceed to the installation of the door with a latch.
Having done all of the above, all welds should be inspected carefully.
Attention: If you find any defects, they should be immediately removed. In that case, if all goes well, can weld the upper part of the small stove and a chimney connected to it.
water circuit
In the manufacture of stoves, should be given sufficient attention to the water cycle. The main thing in it - the coolant. It must be installed in the firebox of the furnace, and then connect to the water circuit. Its design can be very different. Usually used for its manufacturing steel sheet 3-5 mm thick. Can it be done, and of steel hollow pipes. But note, such steel structures, have a small heating area.

The structure of the water circuit includes:
- expansion tank;
- coolant;
- steel, cast iron or any other pipe;
- radiators.
Of the tools you will need to Bulgarian, drill, welder and a hammer.
Running the heating system, the water that will be heated in the coolant will flow through the pipes in the installed batteries in the garage. After the water cools, it will again return to the coolant. This ensures quality and reliable heating your garage with his hands. Stove with battery allow it to warm even in extreme cold.
Installing water heating system
Installation of water circuits does not take much time and effort. By using the stove pipe connected radiators. With their connection to consider the material from which they are made.
Radiators are suspended on brackets, after which it must be supplied the pipe to be placed at a distance from the wall of 2-5 centimeters, and 10-15 centimeters from the floor.

Assemble in the following order:
- On the walls marked the place of installation brackets.
- Drilled holes for them.
- The brackets are fixed to the wall. This should be respected verticality.
- Radiator is collected and hung on the wall using brackets.
- Mounted supply and return pipes.
The input and output should be set regulating and shut-off fittings. The latter is necessary to shut off the water inflow. Also, the inlet and outlet temperature sensors should be mounted. It must be installed and the expansion tank. He is required to case the system will suddenly boiling water.
After all the heating system is installed, you should check its performance.
Attention: It should closely monitor the temperature regime in the stove and possible leaks.
Once the heating system in the garage of the stoves with a water circuit is created, you can look forward to high-quality heating in any weather. The entire system can be manufactured and mounted independently. It does not take a lot of time and effort.