Most motorists use the garage, not only for its intended purpose, but also as a space where you can take a break from household chores, hobbies, or do some kind of economic affairs. To stay in the garage was comfortable and in winter, the room must somehow be heated.
To the heating was cost-effective, it is necessary to know the features of the existing methods of heating, as choose the best option for themselves only with the account specific situation and a number of factors: the dimensions of the room, its distance from the housing, the availability of fuel consumed, the budget for the provision of heat and garage etc.
Options for heating a standard garage for one car
The most popular and most economical way - heating the garage with electricity, especially if the structure is located at some distance from the house, it has small dimensions and is visited in winter infrequently.
There are several ways of garage space heating with electricity.

Reliable and efficient device, the principle of operation is based on air convection initiated by heating elements - cold air enters the bottom of the appliance and being heated by contact with Tan, lying warm up.
Convectors are available in floor, wall or universal design - on the supporting legs, with brackets for fastening to the wall or is equipped with two variants fasteners. The latter kind is particularly useful because it allows a compact place the heater on a wall with quick removal and installation next to the car - at the place of repair.
Advantages of electric convector:
- fast heating to the operating state;
- Heating automatically - manually set a certain temperature value, on reaching which the device is switched off and resumes only when the room heating-cooling ambient air on the value 1 degree;
- operational safety and ease of routine maintenance;
- durability;
- possibility of application in environments with high humidity and pollution, as the active elements of the device are closed protective housing.
Disadvantages convector:
- higher compared to some other types of electric heaters (quartz) cost;
- achieving the effect of the convector in the garage comes after at least half-time;
- increased power consumption.

OPERATION: heated by electricity exchanger (TANS or spiral) air from the room the fan is blown into the heater is passed between the heating elements and already hot again back to the garage.
Advantages heater:
- environmental - lack of any kind was discharge into the environment during operation;
- easy adjustment of heating intensity - there heating mode switches (disconnecting parts heaters) and fan speeds;
- small size and mobility - can be installed anywhere in the garage;
- the possibility of focused heating zones or objects;
- rapid heating of premises;
- devices equipped with an automatic shutdown response when overheated or overturning;
- an added independent complete electromechanical thermostat for automatically maintain the desired temperature in the room;
- low cost electrical small and medium power;
- ease of operation and maintenance in working condition.
Like any machine, heater has disadvantages, Which necessarily should be considered:
- to heating concomitant decrease in air humidity;
- availability factor of dust accumulation on TENah fraught fire or at least unpleasant odor in the garage;
- noise caused by operation of the fan;
- increased power consumption.
Despite these shortcomings, the use of a fan heater is the most popular for heating the garage.
heat gun

Compact and easy to use device that provides a quick and efficient heating of the garage. From heater differs times higher power heaters. The basis of the device - electrical heaters and a high productivity of the fan, providing an intensive blowing air heaters that produces the rapid spread of heat in the room.
Connecting high power heat guns requires three-phase mains voltage of 380 V, less powerful machines are designed for 220 V.
In garages small area heat guns use air dustiness creates, so using them it is possible to effectively only under the condition of constant cleanliness in the premises, including by protecting high-quality finish structures.
Infrared heater

Operation is based on the emission of infrared rays that reach the surface of the items on the propagation path, heated them, and they, in turn, transfer heat to the room. These devices are sometimes referred to as heaters UFO, but UVR - common in use of the same name in Cyrillic abbreviation is not related to the UV radiation.
UFO-heaters are available in different sizes and capacity can be calculated on the leg or on the mount to a vertical or horizontal base (wall, ceiling). Provided performance waterproof housing, or placing under a canopy infrared heaters can be used in front of a garage on the street.
Pluses IR heaters:
- cost of electricity consumption;
- easy operation and installation;
- reliability, safety and environmental friendliness.
A disadvantage of using infra-red heaters in a limited space of the garage is exposure to infrared rays on a small area, which leads to diminishing returns in the air heat objects. But when the radiation is focused in the direction of the actual area these heaters are quite effective.
Important! Considerable heating heaters UFO housing during operation requires caution in the handling of the device in close garage.
Water heating large capital garage
The most familiar to consumers a water heating systemThe use of which in a spacious garage is justified by many factors, including also the possibility of mounting their own hands. If the cost of acquisition of the boiler, radiators and other accessories holder do not confuse the garage, the water heating - the best way to heat a garage large capital dimensions.
Exploitation water heating systems garage It requires compliance with the following rules:
- to equip the building envelope, including the gate insulation - it will give up to 40% energy savings;
- as coolant use antifreeze liquid - this eliminates the need to drain the water at the time of prolonged absence of the owner;
- to avoid damage to use industrial applications radiators, vandal-proof performance.
If the distance of the garage no more than 20 m from the house, you can connect it to your home heating system (in the case of Autonomous heating - when the heating boiler of sufficient capacity). But a large area of garage heating system will require significant additional coolant flow, that is, general high-power boiler installation, operation which in the summer would be economically justified. Therefore, it is more expedient to arrange a spacious garage independent heating system and to establish an individual boiler. After such a decision is necessary to determine the optimum conditions for a particular fuel, and under which will be purchased by the heating boiler.
According to the cost of energy (natural gas) is the most economical way of heating garage, but it is accompanied by hidden costs:
- decoration design and permitting documentation;
- Payment of licensed professionals for the installation of gas equipment;
- the costs of ventilation and evacuation of the combustion products;
- the cost of maintenance work on the boiler;
- possible need for construction and subsequent maintenance of the chimney.
Alternatively, the heating can be used garage infrared gas heaters, panel heaters, convector consuming liquefied propane and butane in cylinders - this eliminates the need of walking the chain of command, but adds a fuel supply problem.
Features gas heating:
- advantages - a high level of automation of the heating system, by using natural gas - continuous line in the presence of an energy source, cost and high efficiency of gas equipment;
- disadvantages - the presence of factor risk of explosion, fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.
When using gas as heating of the structure owner must comply with particularly strict in his garage security requirements.
A good option for a garage - condensing unit automatic steam-drip type that economical than other models of up to 15% have been able to effectively operate at low pressure gas. In the heat exchanger of the boiler water is heated by a gas burner is converted to steam and then condensed back to a liquid state, which is accompanied by evolution of heat. These boilers are produced in floor and wall versions. Garage preferred the second option, which excludes the likelihood of rollovers in the performance of some works.
Heating by means of electric boiler - garage rather expensive solution heat problems. If the alternative fuel is not present, it is better to use electrical appliances (heaters, fans, fan heaters, heaters UFO - discussed in detail above).
When using electric heating equipment in the room with an open arrangement of the heating elements (Helix TANS) must be removed from the garage flammable or combustible materials (lubricants, solvents, paints, hemp and etc.).
Also we recommend - Making the central heating in the garage with his hands.
solid fuel

To date, solid fuel boilers are in demand and owners of buildings for production purposes on a par with gas equipment. Fuels are coal, sawdust, firewood. This is a fairly economical heating, well providing space heating.
Disadvantages heating garage solid fuel boilers:
- the need for removal of smoke;
- the need for a substantial area for arranging the fuel storage space in a garage that is not always possible;
- danger of being in the garage all that can be ignited by sparks when opening the door of the furnace;
- the need for regular cleaning of ash from the furnace, and the tube - soot.
The most perfect and therefore economical mode of solid fuel boilers Pyrolysis is a type of unit, where fuel is exposed high temperatures decomposes into two components - the pyrolysis gas and ash, each of which virtually no residue is burnt in a separate chamber.
Most models pyrolysis boiler as fuel is used only wood, pellets and waste (not bulk) timber industry. However, manufactured and universal units, calculated as on the use of coal and peat briquettes. The only thing common to all models of the conditions - that the boiler can enter the pyrolysis mode, fuel moisture content should not exceed 20%, otherwise it will work like a normal solid-fuel heater.
However, pyrolysis boilers type are expensive equipment, because to use them for heating the garage can afford not each consumer - truly economical heating the garage with his hands only if a significant investment not require all the components process.
For a clearer idea of how to equip the garage stove, you can watch this video:
The stove is not difficult to build, looked the corresponding video.
Testing of both the fuel type
There are special furnace which is used as fuel waste oilConsumption which is up to 1 liter per hour.
The disadvantage of this heating process is the need to clean the oil in special installations (and can make independently), so as incineration of waste lubricating fluids without preliminary fuel adaptation process is fraught with furnace failure.
Air heating system for the garage
air heating It uses not so popular with the owners of the garage as water, but it can be used not only to heat but also to ventilate the room.
The method comprises the garage equipment duct with baffles through which air enters, blowing fan heat gun or a fan heater and transmitted further through an air filter.
The main advantage air heating Garage - rapid simultaneous drying of the total volume, which prevents aggressive influence of moisture on the car and other furnishings.
To reduce the cost of heating, the owner recommended to insulate the garage outside the walls and ceiling, pre-pressed all cracks and holes. For thermal insulation of walls, you can use sheets of foam to the ceiling and floor - concrete block. Using mineral wool require subsequent waterproofing
Correctly chosen garage heating system will not only provide a comfortable temperature in the room, will save protecting structures from moisture, but also prevent the development of corrosion on the metal parts of the car, which is detrimental to technology.