Heating in the garage It has long ceased to be unusual. The reason for this is quite simple - in many Russian regions, the climatic conditions are such that the temperature at night reaches extremely low levels, cools the motor car, oil thickens, lose elasticity of rubber and rubber products details. To warm up the car after such a "lodging" is extremely difficult to have to burn a lot of gasoline, spend a lot of time. Moreover, the locks can freeze, so that even to get into the vehicle is sometimes difficult. A way out could be gas heating Garage, whereby the temperature of the clock will be maintained at sufficient elevations 5-10 degrees.
When choosing a heating method many motorists are thinking about buying an electric devices - convector and heat guns. This choice is justified in terms of operating convenience, simply connect the device to the network, and wait a while, until the desired temperature is reached. However, in terms of the effectiveness of the method is very uncertain, and if there are problems with the reliability of the grid, even dangerous. If next to the garage passes gas pipeline, the gas heating the garage - the most rational and justifiable option.

What should be prepared?
The main advantage of gas equipment operation - democratic price of fuel. However, you must keep in mind some of the difficulties:
- installation problems. Not everywhere has a real opportunity to connect to the backbone for collecting fuel. Of course, there is an alternative in the form of cylinders with liquefied gas, but such methods necessarily lead to increased costs.
- For installation, you must involve specialists of relevant services, such security requirements. No cost and without obtaining numerous permits.
- In some situations, the boiler is mounted solely to equip a separate boiler room, or at least specially reinforced metal cabinet (in which, according to the rules of fire protection, store cylinders with liquefied fuel).
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The classical method for heating the garage - installation of the boiler, the heating medium flowing through the pipes. The boilers are divided into two categories:
- Standard. During operation of the steam and combustion products are released into the chimney, due to which a certain percentage of heat is lost energy.
- Condenser. design change allows to delay the outgoing vapor to condense it, that is, to use his power to increase the temperature of the coolant, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing fuel consumption.
As the pipe is recommended the use of modern metal and plastic models, corrosion-resistant, flexible, easy to install. To connect fittings are used between separate sections. Batteries also fixed quite easily, you just buy a reliable anchors.
Keep in mind that for the installation of the machine room is required to meet certain requirements:
- The minimum ceiling height - 2 meters, square - a square 4;
- One must have a ventilation system running on the hood, and the inflow of fresh air;
- One must have a window area in square meters;
- For the construction of walls used materials which do not support combustion or hindering him;
- The doorway width of 80 cm or more with a door opening outwards.
Water or steam?
The traditional method requires that the water is used as coolant, but there is a method wherein it is replaced with steam. The principle of operation is that the boiler produces the necessary amount of steam that enters the radiator through the pipes. In the process of cooling the steam is condensed and re-fed into the boiler. Compared with the water method, the method is characterized by the following advantages:
- Reduced diameter pipe allowable value and the square battery saving means;
- The room is heated more uniformly, it is possible to avoid the formation of "dead" zones;
- Heating occurs significantly faster.
Of course, there are certain disadvantages, in particular a boiler quite noisy during operation and also lacks the ability to smoothly adjust the heating.

Also, do not forget to get acquainted with the main article about steam heating of the garage with his hands.
Instead, the boiler and the gas gun can be used. In fact, it is fully identical thermal electric model, but as an energy source is the gas, which is much more economical. The principle of its operation as simple as possible. To design bulb connects with liquefied fuel, the combustion process begins with heat, and small integrated fan energy spreads quickly throughout the room.
The advantage of this technology is not only in the fact that gas, and a gas burner itself cost a little, but in the ability to heat the room, even a large enough volume for a few minutes. Lack - combustion in oxygen, and in the release of combustion products directly into the indoor air. Thus, for the safe use, you must first solve the problems with ventilation.
The modern market offers two types of designated devices:
- Catalytic Technology. The combustion process occurs inside ceramic honeycomb, the heat is distributed evenly across the room. Improvement of the ceramic member is significantly increased operational safety, is fixed neutralization, 90 percent waste fuel combustion.
- Equipment with an infrared gas heaters. The design is identical to the first embodiment, but the bulk of the combustion products is in the room, so that not do without ventilation.
Features and conclusions
Thus, the use of gaseous fuels - an ideal option in terms of financial savings, if you have the possibility of connection to the backbone. Use of cylinders - an entirely different matter. The average consumption of 2-3 weekly cylinder, that is, will have to change them regularly to buy, develop an area for storage in accordance with the requirements of fire protection. All this, in turn, equates to the cost of electric technology.
However, if you are ready for the preparatory stages, there is a technical possibility of installing a gas boiler, wish receive circuit which would be resistant to failure regardless of load and the intensity of external conditions, select gas!