Quite often garages for heating furnace is used to working out drip type, which can make yourself fast enough. Despite its apparent simplicity, garage heating working off quite effectively and is able to fully cope with its heated even in extreme cold. Furthermore, the cost of the independent production of such a structure is rather low, and as a fuel, it is possible to apply the waste engine oil or transmission.
Design and installation
Such a furnace has in its structure two cameras which provide two-fold combustion. In the first combustion chamber is waste oil. In this case, a large amount of combustible gas which is then fed to the second compartment. It occurs mixing it with oxygen, and the resulting mixture continues burning for the second chamber. This process is accompanied by high fever, and release of a significant amount of heat. It allows high-quality heat the garage, even if the street strong frosts.

see also: independent heating garage with his own hands.
If you intend to use to heat the garage dropping oven for working out, be thorough approach to the choice of the place of its installation. After all, space heating is due to the combustion of fuel, and this may cause a fire. The surface of the wall and floor near the furnace must be made of non-combustible materials. You should also take care of the presence of good and stable ventilation. It will be essential. Because otherwise the combustion gases will accumulate in the premises.
Attention: For normal operation of the furnace, in both of its compartment must enter the desired quantity of oxygen. For its regulation on the ground should be a special compartment flap. it also has a plurality of small holes in the pipe, which is located at the junction of the two compartments. Holes need to fed into the second chamber the required volume of oxygen. The diameter of each of the holes should be approximately 1 centimeter.
Optional equipment
In order to achieve better heating of the garage, stove drip type need to equip optional equipment. First connect it to the heating system. To do this, you must first be make the installation of the tank to heat the water. After that, connect it to the heating system. Due to this, the oven can be used not only for heating but also for water heating, and, if necessary, and for cooking. One of the key benefits of this stove is its compactness. It allows you to quickly dismantle it, and then, set in the right place. It is also easy to transport.

Heating stove in the garage working out, made with their own hands, should be carried out in the presence of the chimney. Its height should be at least 4 meters! It is made completely vertical, and can not have any horizontal sections. Chimney cleaning should be performed on average once a week. It should also be equipped with a special system for its rapid dismantling.
production versions
Attention: Before manufacturing furnace type for working out drip should be defined in advance with its structure. Quite often it is based, it is a gas cylinder.
During manufacture it should be considered that her torch poor sensitivity is different to all the impurities, which are part of the waste oil. At the same time, the sensitivity of the drip mechanism is very high and should be reduced to the desired level. To achieve this it is necessary to put on the hose filter, for example, the automobile.
And the need to pump. For this purpose, suitable fuel pump high pressure or car. Necessarily need to make a return line, since otherwise the tank will flow more oil than is needed. Here in handy dropper, for example, medical. Since it has a clip, it will be possible to adjust the intensity of the fuel supply.
Preparation and production of
Deciding to do in his garage-like structure, it is necessary to make a careful drawing, and prepare the necessary materials and tools:
- IV;
- steel sheet;
- grinders;
- oil tank;
- pipe for a chimney;
- pump;
- gas tank;
- welding machine.
It is best to use a gas cylinder with thick metal walls for the manufacture of such a furnace. Of course, you can also use sheet metal, but you must first find one that will have the desired thickness, and then, to give the desired shape. But this will require welding, which make the manufacturing process more difficult.
In the manufacture of this design must remember and pro presence damper for regulating oxygen supply in the first chamber. Only if available camera will function as it should. It is necessary to advance or make a drawing look on the Internet, on which you will make the oven.

It is necessary to think in advance how it will be cleaning. To do this, the camera which will be burned oil, shall be manufactured in such a way that it can be quickly and easily disassembled. Remember and about the chimney. It should also be cleaned regularly.
Attention: He should be fully upright, and do not have horizontal sections, as this complicates the cleaning and impairs traction. The pipe must be made of quality material, which will increase its service life.
Preparing the bottle
If you decide to use for the production of furnace working out on a gas cylinder will need to properly prepare and cut off his lower and upper part. To achieve the required stability, it is necessary to weld the metal legs that can be done from a previously cut parts. You can then proceed to the camera device, which, as stated above, must be collapsible. It should make a hole in which is mounted a tube for controlling the supply of oxygen and fuel chamber.
In the center of the cylinder should make a hole of the desired diameter and welded thereto a pipe connecting both chambers. The second compartment can be made both from the middle of the container and of the steel sheet. Having made the camera it is necessary to fix by welding. By doing this, you can mount the chimney.
Once the device is ready, you need to check its performance. Note should not completely fill the oil chamber, since it would be ejected from the combustion chamber. Adding oil approximately 2/3 volume. The same should be done and during subsequent operation of the furnace.
Recommendations for safe use of the balloon
If you make a heating furnace working off the garage with his hands on the basis of the gas cylinder should follow some recommendations. This will allow you not only to accelerate its manufacturing, but also make the process safer. First of all, remember that even though the tank, which has not been used for a long time, may be able to explode gas residues. To avoid this, remove the valve and allow gas that may be in it, get out of it. Then pour into the water bottle. Only then you can cut it in Bulgarian.
Attention: In no case did not proceed to the cutting balloon, if you have not done the actions mentioned above.
To make the oven on a trickle-treated yourself, you can simply and quickly. It can be used effectively to heat your garage, even in the coldest weather. In addition, due to its availability, it can be good save. After this fuel for the furnace used any kind of waste oil, which always exists in the right amount at any motorist. All this makes the stove drip type on working out, the ideal choice for heating the garage.