Climatic conditions in most Russian regions are such that in the winter operation of the garage or another business object is not possible. Nevertheless, for many men, the garage is not just a place to store the car, but a full-fledged studio. Water heating in the garage - one of the best ways to protect themselves from the cold, to form in the room comfortable microclimate conditions, regardless of what the temperature is fixed at the moment on the street.

General requirements
Garage must take into account several important points:
- High-quality insulation. In the event that construction of the wall is too cold, even the most efficient heating scheme would be useless, because the heated air is simply not able to stay indoors.
- Tightness. It is important to achieve complete absence of drafts. Too intense air circulation, air exchange with the environment - all this will lead to the fact that the room will cool too quickly, increase fuel costs, the overall efficiency drops.
- The object must stand on a solid foundation or, at least, sexual screed. Impressive volumes of cold rising from the ground, the cement will reduce this negative effect.
These moments, ideally, should also take into account during the construction of the garage. If it comes to a finished design, you need to make every effort to improve it.
Heating circuit must meet the following requirements:
- Security. No open flame, to prevent the possibility of explosion and carbon monoxide saturation of the air - all this is one of the mandatory requirements.
- Automation. The scheme should consist of automatic maintenance of operating parameters are normal, and this contributes to security and operational convenience.
- Independence from external factors. This applies to systems that use electricity. mains voltage fluctuations should not lead to malfunction of equipment.
- Economy. Even the most reliable system can hardly be called successful and effective if its work is connected with huge fuel costs. Please note that the garage is not necessary to heat the air to a level of relevance to the premises. A sufficient value of - about 12 degrees.
Main article: air heating in the garage with his own hands.
If the next house ...
The owners of country houses often erected outbuildings next to the main residential structure. In this situation, the effective heating fluid circuit in a garage may involve connection to an existing main boiler.
However, it will be effective only if the boiler is located close enough. If you have to make a large branch from the main highway, the heat loss will be too large, the desired performance can not be achieved.
If you connect to the main boiler, for whatever reason you can not have to install a separate device. The garage is a great area for this you can allocate space in the corner, a little better design to make annexe.
Choosing boiler

Before you make an effective system, you must correctly select the appropriate unit. Ideal - gas equipment, but not always it is possible to assembly. The main problem is the need to obtain a plurality of certificates and licenses. According to regulations, a garage belongs to the category of the technical purpose of premises, used for storage of flammable substances. Thus, as an alternative technique can be considered a solid fuel (firewood, briquettes specialized wood, coal):
- Economy. This property explains the low cost of the equipment (this is true even in models significantly power), and the low price of fuel, which is especially important in rural areas where firewood are mere penny.
- Set technique is very simple, it does not need to cause professionals.
- Worthy efficiency.
Water-efficient heating from the stoves in the garage important for rooms up to 30 squares, as characterized by the stove power just about 3 kW. Household building large area of several stories better suited complete large boilers. Among the few drawbacks of devices for solid fuels can be distinguished but not too convenient operation, have to constantly lay a new portion of fuel.
To deal with a small garage heating also will be able to install an electric boiler. Immediately focus attention on the fact that the method is suitable for small objects with good insulation, because the price electricity is high enough, it is too active consumption will provoke huge bills for utilities services. In terms of compactness, reliability, security, and automation of this technique is ideal.

Choosing a connection method
In the garage with his own hands will be able to implement several heating wiring diagrams:
- One pipe;
- Two tubes;
- Combination.
For small rooms are well suited and one-pipe circuit, it will save time, energy and materials without compromising efficiency. However, in larger buildings is better to use two pipes.
If we talk about the type of coolant, it is not necessary to use ordinary water - too great a risk frost and ice simply burst pipes inside the system recovery will require huge financial investments. Optimal - antifreeze specialized, non-hazardous for pipes having a very low crystallization temperature.
assembly Procedure
So, we explain how to organize water-efficient heating of the garage with his hands:
- Performing calculations, purchase related consumables and equipment.
- Determination of space to install a boiler installation (before it should pour a foundation, or lay on the surface of a strong metal sheet).
- Install the surge tank. Ideally, the tank must be in the lowest point of the system at a height of about two feet from the floor.
- Installation of radiators and batteries. For fixing on the walls of devices special reinforced dowels fit. To avoid problems with air circulation, it is recommended to leave a gap of a few centimeters between the radiator and the wall, 10-20 cm - between the radiator and the floor.
- Feeding tubes. Quickly connect metal pipes or fittings can be a welder. For fixing the pipes on the basis of polypropylene used a special heating device.
- Fill antifreeze. Test run, check the efficiency of how quickly heat up the air, there are no leaks and other signs of trouble.
Thus, an efficient heating system in the garage is quite possible to build on its own. You do not have to spend a lot of time, effort and money, just enough to competently solve all organizational issues and not make a mistake in the calculations!