Terms of storage products in the autumn-winter period is different from the characteristics of their safety in the summer. The extension of the shelf life of fresh vegetables and Conservation is possible due to special premises of the basement and basement with a controlled environment. The main condition for storage is full air circulation and control of the humidity level. Ventilation cellar with one and two pipes allows to achieve optimum parameters of the environment and ensure the safety of all the products up until the next season.

The principle of operation and purpose of the system
Organization climate - a difficult task to achieve that applies a set of tools, materials and techniques. One of the stages of construction of a cellar is the selection and installation of the ventilation system. The lack of air circulation is considered to be a serious problem that could negate all the efforts for the collection and harvesting the crop for the winter. In a room with a not fully functioning or non-existent ventilation developed the following phenomena:
- stagnant air;
- increase in humidity;
- increasing the indoor temperature;
- accelerated decay processes;
- appearance condensate;
- development of fungi;
- activation of corrosion processes.
As a result of these factors affected food and all the other attributes that are in the room. Shelves accelerated rusting shelves rot and fail, oxidized cap, fruits and vegetables are rotting, and the air becomes unbreathable. The existing ventilation ensures storage of products, increase the life of the racks and all related equipment.
To achieve the full circulation of air masses inside the cellar several ways. However, the most effective among them - the construction of a natural supply and exhaust system with two pipes. Its principle of operation is caused by the temperature difference between the environment and the cellar. From school physics course, it follows that the hot air escapes, rising to the ceiling. However, his place is taken by the cooled mass, providing the necessary circulation flows. To achieve this effect indoors is possible through the use of a simple system consisting of two pipes.

Scheme ventilation system and especially its
Construction of natural aeration is possible only in conditions of small areas without walls and large sized racks. The presence of obstacles reduce the speed of circulation, making less effective ventilation. The same applies with respect to the area of the room, since the larger it is, the more difficult the air flow to move on it. Therefore, for the organization of a full airing in such buildings are used coercive type of system based on electric power operation.

- Creating a working model of the natural type of room ventilation is performed by well-established rules, regulated SNIP. Inflow of fresh air and removal of waste is carried out via 2 channels. Supply duct output to 10-15 cm above the floor level and the second near the ceiling, departing from it of 5-10 cm. Such an arrangement provides an outflow exhaust pipe masses and allows unimpeded fresh air flow into the room.
- From the outside air intake duct mounted above the ground by 30-40 cm above its level. The exhaust pipe is installed above the introduction of 25 cm or more. A similar arrangement makes it possible to achieve the required pressure difference and ensure full aeration inside the cellar.
- Important! The above set deducing the pipe, the greater the difference in pressure inside the room. Consequently, the air mass will often succeed each other, outputting excess moisture and preventing the spread of mold.

Equipment and materials
The natural supply and exhaust system is simple in its execution as compared to the forced-type structures. The main part is considered the duct, and the other part are classified as auxiliary means. In addition to pipes, to create a full-fledged natural aeration is necessary:
- connectors for tubing;
- fasteners;
- safety nets;
- deflectors or umbrellas.

No other devices, accessories or parts are not included in the design of supply and exhaust aeration models. Due to the cost of their construction is reduced, and efficiency (in accordance with requirement) is increased.
The only criterion, a direct impact on the cost of the project is the pipe material. In the role of duct used them the following varieties:
- plastic;
- asbestos;
- galvanized.
Each of these materials has the features and characteristics of the positive qualities. The choice of a particular type of product made not for economic indicators, but solely on the basis of the technical characteristics and modalities for the functioning of the future model.

Pros and cons of ventilation pipes
Plastic pipes are considered to be the most popular material used for the construction of natural aeration structures. Their main advantage - relatively high cost, which reduces the overall cost of the project. In addition, the positive aspects of plastic provides light weight, high ductility, flexibility and resistance to temperature extremes. However, if they have obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages associated with low strength and instability to mechanical stress.
Asbestos-cement pipes are considered to be not less popular among builders. Their strength exceeds plastic products, which expands the scope of application of the material. In addition, its price is also quite cost effective, which makes it possible to obtain an effective model for relatively little money. However, this dignity asbestos end. Its negative sides relates weight and bulkiness, lack adapters need for additional fasteners and strengthening the sealing joints.
Galvanizing - the most popular material for the construction of the ventilation systems of the two pipes. The material does not corrode, is durable, it is available, no deformation, is resistant to thermal stresses and has a broad product range. Galvanized metal lines are of different shapes, lengths and directions, without having to worry about their integrity and functionality. The relative lack of material is the price that exceeds other products, affecting the profitability of the project.
Calculation of the diameter of the duct
Calculation of the diameter of the pipe for ventilation cellar - a difficult task, which is dependent functionality in ventilation. Too small a pipe section does not allow air to fully circulate and size exceeding leads to lack the required pressure drop. The following parameters need to know to determine the amount of supply and excretory channels:
- area of the room;
- wind load in a particular climatic zone;
- the location on the ground;
- The temperature characteristics of the region.
Based on these criteria to make the ventilation is not difficult. According to the technical documentation for ancillary facilities (cellars and basements) norm is the circulation of air in the amount of 120 m. Cube per hour. Typically, to obtain high-grade air in a room with an area of 25 square meters is enough to install pipes 100 mm in diameter.
To improve the natural circulation using special deflectors, which are installed at the outlet exhaust ducts. Due to the structural parts of these devices increase the air velocity to support the renewal indoors.
installation steps
Installation of the ventilation system from the stage of designing the future design. This part is important, because it gives an opportunity to assess the magnitude and direction of the works, as well as to determine the amount of material required. To assess the complexity of the project approach is simple diagram drawn by ordinary pencil on a sheet of paper. Figuring and to buy all the details, go to the direct mounting of ventilation pipes 2 with their own hands, which consists of the following steps:
- collection and preparation of the inventory;
- forming openings for laying ducts;
- arrangement and fixing of pipes;
- sealing compounds;
- Install protective umbrellas.
When erecting the structure better without connections and bends, bending or fragile joint affect pressure inside the channels. The result is a decrease in circulating air mass, which leads to reduced efficiency model. Another condition for the effective operation of the system is leak-tight compartments. In addition to intake and exhaust pipe in the cellar should be no other air supply sources. Additional holes, slits and holes also affect the movement of the masses inside the room, reducing the circulation rate.

cellar ventilation with a single tube: differences and peculiarities
The principle of the cellar with a ventilation pipe is built on the same principle as the previous design. The role played by outputting the channel entrance door and the natural cracks of the room. In this case the inflow pipe is installed on a general principle, t. E. 10-15 cm above the floor level. Due to this in the cellar comes fresh air, allowing normal circulation. The only drawback of such a construction is considered the installation exclusively in a small area of 12-15 sq.m. Exceeding these values does not allow for effective aeration.
Important! Design features of the room also play a significant role. The presence of high shelves, corners, irregularities of the walls, ceiling and floor will inevitably impact on air traffic. As a result, a natural ventilation system becomes less productive, even when the area within the permissible values. For the full air in these cellars is necessary to construct the project with 2 pipes.

Adjusting the system in winter
The penetration of cold air into the cellar leads to a reduction in temperature below 0 degrees. Similar values have a negative impact on the safety of fresh produce and conservation. Maintaining optimum temperature + 2 + 6 degrees and to prevent its reduction - an important task, which is to solve possible by ventilation. However, if the cellar peremerzaet due to insufficient insulation, to solve the problem by limiting the supply air will not work. Raise the temperature inside the cellar is possible by reducing the circulation rate. To do this, you enter the set special plug, allowing to adjust the flow of incoming air or completely restrict them.

Installation ventilation pipes 2 is suitable provided small area cellar and its tightness. With the proper calculation and preparation of a master plan, installation of ventilation natural type does not take long. The work can be done with his own hands in one day. the result of work will improve the microclimate and increase the shelf life of products, which are available in the cellar.