For each of us the heating system in the house, in the apartment, in most cases - it is metallic lines, entangle all heated premises. Only recently, in new buildings, private homes and cottages were used new supplies - Polypropylene pipes for heating. Central heating mostly made of metal pipes, less metal and plastic, whereas in the private small Domostroi are increasingly used for this purpose polypropylene.

Heating pipes made of polypropylene which have appeared recently, already proved in practice, high efficiency and reliability. Through the use of synthetic materials, could dramatically simplify the task of arrangement of the heating circuits in the home heating systems. Specifications of pipelines of consumables of this type are consistent with modern technological parameters of the heating equipment. Price, easy installation and a long uninterrupted operation of the pipe taken out of polypropylene to the first position in the segment thermal machinery and equipment.
What is the reason for the popularity of new supplies to the heating circuits? What is the high technology of polypropylene pipes secret?
Why PP? What are the characteristics of this material?
With the advent of polymers thermal industry has a number of advantages. Technology used today in the production, allowed the production of new supplies in large quantities. Due to high technology able to achieve a low cost of the finished product. The resulting physical and chemical reactions thermoplastic polymer possesses unique physical properties, cheap and durable. Polypropylene pipes for heating became one of the last "know-how", which has successfully found its application in the field of heating technology.
Qualitative polypropylene tubes from European manufacturers is the ease of installation, durability and heat resistance. Buy polypropylene pipes for heating please visit
Today use a similar material becomes fashionable. Captivates specifications and processability of polypropylene. Using polypropylene products, consumables and components, can be equipped with almost any water-heating system as configuration complexity, and on the length. With metal pipes afford this is definitely not succeed.
On a note: when compared to the heating system installation cost of materials and metal pipe in a private home, with similar works, which use synthetic products, the latest win in the price.

The main advantages inherent in the material itself. Polypropylene or as accepted call it - thermoplastic substance that changes its plasticity as a result of changes in ambient temperature. At high temperatures, up to 1400C - polypropylene becomes soft and plastic at a temperature of 175 already0With the thermoplastic begins to melt, losing its structure. Accordingly, at temperatures up to 1200Since the material is able to retain their basic physical characteristics and properties.
Knowing about such physical properties of polypropylene, one might wonder. Is it possible to use the substance for the manufacture of pipes of heating systems? For water heating, where the boiler water may reach a maximum of 950C., the use of such material is ideal for this.
The only point at which you should pay attention - this is the coefficient of thermal expansion. With prolonged contact with hot water circulating through the arteries, the polypropylene can change its usual form. Therefore it is always the choice of components for the heating system, look at the labeling of pipes. Each article is marked accordingly, i.e. trumpet plotted data on the scope of products.
On a note: for conventional polypropylene pipes thermal elongation of 10 cm by 1 m. For reinforced, reinforced tubes of polypropylene, this index is much less, only 1 cm to 1 m.

Heating can be equipped only with special polypropylene products, which are based on the reinforcing layer.
Polypropylene pipes for heating has the following advantages:
- Multilayer structure ensures successful interaction with high temperatures;
- simple and easy installation, non-waste production;
- light weight;
- there is no need to paint the finished pipe;
- environmental and technological safety;
- presence of low hydraulic resistance;
- no blockages in pipes and salt layers;
- dielectric properties of the material;
- long-term operation.
We should not forget that in contrast to the collet and couplings on metal structures, polypropylene backbone joined together by diffusion welding. Compounds thus obtained strong, stable and sealed. Use polypropylene tubes can be any room for the hot and cold water, warm water equipment for floor and radiator heating mains.
On a note: the use of these materials for central heating systems in low-temperature regions is not recommended. The combination of low temperature, achieving a boiling point of the coolant and the high pressure may cause a rupture of the heating circuit, made of polypropylene. When working with self boilers, which provide for adjustment of the coolant temperature of heating may use polypropylene tubes.
Reinforced polypropylene tubes - ideal for heating
Among the variety of polypropylene supplies, only some of the products can be used for heating systems. When asked what the best polypropylene pipes for heating, the answer is unequivocal. The optimal choice - a reinforced polypropylene supplies.

Conventional polypropylene tubes normally are not capable of withstanding high temperatures. This pipe will sag due to thermal elongation and lose its appeal. Suitable such products of less diameterFor installation of low-temperature heating systems. Warm water underfloor such supplies will be long and reliably. Due to the fact that, in the heating systems of heating the coolant temperature is high, the thermal elongation of not play such a critical role. Besides water circuit often walled in the concrete floor and less prone to deformation.
The remaining issued and offered for sale products have various applications, while the reinforced products designed primarily for domestic hot water and heating. Heating circuit for a single-or dual-heating scheme will have the best performance in all respects, if it is made of reinforced polypropylene. Its marking PPR-AL-PPR or PPR-FB-PPR, wherein R means a random copolymer, and AL FB and reinforcing components, aluminum or fiberglass. Therefore, you should look for when buying all the inscriptions, symbols and numbers, which are deposited on polypropylene pipes for heating.
Random copolymer has a high crystallization degree, however due to the inclusion in the polymer of the compound, produced polypropylene of high strength and stability. It is a synthetic compound is a base for the manufacture of pipes of the water heating. Extra reinforcement only improves the performance of consumables. With such pipes it easy to work directly on the object, wherein the conduit assembly from the PPR-pipe does not require the use of special tools.
In practice, one can speak about a plane that polypropylene tubes used almost everywhere, where there is the need to ensure the supply of water or other liquids. However, for the heating circuit are multilayer articles.
On a note: single-layer, homogeneous pipe with a nominal pressure PN10 are used for low-temperature heating systems. Warm floors work well if the water circuits are laid using loops of conventional polypropylene. permitted maximum heating temperature of coolant 50 for underfloor0C, which is consistent with the specifications of conventional thermoplastic.

In all other cases, when using the coolant of high temperature heating or used polybutene reinforced pipes. The layers are channels in synthetic solid and perforated, i.e. a sieve with round holes. All this is done only for one purpose, to reduce the influence of high temperature polypropylene, to reduce the thermal expansion.
For example, comparing the coefficients of thermal expansion of a conventional, homogeneous material and aluminum tubes with interlayer or glass fiber.
In the first case, the thermal expansion values are 0.15%, while the reinforced product, the figures are only 0.03%. Between the pipes reinforced with aluminum foil and fiberglass small difference, only 5-6%. So, what is good and that, and other consumables.
The only difference is that the installation of the pipeline, the product should be cleaned reinforced with aluminum. For these purposes the shaver. Otherwise, a firm connection of hotel fragments pipe will not be achieved. The aluminum layer in the places of future soldering is removed to a depth of 1-2 mm.
On what to look for when selecting consumables
Having an idea of what a polypropylene pipes for heating systems, how to choose the required consumables, start preparing for the installation. Heating in the building, the system is open or closed, so in addition to the properties and the quality of the material, pay attention to the permissible nominal pressure, which can withstand piping. Pressure is designated PN, and the numbers, for example, PN10, PN16, PN20 and PN25 indicate how many atmospheres can withstand highway.
Another aspect which should always pay attention - this pipe wall thickness and diameter of the through passage.

Important! on most products offered for sale, is the outer diameter of the pipe. Not worth it to be confused with the size of the inner section of the product.
Let us consider in detail. What aspects should be paid attention to when buying supplies for heating systems.
The first aspect - working pressure. The marking indicates the value of the maximum working temperature of 200FROM. For water heating circuits typically use products labeled values corresponding to 20 and 25 atmospheres. It is appropriate here to remember that the polypropylene and can withstand the peak load, but with increasing temperature the resistance of the material decreases.
The latter - the temperature of the working medium. On the tube necessarily have to be the maximum value specified hot water temperature. Usually placed on the production of specific numbers "750C "or" 900FROM". In addition to all available color indicators, strips to polypropylene tubes. The red band - the material intended for conveying hot water, a blue bar - cold water.
The third aspect - the reinforcement. The composition of abbreviations includes letters indicating the composition of the reinforcing layer. Choosing which tube is best reinforced aluminum or fiberglass you. If you have doubts about the durability and reliability of the product, stop your choice on the composite.
A fourth aspect - the diameter of the pipe. Here it should be based on the data of thermal and hydrodynamic calculations. The fact that for individual sections of the pipe diameter tube may be different (heating "warm water floor" is used in pipe diameter 16 mm). The calculation takes into account the parameters of the operating pressure, coolant temperature, the boiler capacity and the number of connection points. Typically, for a home heating system from a central line, are used consumables diameter of 25 mm. When autonomous heating conduit diameter may vary depending on the technological necessity.
For reference: note! Internal liner section in any case can not be greater than the diameter of the riser pipe. For connection to the pipeline radiators fragments are used tubes with diameters of 20 and 26 mm.
Properties of polypropylene piping assembly
In order to make a correct installation of the heating line, you must have on hand a ready-made work scheme. It must be taken into account fragments pipeline where polypropylene tubes are connected with plastic articles, or brought into contact with metal fragments. With the same outer diameter polypropylene tube section is less than that of the metal article or metal-plastic moment. The wall thickness of all three materials are different, hence the technical details arising during docking.

It is important to get that would eventually have all used the fragments of the pipeline was the same inner diameter.
Stages assembly polypropylene pipeline heating system
Having defined the choice of pipes for its own heating system, and this is probably the product brand PPR reinforcing layer, proceed to the installation. The assembly of the heating circuit can be divided into several stages. Joining of the cut pieces and fragments of pipe is carried out by means of diffuse soldering.
To work required:
- scissors or a cutter;
- shaver - stripper polypropylene reinforced aluminum tubes;
- soldering iron.

To prevent the marriage at the time of soldering, work out at the junction of the individual fragments. Otherwise, you can collect pipe, in which the connection points will not meet the requirements of operation. Fittings and couplings have to dress up the pipe with some effort.
assembly steps are as follows:
- cutting workpieces according to the sizes;
- chamfering and calibration of reinforced products;
- heating and docking fragments (soldering).
At each stage, there are complexities and peculiarities. Scissors must perform a smooth and clean cut with a gap of 1 mm on the inner side.
Important! The gap is greater than 1 mm may cause overlap in the pipe passage. The molten plastic will narrow passage opening.
Following is threaded calibration process chamfering cut fragments and pieces. As a result, a simple manipulation is smooth the junction while using a shaver aluminum layer is removed to the entire depth of the future connections. Soldering process itself is the defining quality of installation. In case of overheating can be deformed joint and greatly narrow the passage opening. The optimal heating temperature soldering iron, according to experts, is 2600FROM.

In order to work in an apartment, you can use a soldering iron 800W. polypropylene pipe heating time depends upon its diameter:
For instance, Supplies a diameter of 16 mm, is heated to not more than 5. Products diameter of 25 mm is heated for 7 sec.
Plastic cools quickly, so you need to connect and align the fragments immediately after heating. Full hardening occurs over the next 5 minutes. Properly docked conduit necessarily subjected to pressure testing, as a result of which errors are detected and approved design flaws.
Polypropylene pipes used in home heating systems, a real step forward. Due to its low cost manufacturing process managed to get a high-tech, high-quality new material. Excellent technical characteristics and physical properties allow the use of polypropylene in virtually all water communications. For heating, reinforced polypropylene tubes to date, the best and most justified embodiment.