Heating country house bottled gas is generally used when it is impossible to use other types of heating. The fuel in this case serves as butane or propane. Gas cylinders are connected to the heating system by means of the gear - a special device serving to reduce pressure.

Since the gas occupies a substantial volume, while in the gaseous state, the liquid it occupies considerably less space. From this it follows that in cylinders it fits a lot. The gas which exits through the reducer from the container due to quick pressure reduction occurring, reverts to the gaseous state, after which it occurs in the combustion boiler. During this process, there is an allocation of a large amount of heat.
Attention: Through the use of bottled gas, it may be not only qualitatively heat house, but also to heat for any domestic water needs.
But in the latter case, the heat exchanger will be required. However, such a heating system is generally used only when there is no possibility to connect the boiler to the gas line. But on the other hand, is the heating of private homes can achieve full autonomy. Thanks to him, the heat in your house will not be affected by various external factors.
Also among the advantages of the private or heating of a country house with a gas cylinder are the following:
- low fuel consumption, which can be adjusted;
- full autonomy;
- the use of clean fuels;
- ease of management and ease of use;
- a constant pressure in the tubes.
Install such heating can be both the new and the old house. You will need to spend only a minimum of work. In addition, it is much easier than to connect to the gas pipeline. After all, it is no need to lay pipes to the building, prepare and approve the project.
But despite all the advantages of this type of heating, building heating producing gas cylinders desirable only if the use of other heating options are not possible for some reasons. For example, in the absence of electricity.
Home heating gas cylinders not only has numerous advantages, but also some disadvantages. Among them are the following:
- impossibility of placing the containers on the premises without the presence of stable ventilation;
- leakage, the gas may fall, for example, in a basement and there builds up, which may be fraught with serious consequences;
- they must be in the room, since the severe frosts if they are on the street, can occur condensate freezing and the system shuts down.
When used to heat the building of gas cylinders, should pay great attention to safety. In particular, it is recommended to place them outside the house, in a separate insulated building. Or place them in a metal or plastic box size. In the lid necessarily have holes for ventilation.

As a heater can be used a foam thickness of about 5 centimeters. The use of time, it is perfectly proved popular. They should sheathing wall duct, wherein the gas cylinders are arranged. In extreme cases, they can be placed in a residential building, but under them should not be a cellar or a similar premise.
heating organization
If you intend to produce liquefied natural gas heating at home, it should be remembered that not every boiler is suitable for these purposes. Indeed, in this case, you need a special burner, capable of operating from the cylinders. Its capacity should be about 10-20kVt. This indicator is directly related to the area of heated space.
Attention: The boiler must be connected to the gas cylinder using the special gear, which allows to significantly reduce gas consumption spent on heating homes.
For example, a gearbox it is 0.8 m3 per hour, and without it 1.8-2.0 m3 in hour. As you can see, the difference is quite significant.

The burner can be used the one that is intended for the functioning of the boiler operating by a gas line. But in this case it is necessary to adjust it to the proportional valve gas supply. After all, the line pressure is slightly lower. We should not forget that each burner must be adjusted individually.
If you intend to produce heating of a country house gas cylinders, should conduct the gas flow rate calculation. Usually the boiler to produce heat energy 1kW requires 0.12 kg / hr gas. If the building has an area of 100 m2, Then the required power of the boiler must be 10 kW, and the gas consumption for heating houses equal to 1.2 kg / hour. As can be seen, the gas flow rate sufficiently solid and if the boiler will consume the amount of gas all day, then this method of heating is unprofitable.

But if the boiler is set up correctly, you can significantly reduce the use of gas, while maintaining the desired temperature in the house in which you will be comfortable. Maximum fuel consumption in this case will only occur on heating of the heating system.
Also, a lot depends on the quality of home insulation. After all, if the building is insulated bad, the heating will have to include a lot of power to get the temperature at which it will be possible to feel comfortable. This means that gas will be consumed faster. How to insulate the building, you can see in the video below.
Making good the reduced gas consumption reduction can be equipped with automatic boiler. It is responsible for the regulation of fuel consumption, depending on the temperature in the house. Also, a lot depends on the time of day. Due to the installed automation, consumption can be reduced by about 30%. On average, one container will be spent in about 5 days, and a month would need about 7 units. That is, thanks to the presence of automatic control will be able to save well.
If the gas cylinders to heat to private and suburban house in which people live only from time to time, the consumption of gas will not big. If the people in it are not available, you can set the temperature in the boiler to +8 degrees. It can be a little lower. The main thing that the temperature in the building was positive. At this temperature, the gas flow rate in the week may be less than one balloon.
Heating to gas cylinders in a country or a private house to be effective, it needs to have a permanent, non-reducible amount of fuel. In this regard, this heating system plays other heating systems. For example, if the house an electric boiler, for its smooth operation only requires access to a power source. But if heating takes place by gas cylinders, they need to regularly refill or buy new ones. This implies an unnecessary trouble and is one of the main disadvantages of the heating systems.
Quite often, the sale and delivery of containers with reduced gas for heating, by a special organization. Of course, you can do it yourself. If you intend to make refueling gas cylinder will need to find the SG, which has the ability to liquefy the gas.

«]Attention: As practice shows, to save money on this kind of heat can be if it is to fill cylinders, instead of buying new ones.
But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that some of the SG wanting to save, fill with their only half, citing the fact that the cylinders should not be much gas as it is dangerous and there is a risk that he could boil even at a temperature of 40 degrees. This can cause container rupture. But to believe this explanation should not be, because if you buy a bottle, it will be filled to the limit and rupture occurs. But many people who are not too versed in the matter, believe, and buy bottles, filled only by half.
To achieve a smaller gas flow, it is recommended to set the automatic operation of the boiler control system. It will automatically increase or decrease the power of his work, depending on the temperature in the building. Also, if you want to save, the boiler must be off for the night. It is equipped with an automatic or not, in this case does not matter.
The reasons for the gas heating of the cylinders
The main reason for the demand for this type of heating is the low cost of gas compared to electrical and other systems. At the same time it is possible to achieve efficient heating even at a small expense, allowing you to save on gas cylinders.
Another advantage of the reduced gas heating is possible to connect the system at any time. In particular, if previously used another type of boiler. For example, if the first heating was carried out by means of coal or wood, then set the gas tank at any time, without making any significant changes. While the connection to the gas line will require some additional work.
Despite the large number of different types of heating systems, heating and a private country house bottled gas it is still popular and the demand is not reduced. This is due to the reasonable cost of gas and the ability to install a heating system in the house, which is in any terrain. This is especially useful if the alternative heating for one reason or another can not be installed.