Top 5 most promising professional fields in Russia

Over the past 15 years, our world and life in it has undergone strong changes and, as it usually happens, we noticed the changes only after they had already firmly entered our everyday life. Look around: your life is filled with innovative technology, communication has turned online and we are speaking in a completely different language.

There have been changes in the labor market, not only in Russia, but also in the world. Every year it becomes more difficult to predict the popularity or necessity of one or another industry. Nevertheless, if we take into account global processes and general trends, then we can make some assumptions about the future.

The specialists of the service for finding vacancies and personnel conducted some studies and compiled a list of prospective directions for the professional implementation of in Russia .


  • Information Technology( IT)
  • Energy
  • Industry and Manufacturing
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Medicine

Information Technology( IT)

It would seem how much you can bet on the IT field? However, the "code monsters" are not going to take positions: IT specialists are the most highly paid specialists for 10 years already. In addition, one of the most fierce wars on the Russian employment market is unfolded for IT professionals: companies are literally fighting for experienced and gifted developers, luring them each other with high salaries and delicious cookies.

Here you can get acquainted with the order of wages of IT professionals at the moment.


The result of active human activity and development has been a significant deterioration of the environment and depletion of the earth's nuclei. In the near future, experts in the field of alternative energy will become worth the weight of gold. If you do not know who you are to become in adult life - alternative energy will be an excellent choice, both from the ethical and the material side.

Industry and production

We live in a society of super-consumption. It's no secret that today mankind produces much more goods than it needs - the sphere of industry remains one of the most profitable for the second century. In addition, 2015 was the year of the revival of working specialties in Russia: at present the specialists in the working professions are among the most popular and can earn much more than "intelligent professions".

Marketing and sales of

The over-saturation of the goods market of services has led to the fact that the rating of the most popular professions in Russia is headed by the sales manager. A lot depends on a good salesman and a competent marketing specialist, so the companies will not lose interest in the specialists of this branch for a long time.


People are increasingly thinking about how to extend their youth and life in general - medicine is waiting for a really brilliant future. Already today, paid medicine is very popular: dentistry, plastic surgery and much more. People want to live a long and healthy life, and this is a very lucrative business.