On the possibility of creating a machine that literally "grow" at home writing fiction in the 19th century. But what to say, even twenty years ago, the technology seemed to be something incredible. But today it has entered into our life. Nobody will be surprised to see the construction site, which in pairs are working man and machine: the system operator and the valve with a nozzle for feeding mortar. The theme of this HouseShief.ru material - use of 3D-printers in the building. We will not talk about science fiction, but a real experience in this area and give examples of ready-made objects, as well as tell you about the possibility of acquiring such a device.

Read article
- 1 What is a 3D printer and what it is used
- 2 How does the printer 3D building three variants
- 3 Construction 3D printers for home construction
- 4 Pros and cons of application of 3D-printers in the building
- 5 Modern technologies and printer manufacturers for 3D printing houses
- 6 Informative video: what can be done on a 3D printer
- 7 Examples of 3D printing houses in photos
- 8 Where can I buy building a 3D printer and how much it costs
What is a 3D printer and what it is used
Modern building technologies - very popular products, experts in the matter accept with open arms, luring competitors. The race is almost space - who is the first to lay out on the innovation market, and get the supervygodu. Not surprisingly, the hard-working Chinese people no longer just invented, but became almost mass-produced construction printers. They showed the world as only one unit within 30 days built a settlement. Keep up with them and other countries, domestic manufacturers are also involved in this business and while on their side of the obvious benefit - the construction unit of the printer rather dimensional.

So, what is 3D printer and how it works? The main objective of the mechanism is consistent layering applying mortar to the site. The software manages the servo, forcing him to leave the room for window and door apertures laying communications. The material of construction is conventional peskobeton and mixtures based on gypsum and geopolymer fiberglass.
The operation requires a preliminary preparation of the site and building project.

From the normal printing 3D printer construction is different, perhaps, the size and the raw material used. The solution was applied with an automatic extruder. Thanks to the computer-controlled movement of the printer heads have deviation, except in a couple of millimeters.
How does the printer 3D building three variants
Concrete with the help of the construction of the printer is applied in layers. For greater structural strength is reinforced in the vertical or horizontal direction. There are three operating principle of 3D printer:
- extruding the stratified method - through the machine nozzle chokes viscous mixture of concrete additives;
- selective sintering - automatic fuses working mixture (sand) with a laser;
- spraying - are mixed in the nozzle of the adhesive composition and sand, and the resulting mixture is sprayed onto the surface.

Construction 3D printers for home construction
To perform the tasks two printer models can be used on the construction site: in the form of an overhead crane or boom in the form of a manipulator. Which of them is more convenient to use the engineer decides on the court. Everything depends on the complexity of the project.
Pros and cons of application of 3D-printers in the building
Advantages of the new technology attracted the modern builders. If you need to quickly and cost-effectively build a set of objects, a printer is a must. Costs are reduced due to the loss of jobs, because in this great 3D printer requires only one operator and a driver with concrete mixer.

And finally, the obvious advantage is the significant reduction in construction time. Work on a 3D printer can be carried out around the clock, it does not require special lighting or weekends.
Before you puzzled purchase construction machines, pay attention to its shortcomings:
- construction can not be used vibrated require a mixture of high speed curing and hardening;
- not yet developed a clear methodology structural reinforcement;
- not possible to remove air by vibroobrabotki, may form a cavity with air, which reduces the strength of the structure;
- 3D printer can work only with positive temperature in dry weather.

Modern technologies and printer manufacturers for 3D printing houses
Contour Crafting technology was invented by Iranian B. Hoshnevisom. Currently, the scientist continues its development under the auspices of the US Navy and NASA. Most of his works while classified, but the basic principle is known - it consists in applying the mixture with an extruder. Scientists are working on a task to fully automate the process, including the installation of fittings.

Italian Enrico Dini went into their design in another way: he proposes to use more than one extruder and a set of hundreds of nozzles, which is attached to a movable arm. Work machine resembles an inkjet printer, it is sprayed a mixture of sand and metal oxides with magnesium chloride. The technology is called D -Shape.

Domestic Designer Andrei Rudenko took his creation, building a printer "StroyBot" in the United States. After several unsuccessful attempts to attract attention to his work, he finally found a great way to advertise your product - built part of the hotel for the Filipino entrepreneur. The working mixture he used geopolymer concrete.
"Spetsavia" real-world experience in production and sales in this area in Ekaterinburg company. Today, the domestic manufacturer offers 7 options for the construction of printers of various sizes and purposes.

Competitor "Spetsavia" - Irkutsk concern Apis Cor. He abandoned the idea to use the portal design and laid emphasis on telescopic cranes, which move freely on the turntable. Installation is very mobile and can be transported in an ordinary truck. It is already actively used for building houses on a 3D printer in Russia.
The most well-known manufacturer of construction machines - Chinese company WinSun. Hoshnevis accused the Chinese of stealing its technology. Even so, Winsun, unlike the Iranian scientist, has brought this technology to the masses. They concluded agreements on housing construction in areas destroyed by the war in Iraq.

Informative video: what can be done on a 3D printer
The construction machine can create solid objects, such as homes, or produce panels and other building materials. An illustrative example of how the 3D printer is in this video:
Examples of 3D printing houses in photos
To better imagine the process and the result, we offer you to see how the house looks, printed on a 3D printer in a small gallery:
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Where can I buy building a 3D printer and how much it costs
For the construction of three-dimensional printing, without a doubt, the future. But while these technologies are improved, and it will take more 10 years before such machines will appear in all construction companies or will be available to private developers. Building 3 D printer can be purchased at the same Ekaterinburg "Spetsavia". Building a 3D printer that prints the house, it has a price of 4.6 million rubles. Agree, for the construction of a detached house a little expensive. But for a small construction company - quite reasonable price.

We will certainly return to this topic after some time, when there will be new developments, allowing to build a house with simultaneous automated reinforcement and installation of communications. And while waiting for your opinion on this technology in the comments!