To date, among the heating systems used in everyday life, are gaining popularity warm water floor. The increased attention on the part of consumers to this method of heating due to the high efficiency of heating of floors, especially when the emphasis is on the quality of the interior finish of living quarters. Radiators are not always aesthetically pleasing look, while hidden in the floor water circuit is completely invisible.

Bribes in this case, and the installation of heating equipment. With proper planning and compliance with all the necessary technological subtleties, make warm floors in your own home is quite realistic and under the force of each. In order to succeed, it is enough to have an idea of how the floor heating is included in the hardware kit. In the process, you will be faced not only with the choice of coolant heating method, the selection and laying of pipes the water loop and tie the equipment. A key element of the heating system "warm water floor" is a mix with floor heating assembly.
What kind of equipment? What is its design and purpose? We deal with these issues in detail.
Why heating system heated floor needed mix with knot
Underfloor heating can now be found in virtually all living spaces. City apartments, permitting the design features of a residential facility, are often heated in this manner. In many private homes, cottages water floor common phenomenon. Due to its special construction, underfloor system can be used as a full main heating dwellings, or as an auxiliary heating option. Competent installation, appropriate equipment will allow you to use water floors with maximum efficiency. And to help you with this, mix with the node for your underfloor heating.

Warm water floor heating is a low temperature system. Unlike radiators, for normal operation of heating water circuit must have a heat transfer medium whose temperature varies within 35-550FROM. The water that circulates in the central heating system is much hotter, not to mention the heating medium heated by operation of the boiler. Work on water treatment for water circuits performs mixing unit. On top of all, through the collector system inputs carried coolant distribution pipe underfloor heating.
Note: it should be noted that the mixing unit and mix with node is required when you have expressed a desire to do at the house heating by heating floor. For other heating options such equipment is not required.
The principle of operation of the mixing unit
Like all other heating system which uses a heat transfer fluid, heating due to water underfloor operates analogously to the following scheme:
- the heating source (boiler or autonomous riser central heating);
- supply and return pipe, the water circuits are laid in a floor of the heated space;
- devices and instruments governing group.
The water is heated by operating the boiler or is supplied in line of the central heating and domestic hot water. In standalone boiler water is heated to a temperature of 75-950C, CH system water temperature slightly less 55-750FROM. In accordance with the sanitary regulations ideal floor heating temperature should be 310C, which in the heated room area creates a comfortable stay. In order to achieve such a water temperature parameters floor hinge supplied water heated to a temperature of 35-550FROM. Layer Cake selects the excess thermal energy, giving optimal temperature indicators on the floor surface.
In order to direct the water circuit water flow desired temperature, mix with node set for floor heating. Otherwise the heating system warm floor will be a waste of money. Without adjusting the coolant temperature of your floor is turned into hot pan and concrete screed and floor covering will come soon in disrepair.
Important! It should be remembered that the mixing unit is capable of working only in case if the heating system circulates ordinary water.
Mounted unit in the immediate vicinity of the heated space, which come to the surface heating circuit loop. Connecting the equipment is on both pipe on the hot water supply pipe and the return flow line. As a result of their work, excessively hot heat transfer fluid is mixed with cooled, the cooled down waste water, giving as a result an optimal water temperature for the heating pipes.

Important! If the water in the system is not as critical for underfloor heating value, mix with the node set is not necessary. If standalone boiler operates for heating and supplying hot water for domestic purposes, can not do without the mixing unit.
It would be appropriate to say. Do not confuse the mixing unit and the collector. The first is a set of equipment, each of which individually performs its function. The collector is an integral part of the host mix with and is designed for collection and distribution of water flow in the heating system.
Based on the configuration, and follows the principle of operation of the mixing unit.
The coolant supplied from the heat source to the collector. The presence of the safety valve and the thermostat does not allow hot water is free to move on. At high temperature, water included in the automatic operation mode. The inlet valve opens and the hot fluid flow is added cold water entering in the opposite direction. Upon reaching the required temperature values of the water, the valve automatically closes, stopping the supply of hot water into the system. This process occurs continuously and smoothly during operation of the heating system.
Configuration The unit mix with
The operating principle of the equipment is simple and straightforward. Another thing, what instruments and accessories provides all the functionality of the unit. The easiest option, which can be done by hand - this is a mixer equipped with a collector, a safety valve and circulation pump.
The first carries out the tasks of distribution flow through the water pipes of floor heating. Safety valve provides hot water to the manifold and control the temperature of the heating water.
Circulating pump according water flow rate necessary to provide the intensity and uniformity of the water supply in underfloor.
More complex mixer design is a whole set of additional elements. Besides the already voiced devices reservoir safety valve and a feed pump, a set of conventional mixing unit comprises:
- Bypass - the element that protects your equipment from overload and overheating;
- The drain, the drain valve;
- Shut-off valve;
- air vent;
- Thermostat.

The mixing must be a compact structure, which is able to hide in the collecting box.
On a note: if it is supposed to equip the underfloor heating in several rooms, each of which will require a separate mixing unit. You can install one single unit for all heating circuits, but in this case it is better to use a collector with a large number of inputs and additional safety valves.
To equip mixers commonly used three-way and two-way valves. The second is still referred to as the supply valve. Because of its stuffing, the thermostat and the sensor valve is responsive to the slightest change in the temperature of the heating water in the system by opening or closing the flow of water.

To the heated space over an area of 200 m2 the use of two-way valve is not recommended.
Three-way valve It has several functions. Due to its construction the valve is able to perform removal and mixing. Due to this arrangement occurs in a mixing unit mixing the hot water coming from the heating device to the return line. Usually valve put on podmes with actuators which independently automatically regulate the level of mix with. Adding to the mixing block three-way valve complete with weather-compensated control, you get a fully automated system for adjusting the heating temperature. In addition, the three-way valve is designed to work with under-floor heating a large area.
If you want to save on equipment, use a control valve with manual adjustment. Saving on automation, you will get for themselves extra trouble. When adjusting is difficult to determine the optimal flow of coolant in the system. Automation addresses these issues faster and easier.

Mounting of the mixing unit. Special features
With the right mix of components, subject to all necessary technical conditions, the installation of the mixer should not cause difficulties. Having determined the location of the mixing block arrangement, modeled structure of the collector enclosure, start the assembly.
For the future. floor heating control unit must have free access. Otherwise, you will encounter difficulties during operation.
First connecting lines leading from the heating device. You should install the collector. At the end of the system can be equipped with pressure sensors adjustment, pressure thermometers. It is important to determine how to position the combs collector. On to any heating source connected to your system, it depends on the connection method of distribution combs. This may be a mechanical connection or conventional, top and bottom.
For the hot water supply line is better to use plastic pipes or polymeric materials. These components are able to cope with pressure surges in the system, and well withstand high temperatures.
Connect the equipment to the water circuit is carried out in a clear sequence with the help of fittings. To the blue inlets connected pipes that water is cooled down in the opposite direction. By the red nozzles connected water loop, providing floor heating in a heated room.
If you plan to make a warm floor for heating a large area, you definitely need a circulation pump. The longer length of the water circuit, a large number of bends and a small diameter heating tube leads to the fact that the circulation of coolant in the system weakens significantly. Setting the pump, you will ensure the normal supply of treated water into the heating circuits. Putting pump is recommended at the beginning of the mixing unit, where suitable feed pipe and return pipes are connected.
Pump installation is carried out in a strictly horizontal position. It is recommended to install the pumps with multiple operating speeds. These models allow you to manually define the required flow rate and flow rate.
In custody
After reading so what value plays for the heating system "warm water floor," mix with knot how to construct his work, you can say a few words about setting up the equipment. Not having the proper training, this procedure is better left to professionals - heating equipment. Despite the fact that the installation of floor heating installation of the mixer and tasks that you can handle on their own, setting the regulatory group requires appropriate skills and knowledge.
For general information, we note a couple of steps, which is associated with the mixer configuration process.
- Thermal head or valve actuators is better to remove what they do not affect the setting of the mixing unit;
- The bypass valve is set to the maximum value of 0.6 atm, making it not currently working;
- The position of the balancing valve is set according to the calculations of the bandwidth;
Calculations will be about such:

Where, t1 - is the water temperature in the delivery pipe of the auxiliary boiler or the CH system;
t2podachi - is the water temperature at the inlet to the water circuit;
t2obr - a water temperature in the return pipe coming from the water circuit loop;
Kυt - a common factor which is equal to the value 0.9.
The figures for the calculations we take the averages for autonomous boiler:
t1 = 95 ° C,
t2podachi = 45 ° C,
t2obr = 35 ° C.
The result is:

This is the value that we are putting on the balancing valve.
Then adjust the pump, taking into account the bandwidth balancing valve and the desired water flow rate. If the pump is set up based on the optimal settings, you can not set it to the minimum operating modes. Later, when it becomes clear that the operating speed of the pump is not enough, the unit for reinstall high speed.
- The last stage involves the balancing loop water floor. This task cope balancing valves. If you are one branch of the heating circuit, balancing is not required.
In conclusion we must say that mix with the assembled unit and connected to the system require mandatory binding with all the heating system. Observing all the instructions and recommendations of experts, entrusting the execution of hydraulic and thermal calculations of experts, you can expect a successful outcome of your event. Mixing unit, assembled according to the rules, will allow to work on your home heating system as efficiently as possible. In addition, you will significantly increase the level of comfort in the home and their own safety.