For equipment in an apartment or in a house underfloor heating is often used accessories and consumables that are not fully suitable for such cases. Misconception about the "warm floor" heating system itself, on how to operate the equipment should become the cause of frequent accidents. Solve a similar problem will accurately follow the technology of laying floor warm water, use materials specifically designed for use in this case.

Main article: how to choose the pipes for floor heating?
One such element, which is based on a water heating system - a corrugated stainless steel pipe, specially designed for laying underfloor. The product was first published in Japan, where due to crowded living conditions in the cities, constantly attempts to find the optimal engineering solutions for the construction of residential communications. Due to a combination of stainless steel and the flutes could obtain a flexible and durable channel used as a pipeline for laying underfloor.
Tubes, which will be discussed, can be used as the primary heating water circuit, so and as an element of a wiring connecting underfloor heating, radiator to the heating instrument.
The peculiarity of the pipe, the raw materials and manufacturing process itself. For corrugated products, a special stainless steel grade AISI 304, which is fed to band compactors, molding machines. After passing through a series of rollers and folds the output is a billet of cylindrical shape. After the conveyor stainless steel billet enters the welding machine, where under the influence of a specially designed gas environment, there is a creation of the weld.
On a note: special gas environment during welding ensures the preservation of the metal alloy components. When cooking valuable alloying components evaporate in the open air, because of what the steel loses its corrosion-resistant properties. Violation of welding technology leads to the fact that the weld on stainless pipe is quickly destroyed in the operation.

In the end, after all the manipulations obtained cylindrical channel, which is ready for use. However, that would give it all the necessary technological and design characteristics, it is necessary to subject the finished pipe annealing. Corrugation passes the heat treatment under the influence of high temperatures, whereupon the product cooling step occurs. The end product is a corrugated stainless steel pipe having high strength.
For reference: Stainless steel tubes, corrugated perfectly withstand dynamic loads, while maintaining the usual form without yielding to deformation. Comparing with ordinary annealed corrugation, it can be stated that during bending of a conventional stainless steel channel can be distortion.
To distinguish the annealed tubes are packed in cases for which a special marking is applied. Otherwise, to distinguish at a glance the usual stainless steel pipe from the finished product can not be annealed, than is often used by unscrupulous sellers.
To determine the best footage of corrugated pipe for its heating system, it is sufficient to look at the following table.
The diameter of the corrugated duct in mm | The volume of water in the running meter | channel cross-sectional area |
15 | 0.219 l. | 0.064652 m2 |
20 | 0.447 l. | 0.09004 m2 |
25 | 0.71 l. | 0.121394 m2 |
32 | 0.982 l. | 0.15218 m2 |
When buying for your apartment corrugated stainless steel tubes, the main thing to strictly follow the selection criteria:
- first - step corrugations on the entire channel must be the same;
- the second - the weld seam must be whole, smooth, with no visible flaws.
you can try bending the reliability of corrugation. The absence of an explicit deformation and destruction of the joint, indicates that the product meets the required norms and standards. For fittings made to connect the corrugated tubing, the important point is not only full set of products, but also the state of the seal rings. To date, the assortment of fittings allows for any type of connection.

The pros and cons of the corrugated tube nerzhavki
Due to its high technological characteristics and design features of the pipe nerzhavki it is becoming increasingly popular in the private economy. Design features, which has crinkled nerzhavka allow immediately to solve some technical issues, which greatly simplifies the installation of heating systems. Corrugated stainless steel hoses have the following advantages:
- pipe bend can be manually carried out, for any bend radius;
- hose lumen at the site of the bend does not change (min. bending d equals to 3 times the tube R);
- pipes are produced in wound coils 50 linear meters;
- easy and fast installation of the pipe connecting to the heat source and heating devices;
- small roughness reduces the rate of sedimentation and the clogging of the hose lumen;
- the life of the corrugated pipes is limited only by the condition of valves;
- hoses have a small weight, low noise threshold.
It is appropriate to say the following. The ability to easily bend the hoses in any direction allows reducing installation of floor heating, reducing the number of connections. This feature plays a significant role in the reliability of the heating circuit. Other advantages possessed by stainless corrugation include material resistance to corrosion, ability to withstand pressure shocks and temperature fluctuations. The latter aspect is particularly important when it comes to laying the heating system in the region with a harsh climate. Corrugated stainless steel hose is hardly afraid of defrosting.

As for the pressure, which maintains the tube, then the parameters are as follows:
- max pressure 50 bar;
- max operating pressure at 110 t0C is 15 bar;
- max pressure disruption (at 200C.) is 210 bar;
- temperature range is from -50 degrees Celsius to 110 degrees.
How big is the list of benefits so long, there was also a list of deficiencies that are characteristic of this material. Special mention should be on some of these important and significant from a technical point of view. Stainless corrugated pipe distinguishes insufficiently stable resistance to mechanical damage. This item requires a secure pipeline, located in the open, accessible form, the necessary protection (casing). If the pipeline laid in the public domain, much of the interior aesthetics suffer.
Corrugated tube is highly susceptible to electrochemical corrosion. Can prevent the destruction by setting the ground and the use of dielectric pads.
Important! When laying hose for underfloor heating, it is necessary to use protective chemical screens. When filling the pipeline is important to consider the composition of the coolant (using antifreeze).
When installing underfloor heating via corrugated pipe will need to regularly check for loose connections. Many important is the high heat transfer coefficient, which have a corrugated hoses nerzhavki. The coolant circulating pipe of stainless heating system rapidly loses its temperature, so stainless steel hose is best to put in a concrete shirt, which will operate as a heat extractor.
All these shortcomings exist, but the correct approach can be easily removed and turned into an advantage.
Corrugated stainless pipe for heating. Mounting
With numerous advantages, corrugated pipe nerzhavki is a very convenient material for floor heating equipment. A particularly attractive in the case of corrugated tube assembly heating circuit pipe. Here you'll need only a set of fittings and key. Installation of hoses for all heat sources and heating devices is as follows:
- pipe cutter cut the required length. Here it is important that the cut was strictly perpendicular to the plane of the pipe itself. The cut should be free of burrs and rough edges.
- further approached the fitting place. It is important that he was boring completeness. Inserting the tube, gently tighten the nut. For better sealing nut is tightened key. Installation is complete.
Similarly, a transition to a conventional pipe corrugated stainless steel hose. The riser or other branch pipe is equipped with a corresponding fitting, one end of which is inserted into the corrugation. After that the O-ring is tightened.

When installing corrugated pipe is important to remember that it is flexible enough. If style heating circuit for floor heating, a pipe is fixed in special grooves. When installing the pipeline on the panels, fasteners must be installed as often as possible.

Recommendations for operation with a corrugated stainless pipe
When using the corrugated pipe in the home should be followed, experts advise. According professionals corrugated pipe has more resistance to water flow, as opposed to the smooth-walled pipelines. Sufficient capacity of the circulation pump solves this problem freely.
In city apartments, such pipes are often used in conjunction with gas heaters. From stainless steel tubes makes the wiring of the heating system, heated floors mounted in living rooms and bathrooms.
Laying of floor heating using corrugated pipe nerzhavki performed on the principle - one circuit - one bight pipe. Fittings in this case placed not tightly. Better to use a comb.

In most cases competent piping, observing certain pipe laying step, it is possible to achieve a long and trouble-free operation of floor heating.
Use the heating system corrugated pipe - you decide. It would be better composition pipe or corrugated stainless, time will tell. Anyway, the ease of installation of underfloor using such materials shows how the material is caught and good consumable for home heating systems. The only factor that currently makes the pipes made of stainless steel demand, reliability and durability of the pipeline and the connection points.