Each of us is free to choose which heating system is optimal for home heating. The choice of heating equipment will depend on where you live in a city apartment or in a private home. For an apartment in the house an ideal option is to install radiators. Floor heating can be arranged in the bathroom or in the kitchen, in the premises of a small area. For private home heating system "warm floor" seems preferable. In this case it is convenient to equip such a system of heating from an engineering point of view.
Information about how the installation of floor heating on the Internet abound. Let us examine the issues of another plan. How is the launch in his home water underfloor heating? That what should be and what sequence of actions?
Fill the coolant system. How is this done?
To begin with, the radiant floor heating is a specific system. At the first contact with this type of equipment in layman in this regard there is a lot of questions. Basically, consumers concerned about issues related not only to the installation of equipment, but also with the first start-up and subsequent maintenance of floor heating. As is the case with traditional fan heaters, floor heating requires pressure testing. The system requires periodic cleaning and emptying. First start of heating is already the last step, after which you will have to deal directly with service all heating equipment with all the technological features and subtleties nuances.
Each system has its heating technological methods and embodiments supplying coolant in the heating circuit. In that case, if you use as a coolant ordinary tap water, it is necessary to have a special valve that supplies tap water in the water circuit.

Use for heating other liquids require installation into the delivery manifold special tip portion equipped with a stopcock. It is through this gate and there is a connection device for molding the future of the heating system. With this device, the heating circuit is normally filled with antifreeze or special solution.
For reference: apparatuses used for crimping, suitable for pouring coolant glycol and its derivatives. As a rule, use automatic and manual machines. Buying it is not necessary. Today, many shopping and specialty shops offer a similar technique for hire.
If the coolant is water, then this device is useful to you in the farm. in the heating system water change should be carried out at least once a year. the flow of water from the underfloor heating is carried out in this case by a certain technology. The main condition - the presence of the drain valve on the return manifold for each water circuit.

Depending on the location of the collector as is the reverse and front part of the collector, the new coolant is fed into the feed tube (red) through the check valve.
Consider the sequence of actions by pouring coolant:
- washed with running water circuit coolant water before casting. Such a procedure would eliminate the remnants of the channel of the mounting garbage, grease elements. The system in this case is washed several times with water, as long as through the return line runs clear water;
- Heating circuit for rinsing the water underfloor is needed each time when a change of the coolant is performed;
- before pouring the coolant in the system, ordinary water needs preparation. If the region of hard water, calcium rich in impurity salt solution is added to soda ash, water softening;
- when working with antifreeze, especially grades containing ethylene glycol, special precautions must be observed.
Important! It should be remembered that the antifreeze manufactured based on ethylene glycol poisonous substance with which contact is able to turn into serious poisoning. In no case does not blow mouth hoses and pipes of the heating circuit, if there were to this chemical reagents and liquid.
First start the heating and crimping Radiant Floor
After installation, before laying screed or forming a floor covering, floor heating functionality is checked in operation. To do this, you need to run the system in a test mode. A problem of this starter is to verify operation of all elements of the heating system. As a result, starting circulation of the coolant is determined by the intensity of the water circuit, both floor surface heating is performed, or there are flaws and failures in the heating equipment.
On a note: filling the coolant system to drain it before laying the screed is not necessary. The solution lies with filled tubes to the fact that to the water circuit adopted its optimum working dimensions.
In practice, there are three methods for verification of water floor operability. What they look at in more detail.
1. The assembled system is displayed at the optimum temperature and maintained in this form for several days.
2. System can be filled with cold coolant, check for integrity by increasing the pressure in the pipeline.
3. Provisional crimping the entire heating system air.
Important! To test (crimping) of the water circuit air compressor is used, the blowing air under pressure into the conduit to 5 bar, max. Otherwise, the integrity system at the joints may be impaired.

testing method you choose for yourself. It should be remembered that when checking the water circuit via the high pressure air, the lack of ties may adversely affect the integrity of the pipeline. Typically in such cases the tube pulls out of the mounting locations in which the water circuit is mounted by conventional mounting tapes and single fasteners.
To avoid this situation, set the beacons for future ties, at a certain distance (pitch) and secure them with a solution. With this framework, you can safely proceed to purge the heating circuit.
If the pipe laying was carried out without loops and bends such problem, you will not get any. Leakage in this case usually occur at the connections to the collector circuit.
Testing of the system in different modes
System connected to the heating device or hot water supply is output to the normal operating temperature. At this point, it carried out adjustment of water underfloor heating in various temperature regimes. Starting with a minimum 200FROM. Sequentially within 2-4 hours of raising the heating temperature 50And so do all the time, going to the optimum operating temperature of 35-450FROM. All of this is under surveillance of the pipeline. Investigated joints and connection points for leaks. After reaching full production capacity, the system is left in operation for a couple of days for the final shrinkage. Only after serious shortcomings have been identified, you can proceed to the Gulf ties or mounting floor structure.

When checking the heating water circuit pressurized slightly different sequence of actions. The system, filled with cold coolant is pressurized to 1.5 to 2 times the working. Leaving the system for a day under the pressure, detect the presence of defects and malfunctions. If no leaks can begin to tie hardware.
The third option, which involves molding a dry method is used extremely rarely. The compressor is connected to the collector of the input and pumped into the air system. As the pressure parameters must be accurate. Avoid air overpressure is 2-3 times greater than the working, the design pressure. Such a method does not always produce the desired effect, especially if the use of anti-freeze is expected.
On a note: Antifreeze has a high fluidity, so it is best to check the integrity of the system, pre-cooled to align it properly.
Using the test pressure during start-up of more than 4 bar, it is necessary to keep the drain valves - air vents closed.
For metal pipe at the first start cold coolant normally used. The pressure in this case can be raised up to 6 bar.

When it comes to polypropylene tubes, the system must be checked first with plain water supplied under high pressure. Test pressure should be 2-3 times higher than the normal operating pressure. If after some time, the system does not leak, it is possible to return to normal operation, release the pressure to 1.5 bar.
In the video you can see in detail what devices, and in what order is carried out pressure testing of heating systems.
During operation, water floor heating, to watch him work, not a difficult task. On how competently carried out the installation and pressure testing equipment, independent follow-water circuit.
It is also important how the coolant is filled with your heating circuit. Compliance with all necessary regulations and technical nuances will allow you to do everything in accordance with the standards and technological parameters. Periodically changing the coolant in the circuit, you will be able to extend the performance of your heating system for longer periods. If you follow all instructions in the installation and start-up process, you do not have to compromise the integrity of the concrete ties, disassemble inlaid floor, find and correct the flow, to eliminate the gap space heating circuit.