In the present situation the dusty metropolis often do not always have the time to go into the countryside. That is why many owners of apartments are in awe to the indoor climate. An excellent solution to preserve the natural balance humidity and purity become a modern model of air sinks. We will present the list of the best of them, the most sought in 2019.
Air cleaning - a special unit, which saturates the air with moisture, creating a comfortable indoor climate
Read article
1 What is the air cleaning
2 Which is better: air wash or moisturizer
2.1 Air cleaning Boneco
2.2 Air cleaning Venta
2.3 Air cleaning Bork
2.4 Air cleaning Winia
2.5 Air cleaning Panasonic
3 Top 2018 Air washing of the year, depending on the price category
3.1 Best budget car wash with reviews and prices
3.1.1 Air Comfort HP-900LI
3.1.2 Atmos Aqua-800
3.2 Top washing premium air with reviews and prices
3.2.1 Philips HU 5931
3.2.2 LG HW306LGE0 Mini On
What is the air cleaning
Air cleaning - container with a special pan, inside which there are water or lobed filters, which not only humidify the airBut also disinfect it.
Structure with blades rotate, taking away from the pallet located below, water
Water filters trap heavy particles of dust and dirt.
Which is better: air wash or moisturizer
Air cleaning - more versatile unit. It not only cleans the air, but also moisturizes it, in contrast to the standard humidifier.
air washers, of course, have a number of advantages:
Unlike humidifier washing delay coarse dust and debris: lint, dirt and sand;
by forced circulation is more efficient, allowing to moisturize and clean even large areas;
such cleaning does not contain the heating elements, harmful substances, safe for children and animals;
Air cleaning - great for children's rooms
Of the minuses can be called:
the need for continuous operation;
you need to clean and replace the filters;
Some models can be quite overall.
Air cleaning for cleaning large areas
If we talk about producers, we can name a number of brands that have already proven themselves in the Russian market.
Air cleaning Boneco
The most popular model of the brand - Boneco P400. This air purifier 20 m². The power unit is 27 W at a noise level of 30 dB.
Quite functional unit with economical power consumption, works very effectively
The floor is equipped with a filter pollution indicator. Buy air cleaning Boniek can be for 27,000 rubles.
Review about Boneco P400.
More on Yandex. Market:—ochistitel-vozdukha-boneco-p400/14011059/reviews? track = tabs
Air purifier Boneco P400
Air cleaning Venta
One of the most frequently purchased models of this brand - Venta LW15. It has reduced noise emission for large dimensions and performance.
There is a function of the fan speed control electronically
The water reservoir has a volume of 5 liters. Let's see what they say about people washing.
Review of Venta LW15.
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-venta-lw15/8446206/reviews? track = tabs
Climatic complex Venta LW15
Air cleaning Bork
Despite the fact that not all the models of this brand reach the Russian market, some of them deserve special attention. One of them is Bork q Q710.
The device knows how to moisturize and purify
The washing provided the sleep timer, and fairly roomy bowl allows you to quickly moisten the air indoor area up to 35 square meters.
Review of Bork q Q710
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-bork-q710/6943452/reviews? track = tabs
Climatic complex BORK Q710
Air cleaning Winia
Winia AWI-40 - one of the best Winia brand models. The total power is 15 watts, washing can not only moisturize, but also ionize the air.
The device has a capacity of 7 roomy l
And now look at how to respond to the sink Winia AWI-40 buyers.
Review Winia AWI-40
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-winia-awi-40/1714200785/reviews? track = tabs
air washer Winia AWI-40
Air cleaning Panasonic
Famous brand successfully engaged in the production of sinks, creating a rather powerful and functional units.
One of the interesting models - F-VXH50
Panasonic air cleaning power is 45 watts, and can serve up to 40 meters. Capacitance humidifier has a volume of 2.3 liters. Management intuitively simple. Buy air cleaning can be for 23,000 rubles.
Review of Panasonic F-VXH50
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-panasonic-f-vxh50/10477537/reviews? track = tabs
Air cleaning Panasonic F-VXH50
Top 2018 Air washing of the year, depending on the price category
Now consider a model that will be available to families with low incomes. Perhaps some of them are not so "stuffed" with electronics as we would like, however, does its job well.
Best budget car wash with reviews and prices
The cost of the cheapest washing starts with 1200 rubles. Naturally, it is the simplest model, designed for small areas.
Air Comfort HP-900LI
Simple mechanical cleaner and a humidifier for 1200 rubles. Low power allows you to maintain humidity in a small room.
The device is very compact, so you can install it on the table
Review Air Comfort HP-900LI
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-air-comfort-hp-900li/968773/reviews? track = tabs
air washer Air Comfort HP-900LI
Atmos Aqua-800
Simple enough and a budget unit, which not only cleans the air, but also ionizes it.
Capacitance water tank - 1 liter.
At a flow rate is 5 ml / hr, the stock should last a long time. You place the unit in 2700 rubles.
Review Atmos Aqua-800
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-atmos-akva-800/4980306/reviews? track = tabs
Air cleaning Atmos Aqua-800
Top washing premium air with reviews and prices
Such models are not different budget cost, decide, in the main tasks associated with cleaning large areas: offices, kindergartens, and other large spaces.
Philips HU 5931
It allows you to effectively clean the room up to 100 square meters. Among cons - the rapid flow of water, despite the spacious tank is 4 l.
The device can be installed on the floor. There are electronic controls. Buy the system can be for 25,000 rubles
Review Philips HU 5931
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-philips-hu-5931/12863946/reviews? track = tabs
Philips HU 5931 air cleaning
LG HW306LGE0 Mini On
middle-class appliance is suitable for apartment or house. Compact enough washing with good power and performance. Washer LG HW306LGE0 air can be bought for 18,000 rubles.
Additional features - ionization, fan speed regulation and e-government
Review Philips HU 5931
More on Yandex. Market:—klimaticheskii-kompleks-lg-hw306lge0-mini-on/13058588/reviews? track = tabs
cleaning the air LG HW306LGE0 Mini On
Tell, and what types of air washers are you using? What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of such units?