Wood - a material with a host of advantages are widely used in construction. Rating building structures of wood furnish and provide environmental, durability and low thermal conductivity of the wood, so Cabins for suburban and rural area, built on modern technologies, do not look anachronistic to date - they are durable, beautiful, and ensure a comfortable temperature in them is easier than in the stone buildings.

However, due to exposure to walling adverse factors - changes in temperature, humidity, wood microorganisms rassyhaetsya, rots, and deforms over time more and more loses its positive characteristics, including thermal insulation properties.
If the warm wooden house, and, to perform the operation on time and correctly, it will not only protect the wall logs and prolong its life, but also reduce heating costs by reducing heat loss, but also improve the microclimate home. Consider how best to do, including his own hands.
Features thermal insulation of a wooden house
Wood - a unique material with the property to "breathe", and, the intensity of this "breathing" (water vapor permeability), along and across the fibers is different. The maximum water vapor permeability coefficient of wood - along the fiber, the minimum - across. It depends on this characteristic also of the tree of the variety.
According to the classification of SP 23-101-2004, including p.8.11 recommendations wall of the wooden house on which carried out insulation, it is a two-layer design, so their insulation is performed outside:

Criteria for suitability of the material for thermal insulation of a wooden house
To meet the requirements of building regulations, the location of the sequence of layers should not only prevent the accumulation of moisture in the interior of the enclosing structure, but also to promote it evaporation / weathering. Consequently, the important quantity of water vapor permeability of each of the layers.
Important! To eliminate wetting multilayer structure enclosing its vapor permeability layers of material to grow in the direction "from the inside out."
Past logs or boards have a surface treatment, most of which consists of sections of fiber. Water vapor permeability across the fiber in such products is higher than in the untreated, but - to a certain depth.
For clarity, we reduce construction materials with thermal insulation properties, in a comparative table and arrange them upon the wood in order of vapor permeability coefficient:
Material |
Density kg / m3 |
water vapor permeability mg / m · h · Pa |
Tree (pine, fir) across / along the fibers |
500,0 |
0,06/0,32 |
mineral wool |
50,0 – 200,0 |
0,25-0,60 |
PVC foam ( "1" marking) |
125,0 |
0,23 |
expanded clay lightweight concrete |
800,0 |
0,08 – 0,3 |
Autoclaved aerated concrete D500 |
500,0 |
0,20 |
Hollow clay brick |
1000,0 |
0,15 |
Corpulent clay / sand-lime brick |
1800,0 |
0,11 |
Penoplex |
25-45,0 |
0,013 |
Polyurethane foam |
30,0 — 80,0 |
0,05 |
Expanded polystyrene |
33,0 – 150,0 |
0,013-0,05 |
Roofing felt, vellum |
600,0 |
0,001 |
polyurethane sealant |
1400,0 |
0,00023 |
Polyethylene |
1500,0 |
0,00002 |
Conclusion - of these heaters have an optimum degree of water vapor permeability of mineral wool.
Styrofoam vapor permeability coefficient is small, but despite this, the foams used as insulation of wooden houses is not prohibited by the regulations. The same applies to Penoplex surpassing polystyrene for strength characteristics, but also has a low water vapor permeability.
Used for thermal insulation of walls of wooden materials
highlighting Two groups of insulating materials suitable for thermal insulation of structures made of wood, Consider the degree of suitability of each izolyanta - this will allow a better understanding than concretely and for some circuit technologies warm wooden house outside.
mineral wool insulation
This group includes the following thermal insulation materials izolyanty:
- rock wool;
- slag wool;
- glass wool;
- ecowool.
Stone (basalt) wool - a non-combustible heat resistant fibrous material in the form of plates or mats, generating from rocks and withstands heating to 600 0FROM. Basalt fiber insulation interconnected formaldehyde resins, and to reduce hygroscopicity izolyant treated hydrophobic composition. Improved types of rock wool is produced from the coated foil, glass fiber or kraft paper. The feasibility of using stone wool as insulation of wooden houses cause of its low thermal conductivity, high vapor permeability and resistance to microorganisms and a large mat rigidity and low weight make it the best option when choosing izolyanta mineral wool.
Important! Stone wool fibers are flexible and, unlike glass, do not cause skin irritation, but this styling material still must be performed with the use of personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles and clothes).

The disadvantage of basalt wool is its high relative to other heaters in the price band.
slag wool - manufactured from iron and steel industry waste teploizolyant discharged in the form of plates and rolls, often - with foiling of one of the parties. Slag wool thermal insulation characteristics have worse than the previous izolyanta, and its maximum heat resistance is 300 0C, but for the price it is a widely available material, is a good sound insulation and rodent repellent.
Important! Serious disadvantages slag wool are hygroscopic and isolating the compounds of sulfurous acid when wet, which is damaging to wood.

In view of these drawbacks slag is the least preferred for insulation wood material from this group izolyantov.
fiberglass - long-fiber insulation with a low specific weight, produced from a molten mixture of cullet with limestone and borax. Produced roll and the sheet, and the reinforcing foiled glass fiber coating. A substantial fiber length (15-50 mm) glass wool provides superiority over other types of mineral wool insulation in elasticity, resilience and tensile strength.
Glass wool is not combustible, heat resistant (to withstand 450 0C), vapor permeable, resistant to chemicals and has high insulating properties. When wet material loses its heat-shielding properties and dries for a long time, so as the other heaters of this group, in need of hydraulic protection.
The main disadvantage of glass is the complexity of working with it, due to the fragility and the taunts of the fibers penetrating the usual clothes and dangerous to the respiratory tract, eyes and skin.

Choose between the slag and glass wool helps comparative table:
Parameter / Material |
slag wool |
fiberglass |
Density (kg / m3) |
20-210 |
11-25 |
Water vapor permeability (mg / m · h · Pa) |
0,25-0,35 |
0,5-0,6 |
Thermal conductivity (W / mK0FROM) |
0,034-0,043 |
0,029-0,041 |
Water absorption by volume (%) |
1,5-2,0 |
0,6-0,8 |
Thickness (mm) |
30-200 |
50-120 |
Lifetime |
to 50 years |
20-25 years |
Performance Comparison reveals the preference of using glass, but it is without regard to possibilities of using basalt thermal protection, which is the best option.
Ecowool - generating from the paper industry waste heat insulation consisting of a natural cellulose (80%) with addition of flame retardants which allow wicking and evaporation of moisture without affecting the performance of thermal insulation material. The composition also includes izolyanta antiseptics and insecticides to protect the insulation from insects, rodents, and microorganisms.
Ecowool manufactured as a dry loose mass of light gray, packaged in bags, which is applied to the substrate using a special compression equipment.

Despite a number of significant advantages (high thermal insulation properties, sound and vibration absorption, environmental), the popularity of the heater due to the complexity and cost of mechanical application low. Stacking is manually laborious, time consuming and less efficient.
Solid polymer insulation
Given the low water vapor transmission rate of these polymers, wood, finished their outside, "breathing" does not, resulting in start syret and rot. Accordingly, in order to prevent these processes will have to pay special attention to the interior ventilation materials of their finishing, which entails considerable additional costs, both in the regeneration, and in the process operation.
Thus, the use of foams to wooden structures on the outside is impractical for slight overlaps interstorey wooden beams insulation does not need. But in the heat shielding need concrete slabs, stone plinths wooden houses and solid polymers with their high thermal insulation characteristics ensure its effectiveness.
From sheet polymer thermal insulation materials for thermal insulation of concrete structures of wooden houses are the most popular:
- polystyrene;
- penoplex;
- PVC foam.
Expanded polystyrene - one of the many varieties of foam, in common parlance is often called. Possesses high insulating properties, is light, easy to handle, is cheap, but it is unstable, and the combustible vapor tight.

Furthermore, this structure is a closed izolyanta beads, between which a cavity is available for penetration of water. Moisture accumulated in the foam not only adversely affects the finished design it but, freezing destroys itself insulated shell. Accordingly, these shortcomings requires additional compensating types of work and impose restrictions on the scope of the use of polystyrene foam.
Penoplex (extruded polystyrene) - improved foam, dense and solid insulation, thanks to high performance is widely used in civil and industrial construction.
Work Penoplex wide temperature range (-50 to +75 0C) and depends on the density of a particular grade of material applied to the sheets in the form of letters "K", "C", "F", "Comfort", "45". For the insulation of wooden walls designed insulation labeled "C" (the wall), and "comfort" (universal).
Important! Do not use penoplex with a density less than 25 kg / m3 - the material is porous, loose and short-lived.

Penoplex resistant to mechanical stress and moisture that causes it higher than the foam rate, but also this material has a low vapor permeability.
In turn, penoplex has two improved varieties - "TECHNOPLEX" and "Polispen" differing values of strength properties and water vapor permeability.

For use in living rooms are used both types, but -. Marked "35"
PVC foam - closed cell material based on polyvinyl chloride, produced by molding and has a better water vapor permeability in the group of solid polymeric insulation. On the strength of PVC foam superior penoplex, it can be used as a structural material, but does not create difficulties in processing by manual or mechanical tool.

Benzomaslostojkie, low water absorption (less than 4%) operating temperature range (-60 to +60 0C) the ability to self-extinguishing, and high biopersistence combined with the advantages previously listed cause high cost of PVC foam, preventing popularity. Moreover, this self-extinguishing flame izolyant surrounded still burning, and, with a suffocating smoke - released during the combustion of hydrogen chloride combines with moisture, forms hydrochloric acid.
Methods outer thermal protection of the wooden house
Building insulation of wood in two ways:
- under the "wet" facade;
- under suspended (vented) facade.
Selection method insulation timber walls from the outside depends on the cross section of rims (log or timber) and subsequent technology wall cladding.
"Wet" facade called finishing insulated walls by applying to building insulation and decorative solutions, in which no gap between the heat-shielding layer and the finishing lining is not provided. With this method of heat shielding shell is loaded plaster and decorative coatings, so it is attached to the wall by gluing over the entire area. The basis for such a locking izolyanta should be smooth, hence, under "wet" facade insulation operate buildings built of beams.

Ventilated facade It implies the presence of the air gap between the outer lining and a layer of insulation that device is achieved on the wall framing system consisting of lath elements and kontrobreshotki mounting. In this case, the load bears on the outer finishing frame assembly which is possible on the wall of any structure.

Important! With any method of external insulation of walls made of wood are used for fixing the thermal protection of plastic molds with steel cores are screwed.
The device insulation under the "wet" facade
Laying insulation on a wooden support under this kind of exterior decoration differs from the analogous operation on stone wall preparation technology only base and fastener elements.
For work selected period of dry weather resistant.
First of all, the walls are cleaned of dirt, dust, moss and inspected for damage beetle borers.

Important! If the wood has traces of the presence of the beetle-grinder, to insulate a house is impossible - the unavailability of construction will accelerate their destruction due to the inability to perform periodic delousing.
The purified base twice with an interval of a day are covered with antiseptic, very thoroughly this is done on the lower crowns, corners and ends of the logs.
After one or two days of drying cracks in the walls of the logs, the gap between the rims tightly zakonopachivayutsya and filled with sealant.

On the walls of the elastic structure for timber tightly butted to each other are bonded stone wool mats and plugs are attached to the base with steel rods. The effective thickness of the insulation must be at least 10-15 cm.
Then on top of the insulation spatula a thin layer of cement screed. On the solidified shell is glued fiberglass reinforcing mesh with subsequent priming brush.

Important! Application on wooden walls leveling mortars and paints based on acrylic is not compatible with high water vapor permeability of the wood.
Due to the dynamic surface of the base of the timber "wet" facade - not always the best solution for thermal insulation of the wooden house, since a layer of plaster is fairly static, rigid shell.
insulation device for ventilated facade
On treated antiseptic dry walls attached crate vertical section of wooden bars, equal to the thickness of insulation. Step bars performed on 3-4 cm less than the width of a heater - it will lay the mats tightly vraspor each other.

On top of the bars after the thermal protection stowage recess therebetween, attached by a stapler windproof vapor-permeable membrane - positioning the strip horizontally porous surface inside prokleivaya seams taped. Then, the film satisfied kontrobreshotku - frame venting gap of the vertical wooden bars thickness of not less than 5 cm, applied to a lower strap and attachable thereto with screws. The resulting construct of the vertical connections is a base for mounting the finish plating - vinyl siding, paneling, block house, etc.

Viewing this video adds visual representation of the thermal insulation of a wooden house:
In the same manner, but after the glazing, insulation can be made of wooden walls terrace or veranda, turning them in the winter in a cozy ledge.
Warming of the wooden house from the inside
Given that the thermal protection layer on the basis of wood must be 10-15 cm, the total loss of useful volume of the housing after the insulation on the inside will be significant. Therefore, in the subject of internal thermal protection appropriate to consider, the better sheathe inside the house not wooden walls and concrete floors between the floors and above the basement, as well as the floor in the basement.
Insulated slabs from the floor much easier than izolyant mounted on the ceiling located at the bottom of the room. But the floor insulation to withstand the mechanical stresses must be sufficiently solid or equipped on top of the reinforced concrete screed. And here is the best option of the TPM will not be mineral wool and extruded polystyrene.
And aligned with the purified semi arranged waterproofing, on top of which are stacked end to end fitting Penoplex size sheets. The strength of this material allows the device to confine subsequent leveling screed 3 cm thick, which is then placed on a ceramic tile or other floor finish trim.
Insulate the floor of the basement, first and second floors, as well as the attic floor, the task within the insulation of wood inside housing is almost completed, since an important role in reducing heat loss also play window blocks and double-glazed windows.
External thermal insulation of a wooden house - not a whim or a passing fad. Executed properly, it will give no reason to regret the cost - a significant increase in the durability of the housing of the expensive natural materials worth it.
The main essence of the article
- Wood - a natural building material, which has, in particular, and thermal insulation properties, so wood construction is popular today.
- To extend the life of log houses and slow the loss of their unique qualities of wood, wood structures need to insulate. The best way to heat insulation property of wood is its thermal insulation from the outside, and the best material - basalt wool. Foams for arrangement of structures made of wood is not suitable, but the demand for exterior insulation caps and the internal arrangement of the sexes.
- "Wet" and ventilated facades - two designs in use today, providing thermal protection wooden walls, but in the physical characteristics of the wood more "locked up" the second option performance.
- Under the insulation of wooden houses to be understood from within the device insulation of concrete floor slab.