Basement garage for storage of food supplies - the solution is very reasonable. But it can cause high humidity, which is a direct threat to the tool and vehicle. There is a downside, garage space belongs to the category of industrial structures, which may adversely affect the safety of products. To compensate for these two problems, the most important quality insulation. We will talk about how to insulate the cellar in the garage.
Features thermal insulation of basements and cellars in the garage
, You need to create the right conditions for this to holdings for a long time and kept securely. The main enemy is the low temperature of the blanks. If the roots freeze slightly in vegetable pit, they will lose their dietary and nutritional properties. Therefore, the main task - ensure the temperature inside the cellar at least + 1-5 degrees without the use of heating elements.
Another problem - the high humidity. The basement should be not only properly warmed, but also to perform ventilation, humidity indicators to conform to the norms. You can not withdraw the tube directly into the garage. Firstly, it will be given excessive moisture, which is unacceptable for a car located there. Second, air is drawn out of the garage is undesirable, since it may contain chemical evaporation. At the ends of the pipe should be installed plugs, through to prevent the entry of rodents in the cellar.
In addressing these issues should definitely take into account the following factors:
- the thickness and material of which are made the walls, floor and ceiling of the cellar;
- local climate (in particular the type and depth of soil freezing, as well as the depth of groundwater);
- depth and area of the basement (eg, a spacious cellar harder to heat).
The main thing to consider when insulation of the basement garage, this increased fire risk premises. Choosing a heating material, first of all, you must pay attention to its flammability.
Preliminary work (selection of materials and tools)
Before starting to work, we must decide what is best to warm the cellar in the garage from freezing. There are many good materials, but not everyone is suitable for rooms with low temperature, high humidity and ideal conditions for mold reproduction.
Immediately it should be noted that wood fiber and wood stoves do not fit categorically, even if you put them on bacteriological impregnation.
That can be used from conventional insulating materials:
- Styrofoam. Enough popular type of insulation that can withstand a variety of temperatures and long life. But he has drawbacks - the material is too flammable and love rodents.
- Styrofoam. Durable, able to withstand not only the low temperature, but also exposure to chemicals, has low vapor permeability.
See also - how to insulate the ceiling in the garage.
- Mineral wool. Material quality, with affordable cost and good thermal insulation, is made up of many layers, allowing you to breathe walls. But it is easy to absorb moisture, and requires an additional vapor barrier to prevent the possibility of condensation forming.
- Glass wool. Economical option, but it is rarely used. Firstly, with glass wool uncomfortable work, you can injure the skin and eyes. Secondly, due to the accumulation of moisture in the material deteriorates and loses its properties need waterproofing or foil finish.
- Reflective insulation. The modern version of the multi-layered - polished foil or foamed polyurethane. Due to the fact that the material is thin, space saving.
Well established sprayed polymer materials, but their installation will need special equipment, is unlikely to succeed to do everything with their own hands.
When making a choice as to insulate the cellar in the garage, it is better to give preference to roll or sheet materials. Installation simple, does not need to involve specialists, all that need - a hammer drill, dowel-umbrellas, level, hammer.
How to perform a self-warming
When using roll or sheet material, first make the lath of metal or wooden profiles.
Before mounting battens, right to first perform the waterproofing of walls with roofing felt or conventional thick film, which is easily fastened joints with duct tape. In rooms with high humidity is best to use a special waterproofing materials.
The main nuances:
- Wooden crate cheaper for it you can use any improvised pieces of wood or remains of the building mother. But necessarily require the application of special anti-bacterial impregnation, which not only save the tree from damage, but also make it less flammable.
- In accordance with the sizes of cells mounted battens cut heating material and tightly laid.
- Between the insulation and sheet linings need to leave space for ventilation of the room, it helps to increase the service life of the structure.
- In places where the plan will be installed racks and shelves, you must carcass reinforcement (wooden beam must take a larger cross section).
- The easiest way to produce a crate on a pre-scribed circuit.
See also - how to make Heated floor above the basement.
If a basement is small, it is possible to do without battens. Algorithm of work in this case is as follows:
- Sheets carefully joined together.
- Sealed seams with a suitable adhesive. Can be used to bond the foam core (when its remains fully harden, they are cut).
- Secure the material to the wall plugs.
The ceiling cellar has direct contact with the floor of garage spaces, which causes a significant difference in temperature (ceiling will collect condensate). To avoid this, it is also required insulation, which performs similarly to the wall surface.
Foam can insulate the ceiling, placing it just to the adhesive, and then armiruya mesh or fixing the topcoat.
Due attention should be given access door through which the entrance to the cellar. Do I need to insulate it like the walls and the ceiling, the owner decides. Sometimes it is sufficient just have a good fit, do not leave gaps and sheathing rubber seal.
One of the priorities is the insulation of the foundation and the floor in the cellar. In this case, without waterproofing can not do in the spring when snow melts it will save a basement from the ground water had risen.
The most common option for insulation of the basement and the floor - concrete. Below him a pillow of sand and gravel. Be sure all the layers must be carefully ram. The upper layer is performed bay bitumen or mounted on a reinforced concrete floor grid.
When filled with concrete floor hardens, it can be left in this form. Alternatively suitable flooring decorative materials or extra crate of wooden beams.
A more simple and not too expensive option floor insulation - expanded clay layer. Its poured thickness of at least 10 cm. To protect the floor from the drawdown will require two types of expanded clay with various factions.
Common mistakes and useful advice
Before you insulate the basement garage, you must carefully align the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling. Some neglect this process and make a big mistake. Indeed, the majority of coatings applied to the hard, flat surface with anchors or adhesive mixtures.
To align the most commonly used plastering, by which:
- provided mounting durability produced;
- eliminated all structural malfunctioning;
- acquire the necessary surface hardness.
Another common mistake - poorly designed wiring. Required before the plastering is necessary to lay a cable or wire for further installation of switching devices and luminaires. Open method of laying, even in corrugated plastic or metal tubes, still undesirable due to the fact that the room has high humidity.
An important tip! Dark and damp basement is perfect for breeding different kinds of fungi. Before you insulate the walls and ceiling in the basement garage, they need to be primed.
Now for this sale, there are many different materials with anti-biological additives, inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria. In addition, the primer contribute nesypuchesti plaster and its long-term preservation.
If a basement is just started building, the insulation is performed inside and outside. This process is complicated and costly in time and effort, but necessary. Cellar and dig around the perimeter is placed a layer of roofing material or a material based on bitumen.
Final work
At the final stage of finishing walls operate. In the cellar, she carries no decorative value. The main task - to provide the necessary climate for the safety of food supplies.
If the room is dry, you can sheathe the walls with plywood or wood. In this case, we should definitely handle the material encasing antifungal. For cellar with high humidity is more suitable lining.
Not always in the garage cellar wall insulation is required. Sometimes, it is enough to warm a floor. In this case, the finish wall surfaces apply conventional lime whitewash or painting.