Most motorists for sure, there is a garage for his "friend." Sooner or later the question arises - how and what to insulate the ceiling in the garage from the inside? During the construction of garages used a variety of materials. Most often in the capital structure of the representatives is brick, concrete and block construction. The material of the ceiling may also be varied at the discretion of the host.
What are the features of insulation of ceilings in the garage?
A serious difference in temperature inside and outside affects the safety of objects in the garage. In the event of such a phenomenon becomes noticeable accumulated condensate and wet sensation in places where very difficult with thermal insulation. The metal parts of the machine starting to accelerated aging, rust appears.
To save the situation and to prevent backfire possible with your hands or with the help of specialists. For the comfortable existence of various subjects and the vehicle requires good ventilation and maintain a certain temperature - up to + 5 ° C in the winter inside the garage.

To achieve optimal conditions is not difficult and the power of the majority of men. With minimal skills in the field of construction, you can insulate the ceiling. It is he who is the source of heat loss, because this time should be given special attention.
While insulating the garage is worth noting that the main goal - to do all the work qualitatively. Competent approach eliminates the subsequent occurrence of corrosion due to condensation. Another plus insulation - save money on heating.
What materials and tools are required in the process of warming?
Before you insulate the ceiling in the garage, it is worth to plan than to carry out work. Today, the choice of materials makes it possible to think about buying. The construction market offers a wide range. Going to the store, inexperienced in this matter only person confused. Before the purchase it is important to plan the process of warming up to the last detail.
The main factor on which you should choose one or the other stuff - the region's climate. Given the weather conditions in the northern regions, it is recommended to insulate the roof using solid and reliable materials. In the central part and the south can be saved - do thinner insulation. In warm regions, it is not required in the role of insulation, but as a defender of the moisture needed.
The following types of materials that are useful in the garage insulation:
- mineral wool;
- polymeric variants (penoplex, polystyrene);
- fiberglass;
- urea formaldehyde, and liquid polyurethane insulation (Astratek, corundum).
Installation types can be presented independently. The stock of instruments should be minimized - sharp knives in most cases enough. All material is light in weight, easy to mounted with the help of supporting structures.
Mineral wool
The manufacturing process of the material represents the melting of rocks. The resulting composition is used for thermal insulation of buildings. In shops range can be found from the mineral wool layer of foil with high thermal insulation properties. Material copes with the function of heat preservation of resources, thereby saving money the garage owner.

Only suitable damp-proof ceiling. The material itself is not resistant to moisture. It has a number of advantages - fire resistant, environmentally friendly and resistant to chemical attack. One of the budget options the roof insulation in the garage.
polymer materials
The foam is characterized by resistance to moisture. Estimating the cost of other materials it is worth noting its cheapness. His serious drawback in fire. Sometimes gnaw material mouse. Typically, any insulation of the ceiling in the garage of the foam does not cause complexity.

Penoplex - similar to the foam, but is made for an improved system. Rectangular sheets with bevel on the edge. Docking and styling is done as easily as foam. insulation fixing method is different Penoplex one instance to another. The sheets of different thicknesses are from 1 to 10 cm.

Broken glass - that's the basis of the material composition. One of the important advantages - affordability. Material capricious refers to water and humidity. It adversely affects the fiber gradually destroying their structure. Easy to fire.
The material is not easy to handle. It requires waterproofing layer and possibly ognebarera installation. Implementation requires a certain mounting protection - dust prevention glass entering the respiratory tract organs and the eye.

Modern materials - Penoizol, and liquid polyurethane insulation
New materials have already managed to establish itself in the market for construction services. They are spraying foam composition to the surface indoors. Their popularity is driven by a number of advantages among the classic material for insulation:
- no deformation;
- long service life - up to 40 years;
- versatility - suitable for both ceiling and wall;
- resistance to moisture, prevents the development of unfavorable microenvironment;
- porosity allows you to "breathe."
About how to foam to insulate the ceiling in the garage even think it is not necessary. His hands and inexpensive - this expression does not fit into these materials. Each of the embodiments of the material requires special skills application. The mixture is stored in special tanks. It is best to cope with the task of experts in the field. They will do everything correctly and technology.

How to insulate the roof of the garage with his hands?
Not all owners of the garage there is a possibility of insulation from the outside. For this to be real, to be on the roof loft. Most motorists do not have the space for the machine, so it is to dwell on the inside insulation. Cope with the problem yourself with the help of classic materials and a minimal set of tools under the force of each.
Mounting foam and Penoplex
Insulate the ceiling from the inside directly on concrete, you can use polymers. This isolation method is also applicable for metal ceilings, but on slightly different technology.
Metal roof is insulated from the inside by the following algorithm:
- The first thing is to do - attach wooden or metal profile to the roof.
- Next, stock up on the adhesive composition, suitable for tiles, for example, Ceresit brand.
- Of the tools will fit notched trowel.
- The dilution was applied to the foam sheet (1m * 1m) or a penoplex. Glued to the ceiling.
- The resulting seams to eliminate using the same tile adhesive.

Scheme insulation concrete coating similar. Just for this embodiment to exclude the construction of wooden or metal battens. All cracks and joints are sealed with foam.
Having passed all the stages of the procedure, we get a decent ceiling. You can leave everything as it turned out - without beauty. Some prefer to close the insulation, placing another layer of fabric.
installation of glass wool
The most important thing in the work of fiberglass - to observe safety precautions. We must act carefully. It is necessary to protect the eyes and the respiratory system from dust material. Preparing for installation, it is necessary to stock up on plastic sheeting and a sharp knife / scissors.
After passing the stages of preparation, you can get down to business:
- The construction of crates - can be made of wood or metal, the first material will require mandatory antiseptic impregnation. The thickness of the beams must be leveled a layer of insulation. mount design is carried out with screws, leaving the edge of the ceiling and the roof a small gap.
- It is necessary to create a layer of waterproof - after putting the membrane overlap approximately 10 cm and having fastened the mounting tape. The sheets are fixed stapler. The membrane will save the entire contents of the garage from leaks. Omission of this step may be indicative of wasted effort on warming, the material loses its properties from possible moisture.
- Then starts the installation of the material - the work is performed on polyethylene, which is developed and spread wool;
- Cut off the necessary pieces equal to the space between the wooden or metallic beams;
- Stacked in one layer, for northern regions - in two layers;
- After completing work with the base material layer of a vapor barrier is needed. An excellent embodiment may serve as a covering film. Large pieces of material spread out over the entire ceiling area of overlap, by securing for stapler or double sided tape (sticky to the crate).
- to complete the insulation must be finished, there may be appropriate sheets of drywall.

Mounting mineral wool
Mineral wool is placed on a similar scheme with fiberglass. Mounted on the material by means of nails, and a wire for pattern - nails are nailed in a beam at a distance of 40 cm, further thereon tensioned wire mesh imitates. As in the previous case, the material requires a vapor barrier, do not forget about the film deck, otherwise wool lose claimed properties of heat preservation.

The final stage
Insulation polyurethane materials generally complete application of the plaster and paint. Initially fixed reinforcing mesh. After the composition is applied to the selected surface and is covered with color. Cotton material cover sheet moisture-resistant gypsum board, PVC panels or floorings on the crate created.
To learn how to better insulate the ceiling in the garage to be addressed on their own, relying on a number of factors. Firstly, you need to decide who will do and what will be the limit of funds. If there is enough money for any services masters, it is better to stay on the liquid insulation. Planning to do everything with their own hands, should further evaluate the climate conditions and the safety of the materials, and then buy everything you need.