- Preparing the refrigerator for washing
- How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?
- Tips for maintaining refrigerators
Now it is rare to find a person whose house does not have a refrigerator. This is not at all strange, since such a technique is one of the most important and necessary electrical appliances in an apartment or house. But with every electrical device there are problems, the refrigerator is no exception. Almost the most common problem can be called an unpleasant smell, so the topic of this article is: how to wash the refrigerator inside to destroy the smell?
to the contents ↑Preparing the refrigerator for washing
The refrigerator and freezer store a lot of different products. Of course, thanks to the cold, they remain fresh, but most of the products are short-lived. Even being in the right conditions, they start to deteriorate. If they get spoiled, then they do not have a very pleasant smell, but when they come into contact with the smells of other products, the stench becomes unbearable.
Many housewives have their own methods of washing such a technique - most often they simply wash the surface of shelves and walls with soapy water. Although before doing so, it would be worth to read the instruction from the manufacturer, useful advice on washing and care of the refrigerator, freezer.
Before you start anything and take action yourself, you need to prepare the unit for washing. This can be done quite simply and quickly, and the result will be that you rarely have to puzzle the question, than to wash the refrigerator inside to destroy the smell.
So, proceed:
- Initially, turn off the devices from the network. Many people neglect this rule, but they do not even know about the possible breakdown of the device. Yes, if you leave the refrigerator on, it can stop working.
- Spread all the food from the refrigerator and also the freezer, and also free it from the shelves and trays. During cleaning, the device must be completely empty. The absence of additional items will greatly accelerate and simplify your activities.
- Leave the machine to defrost. Do not rush anywhere, it will take a little time. Do not start washing the device before it is completely thawed.
- Next you need to do the first cleaning. During this procedure, you will wash off the walls and all other surfaces from dirt and stains. Take the usual detergent, you can wash dishes, sponge it on the inner surfaces. Then rinse several times with water to wash off the detergent.
Than to wash the refrigerator after defrosting? After you have completed the preparation, proceed to the preparation of a means to destroy the unpleasant odor. Such means can be made very much and most of them are easily accessible, budgetary and easy to prepare.
How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?
Even if you regularly clean and disinfect such equipment, eventually the smell coming from the device will stop you from rejoicing. Many people ask themselves: what to wash the refrigerator inside from the smell? You can try using an ordinary cleanser. After such cleaning, the smell will disappear, but for how long?
In order to really effectively get rid of the stench from this unit, you need to prepare special solutions that will give your equipment a clean and pleasant aroma for a long time.
- We will initially prepare a solution: Mix the water and vinegar in equal proportions. The water must be at room temperature.
- Moisten a sponge or rag in this solution.
- Wipe all the walls of the main and freezer compartment of the unit.
- After washing, put a cloth soaked in a liquid and leave it for a couple of hours inside the equipment.
- After this time has expired, wipe all surfaces dry again and safely plug the device into the mains. Fill it with products.
Another great tool to wash the refrigerator inside to destroy the smell. From it, too, you need to prepare a solution.
To act best on such a scheme to get a quick result:
- For 1 liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
- Mix it well and moisten the sponge.
- This sponge is worth wiping the entire unit from the inside, after which you return everything to its original form.
Important! The solution that remains, pour into a jar and put in the refrigerator, change the liquid in the tank every three months.
Ammonium alcohol
This component is used in its pure form. The product is strong enough and helps even in the most difficult cases, for example, if you washed the refrigerator by all instructions, and the smell still remained.
In this case, clean the ammonia alcohol, clean the refrigerator, and then leave the equipment in the open for the whole night, so that the smell of alcohol is weathered.
Lemon juice
If you have a lemon, the problem is to clean the inside of the refrigerator in order to destroy the smell, it is solved quickly enough.
- . Initially, thoroughly clean the entire surface of the refrigerator with detergent, following all the tips and recommendations outlined above.
- After this, prepare the solution by mixing 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a liter of water.
- This liquid rinse the inside of the refrigerator and shelves.
- After the whole procedure is completed, turn on the refrigerator and return all the products to their original locations.
Here there are several options how to wash the refrigerator inside - you can use wood or activated charcoal:
- It needs to be grinded into powder and mixed with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
- Pour this solution into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for a while.
- The plus of this method is that you do not need to defrost the refrigerator and get rid of all the products.
Important! If you do not trust folk remedies, go to the nearest household chemistry store. Today on sale there are many different professional tools for absorbing odors in the refrigerator. For example, the popularity of consumers are such:
- Selena;
- Breesal Bio;
- Brite;
- Nagara;
- ARGO "Emix";
- Market Fresh.
Tips for maintaining refrigerators
In order not to wonder how and what to clean the refrigerator, you must always keep it clean. Unpleasant odors will not occur so often if you follow certain rules and advice:
- Take care of the refrigerator every day. Every evening, review all the contents, sort out food and throw away rotten and spoiled food.
- Once a week, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, you can moisten it with a little soapy water. Old stains and dirt are very often the main cause of an unpleasant smell.
- Keep all foods and dishes in plastic containers, sachets or saddlery with lids that do not let smell.
- Put a saucer in the refrigerator with soda or activated charcoal. Change the contents of the saucer is at least once every three months. Thus, the risk of unpleasant odors is significantly reduced.
- In the trays with vegetables, lay the bottom with polyethylene. Vegetables must be laid out on a package that neutralizes the smell.
- When defrosting products, put them in deep containers. Thus, the liquid released from the food will flow into the dishes, and not on the shelves of the refrigerator.
- At least once a month, defrost the refrigerator and wipe it if you do not have a self-regulating unit like "Know Frost".
- As soon as there is a stain in the refrigerator, immediately wipe it until it is dry and does not become the cause of the stench.
- Purchase special detergents for the refrigerator. They will perfectly clean your refrigerator of dirt. But the truth is, it will not save him from an unpleasant smell.
These tips will help you to keep your refrigerator clean at all times. But often the problem is not only in this device. Also do not forget about the freezer. It also has the property of absorbing unpleasant smells of food. Especially if you keep a live or frozen fish food in a freezer or refrigerator, it produces a particularly unpleasant stench.
The freezer should be cleaned in the same way as the refrigerator and follow the same rules. In order to avoid all kinds of odors in the freezer:
- sometimes air it;
- all products and dishes should be stored only in closed form: in containers with lid or sachets;
- from time to time wash and wipe all the shelves and walls of the chamber;
Finally, the most important advice on keeping the refrigerator - do not forget to follow and take care of your equipment, always keep it clean and it will serve you faithfully for many years.