How to fix the socket to charge the phone?

  • Can I repair the charger slot?
  • Alternative charging method
  • Charge device directly
  • Repair yourself

Now it's hard to believe that mobile devices were the easiest way to communicate with other people. Now the usual mobile phone has turned into a high-speed smartphone with a huge multimedia functionality, and the case began to store the power of a good computer inside itself. The use of devices is very addictive and some people do not even break for a short time. This operation greatly affects the charging, and the constant recharging can lead to the breakdown of one of the most important connectors of the phone. How to fix the socket for charging the phone, if it has broken, you will learn from today's article.

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Can I repair the charging module slot?

How do I fix the charging input on my phone at home? Here it is necessary to understand well, then everything will turn out. Inaccurate use of a mobile device often ends in some kind of breakdown, which must be eliminated. Sometimes the breakage lies in the connector for connecting the power cable. In this case, you need to know how to fix it, and for this it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main causes of the defect.

The main reasons for the failure of the socket device:

  • On the device you can shed some liquid or just drop it properly to disable this module.
  • Constant mechanical influences deform the socket, which can make charging the gadget simply an impossible procedure - the plug will not go into the connector or will hang in it.
  • Contact pads can also be bent, which completely cuts off access to electricity.

Let's talk about the worst - about moisture.

The contact of the mobile phone connector with moisture is the most dangerous damage. Corrosion will trigger a chain reaction and all adjacent components will oxidize. Such defects can damage the dynamics, which is most often located at the bottom of the device. Also, the speaker itself gives access to moisture to hit the loop or connector. Therefore, not even heavy rain can disable your phone.

The most important thing is to evaluate the complexity of the damage, since not all cases allow you to repair the house. The best option is to use the services of a qualified specialist from some service center. So you will not risk dolomit your device.

Can I repair the device at home?

Very rarely, restoration work can be carried out independently. It is best to find an alternative way of charging for a while until you decide for yourself whether to fix it yourself. While the required amount is being deferred for repair in the workshop, read the instructions for charging the phone with a broken socket:

  • Insert the charger into your smartphone and plug into the network.

Important! This method is relevant only for devices that are affected by mechanical effects, and not from moisture.

  • Gently stir the cord and device in different directions. You may be able to close the contact and charge the device.
  • If the mobile phone still found the presence of a charger, then it is worthwhile to fix the found position. In the course can go books and other items that can install the phone so that the food continues.
  • Before carrying out all these operations, it is necessary to make sure that the problem is in the socket, not in the battery. Long use of the phone leads to the fact that it stops holding the charge. For this case it is necessary to acquire a new accumulator, and not to struggle with "phantom" breakdown.
  • If the case is still in the nest, then repairs can not be avoided.

Important! Remember that all these manipulations can further weaken the nest, so do not apply much force during the work.

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Alternative charging method

If the design of your phone allows you to remove the battery, then you can use universal charging. Such devices are called "Frog".It costs, of course, not very cheap, but sometimes you need to urgently charge the phone. This gadget has special grooves in which it is necessary to insert and fix the battery.

But this method has a number of obvious drawbacks:

  • During charging, the smartphone will not work and will not be used until the battery is recharged.
  • The purchase price of "Frog" is quite high and does not always justify its purchase.
  • If the reputation of the manufacturer is very doubtful, then you will only damage your device.
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Charge the device directly

How to fix the connector for charging the phone? You can try to fill the energy supplies by disconnecting the power port from the phone.

Important! This method is very complex and requires the user to have basic knowledge and skills in working with machinery and electricity.

The essence of the work is as follows:

  1. Removing the battery from the smartphone.
  2. Disconnect the charger from the outlet, arm with a sharp object and remove the insulation from the wire of centimeters by five.
  3. Strip the wires and determine where the plus is and where is the minus.
  4. Identify the polarities on the battery and connect the wires to it.
  5. Lock the improvised terminals and apply power to the network.

Important! It is not recommended to resort to this method, because you can suffer even during charging. Do not work with wires without insulation, if you have never done it and do not know how the current behaves.

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Self repair

You have to act very carefully if you still decide to fix the socket for charging the phone with your own hands.

To disassemble the case and remove the socket we will need:

  • A small set of screwdrivers.
  • Technical tweezers( suitable and conventional).
  • Stationery knife or ordinary sharp.
  • Soldering station.

Now we need to perform the following actions:

  • We spin all the screws on which the case is attached.
  • Carefully remove the lid, poddev her clerical knife.
  • We ground the soldering iron, solder the wire to the minus( the case of the device).The second end of this wire should be brought to the body of the soldering iron.

Important! These measures are necessary to ensure that the mobile phone is not damaged by the accumulation of static electricity, which can damage the details. It would also be nice to make an antistatic wrist strap and ground it.

  • Now solder all wires from the socket. This is necessary to prevent a short circuit.
  • Next, remove the screws from the board that hold it. Now we have access to the microUSB-connector.
  • We pull out the old socket, solder in its place a new one, collect the device in the reverse order and check it for efficiency.

Repair of the charging input on the phone is over! If you did everything right, then the former capacity will return. We hope that in the future you will not have to deal with such a problem very soon, but for this you just need to carefully handle your equipment.