Citizens residing in private homes, in order to reduce heat loss, trying to shore up the window frames, walls with additional materials. However, the insulation of the chimney is also a mandatory procedure to ensure a good job design, as well as reduce the risk of fracture. This you can do by yourself or hire a specialist.

Why is it necessary to insulate the structure
When the fuel starts to burn on the walls of the structure begins to accumulate moisture and smoke. They get out on the special channel. When a pipe is exposed to preview low temperature, condensation occurs with further access to the surface. As a result, brickwork starts impregnated with condensation. If the temperature starts to drop, it leads to its solidification.

The condensed water on the composition is the active chemical substance which is produced during the combustion reaction. Since the acidity increases during a short time even material may corrode the metal structure wall.
Isolation chimney designs with modern materials can dramatically to extend the service life of the chimney, reducing the risk of spread of corrosion and further destruction.
The main advantages of an insulated structure
Isolation from the outside chimney - a good way to protect against accumulation of condensate, high winds and inclement weather. However, negative factors can not be avoided, but to increase the period of use is probably because:
- less aggressive substances deposited in the channel. Active chemical elements are eliminated from the pipe with the smoke.
- It decreases the probability of sudden changes in temperature, resulting in a minimal amount of condensate.
- Reduced energy needs. In operation, the pipe begins to take much less heat resulting from fuel combustion. So, to carry out the maintenance of the optimum temperature will be sufficient when using coal.
- The construction becomes more robust and resistant to environmental effects. When assembling the extra material next, it performs the function of the second frame.

A good solution would chimney insulation walls in the bath, wherein the content of the condensate is increased due to high temperature.
What material to use
In the first place it is important to select a material that will not contain toxic substances can securely contact with the tube, and is not exposed to the fungus. It is recommended to pay attention that the material can be found on construction markets in the form of the rolled coils, sheets, plates and mats.
cylinder thermal insulation
Using true if the chimney in the form of a metal structure. It consists of two pipes of different diameters: first - the smaller, serving as chimney pipe.

The stainless steel is used as the base material. She endures the impact of acidic substances, which are often formed on the inside of the chimney. To accomplish gilzirovanie, the pipe must be of large diameter of 6-10 cm, which will play the role of the casing. Insulation made of basalt poured into the space. Some craftsmen produced the material on their own at home, or take on the construction market.
Mineral wool
Material suitable for thermal insulation of chimneys and furnaces. This is due to the fact that the heater is capable of favorably transferring even the highest temperature fluctuations, exposure to chemicals, and is also used as a heater inside or external.
There are 4 types of insulation depending on the use of the material, structure, length or thickness: slag wool, fiber, stone, basalt. From the structural features of the independent thermal insulation performance, and chemical properties. If you plan to carry out the furnace insulation from the outside, it is best to use mineral wool basalt. This material, which is optimally suited for masonry as basalt has low thermal conductivity characteristics, heat-resistant, does not contribute to the spread of mold or mildew.
Experts cut sheets under appropriate dimensions. The material is wrapped tube, and then fixed by means of a heater wire. If you need to mount the sheets of greater thickness, use a metal grille which is fixed over the entire area.
The gaps must be sealed. As a rule, for this purpose use a special substance or tape. As brick lining suit.
The optimal solution, if the chimney is made of brick. It has a high resistance and is absolutely waterproof. For T2 category are TECHNOPLEX, Penoplex. Thermal insulation and fireproof with smaller indices are considered G3 classes T4. For use in the coal or furnace, built of wood. the inlet gas temperature may reach 600 degrees. For polystyrene plates incombustible adhesive is used often. Strips and wound up space heater.

Flue bricks from outside can be insulated by means of a special plaster and wire mesh. This option is considered to be one of the most common, because the loss of heat is in the range of 25%. To start to fix the valve, and over it a coat of plaster. It is better to use a few layers.
As soon as the composition dries, for imparting aesthetics, it is recommended to make painting, to design in harmony with the main construction color. It is also recommended to use a structure against corrosion.
Thermal insulation made of basalt
Accepted provide two types: cylindrical (inner diameter which varies in the range of 18-89 mm, the longitudinal slits that allows the convenient installation), semi-cylindrical (diameter range used by more than 89-273 mm, consisting of two shells).
To make installation, no need to remove part of the chimney. For this purpose bandages to the longitudinal seam has turned out isolated. In addition, it is not necessary to use a box for protection.
Stainless steel casing
Suitable for pipes made of metal or asbestos design would be suitable. The diameter must be larger than the main tube is not less than 5 cm. To fill the empty space heaters are used basalt. If there is an empty space, as a rule, it is poured cement. It helps protect the pipe from the sharp changes in temperature.

Solid wood
As a rule, used in the sauna and steam room. It is worth noting that the price is the most democratic and the material can be used by anyone. Can break off a wooden or metal frame. It leaves a gap between the pipe and the wall of a 15cm. For filling it uses asbestos, glass wool or felt
slag concrete
Using the build material parallel walls with respect to the main frame. However, during the work should be a small space. The joints must be reinforced with wire. Free gap is filled with clay or gypsum.
Make or master trust
To isolate the roof of the chimney without rework and spending additional funds, it is advisable to call the expert. However, if the necessary materials, and skill, the process can be by any forces homeowner. The main thing - to choose a heater that subsequently had to work with the ceiling in the ceiling or disassemble the finished design to correct errors.

choose material
For the selection of non-combustible material for the chimney need to be taken into account in the first place, from which the pipe is made:
- Brick. Suitable even plaster.
- Metal. To design turned isolated, it can be used mineral wool, which is fixed by insertion of a wire or foil of aluminum.
- Asbestos-cement. A better option would be the casing. This kind of loose insulation, which intelligently fills in the gaps between the steel pipes.
If the chimney is only planned to erect pre-better use of sandwich panels.
If the decision is to independently perform all the work, due attention should be paid to the preparation of, calculate the amount of material and what tools will be needed for:
- puncher;
- nails;
- Marker or roulette;
- Scissors;
- Profiles (metal);
- Vapor barrier film;
- Hammer;
- Insulation of basalt;
- Goggles to protect your eyes.
To make calculations need to take into account the material used and the fuel that is operated for heating. This aspect influences the temperature readings inside the pipe. 6+ and 7+ When using a solid fuel type, thickness of the insulating segment to be in the range of 50-100 mm, if the design passes through the attic space, the 30-50 mm.

If the device is operated using diesel or gasoline thickness should be 20-30 mm. Measured outer diameter chimney channel length of the pipe portion, which extends from the nozzle.
The scheme does not involve anything difficult for the independent exercise:
- The preparatory phase. It is necessary to cut holes in diameter of 20-30 cm longer prepared section of the pipe;
- Mounting battens;
- Installation work with a heater;
- Steam insulation;
- Facing the resulting structure;
- Closure of the resulting hole in the roof.
All jobs require compulsory calculations and measurements. Otherwise, it may harm the structure, to make it less resistant to condensation or increase heat loss.
It is recommended to consult a specialist who will also help you choose a good choice of material for insulation. If successful, the choice of each owner of an object can extend the life of the chimney, and ensure safe operation for himself and his family, it is no less important moment.