When the finishing is often used for the preparation of mechanized plaster base. Such approach allows to form an even layer of sufficient thickness and interesting texture. Offer to deal with the features and performance of the technology works.
Mechanized plastering - a guarantee of quality of formation of layer PHOTO: images.musterhaus.net
Read article
1 Mechanized plastering of the walls - what is it
1.1 Features plastering mechanized way inside the building
1.1.1 Mechanical plastering of the walls: a sequence of actions
1.1.2 Mechanized plastering the ceiling: the process of the subtleties of
1.3.1 Mechanized plastering the walls with the help of machines and plants
1.3.2 Using pnevmolopaty-hopera
1.3.3 With air gun
1.4 Pros and cons of artificial plaster walls: take into account the features of the method
1.5 How much is a stucco wall mechanized way - overview of the prices per m²
2 What is mechanized floor screed: features of the process
2.1 Types of mechanical floor screed
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages
2.3 Floor technology
2.3.1 Necessary equipment
2.3.2 Preparatory work and waterproofing
2.3.3 Pouring the mixture and maturation screed
2.4 How much is piling tie mechanized method
3 Reviews of mechanical plastering of the walls and floor screed
Mechanized plastering of the walls - what is it
To implement this method of wall decoration is used special equipment to eliminate virtually all of the manual labor. This significantly increases the productivity of the work and improves their quality. Speed ​​mechanized plaster walls 5-6 times higher than the manual method.
To use this technology, Should not only have special equipment, but also have the specialized skills and knowledge. With self-applied plaster mechanized method should take responsibility for the selection of equipment and tools. Otherwise, it will be difficult to use it due to lack of skills and knowledge.
For the application of the special equipment PHOTO: profmas.ru
Features plastering mechanized way inside the building
If necessary, plastering work can be carried out by mechanized means inside the building. The order of execution of works is significantly different depending on the substrate. The composition can be applied to vertical and horizontal base. Possible to use gypsum, lime and cement slurries. Price mehaniziruemoy plaster depends on the type of composition.
Various compositions may be used for internal work PHOTO: styazhkaprof.ru
Mechanical plastering of the walls: a sequence of actions
Mechanical plaster walls operate in the following sequence:
training base. From the wall of dust and mud. Apply the primer layer. Mounted beacons defining the thickness of the applied layer;
going to the equipment exhibited modes as required, preparing a solution;
using the selected hardware mixture was applied to the wall. The gun is a right angle. The thickness of the formed layer is regulated by the pressure change. The composition is applied with a joint angle;
Covering aligned rules. Half an hour after the application, the rendered surface is moistened and triturated grater.
Professional team with the task to cope quickly enough PHOTO: d6z72aalekwc3.cloudfront.net
We offer watch a video, which explains in detail how to perform mechanized plaster walls:
Mechanized plastering the ceiling: the process of the subtleties of
Facing the ceiling in the following order:
surface preparation. Removed all the dirt, dust, cobwebs, metal objects, flatten irregularities. Apply the primer layer;
determining the location and installation of beacons, which will be carried out by mechanized plaster ceiling. Lighthouses located at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. Their location is given special attention, as this depends on the evenness of the formed layer;
preparation of the working mixture, if desired using the selected equipment;
Applying the mixture onto the surface of strips of equal width. Thus it is necessary to provide each successive overlapping;
leveling the surface with a rule, which is pulled onto itself, making movements from side to side;
the final processing of the ceiling.
Careful observance of technology - a guarantee of quality PHOTO: pbs.twimg.com
We offer watch a video in which the process of execution of works is clearly shown:
Features mechanized plaster facade
It works only when the plus temperature can be carried out on the street. This allows not only to properly prepare the base, but also to create a comfortable environment for workers. mechanized facade plaster It is performed using only slurries. The equipment used must be configured to use a mixture with the selected fractional composition. Especially, if the choice is made in favor of "bark".
The composition can be raised on a large enough height PHOTO: kamtehnopark.ru
miscellaneous equipment be used for applying the wall plastering mechanized way. His design concept largely determines the order of use.
If special equipment is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations PHOTO: specstroy-snab.ru
Mechanized plastering the walls with the help of machines and plants
With the help of machines and plants to produce professional mechanized plaster walls. With their help, not only transferred the mixture on the wall, but also carried out her training. Because of this, these units are quite complex design concept. They contain:
a special bin for feeding a dry mixture;
chamber, wherein preparing the solution;
a screw mechanism for feeding the mixture into the chamber, and a dedicated pump;
air compressor;
mortar gun
various cables and hoses.
The station includes special units PHOTO: rov-st.ru
When using machines and stations dry mixture is charged into a special tank. The device is connected to the water supply system, the compressor, if the latter is not part of the unit. Inside mechanized equipment for preparing the plaster mixture with the desired ratio of components, and then special mortar hose is fed by a distance up to 20 m. gun allows to adjust the speed feed.
The gun should be placed correctly PHOTO: inverbo.ru
Due to this arrangement, the station is able to operate continuously for several hours. Instead team of workers, plastering the walls may be performed by two specialists, one gets a solution on the substrate, the second - aligns with a rule.
We offer watch a video, which shows the mechanical plastering of the walls:
Using pnevmolopaty-hopera
Such apparatus is a steel structure in the form of an inverted pyramid having a volume of 5 liters. With it, provided the movement of the plaster to the prepared substrate. At the other end there is a special lever, which allows to adjust the air supply and the plaster mixture.
Pnevmolopata-hopper has a relatively simple execution PHOTO: productcenter.ru
During operation, the solution is drawn from the tank. Thereafter, the tool is directed to the nozzle wall and, by pressing the lever is actuated. Compressed air transports the mixture of the base and its uniform distribution over the surface.
Relatively simple design concept allows plastering mechanized way with his own hands. Performance of such devices can reach up to 60 m² / h. At the same time, mechanized plaster cost relatively inexpensive.
Per hour can be processed up to 60 m² PHOTO: dekoriko.ru
Attention! Pnevmolopata-hopper for plaster walls in design differs from the same treatment tool for ceiling.
With air gun
For applying the mixture using a special tool to be applied to the walls of the finished mixture through a short barrel injector with a variety of nozzles, providing spraying of the solution. To the gun is connected a hose with compressed air, which creates the necessary pressure. After pressing the trigger air gun solution was fed to the processed substrate. Pressing stops the supply of mixture.
Pneumopistol adjusts the feed rate of the mixture PHOTO: otdelka-expert.ru
Pros and cons of artificial plaster walls: take into account the features of the method
The advantages of this method should include:
performance. They can be applied to 1 m³ / h, which allows to perform finishing 40-60 m² depending on the thickness of the formed layer;
high quality of the formed layer. When using an automated system initially flat layer is obtained, unobtainable manually;
high coating adhesion to the substrate due to the uniform distribution of the same layer and blend feed rate. This facilitates filling solution of the irregularities on the surface of the wall;
minimum flow rate of plaster for mechanical application. When applying the solution uniformly on the wall and falls practically sprayed;
the possibility of failure of the pre-treatment of the walls, helping to reduce the cost of finishing work.
The thickness of the layer formed may vary PHOTO: shtukaturka78.ru
Mechanized plastering of the walls has not only advantages but also disadvantages, which include:
the high cost of equipment. Because of this method is almost never used in the home as cheaply perform mechanized plaster walls in this case will not work;
the need to connect to the water supply system and the availability of sufficient quantities of the mixture;
the need to use a solution with a suitable composition.
The high cost of the equipment - the main drawback PHOTO: lost-empire.ru
How much is a stucco wall mechanized way - overview of the prices per m²
Not to overpay for the base trim, it is worth to know in advance the cost of mechanized plaster walls for 1 m². Rates depend on the type of composition and application technique. Choosing a suitable option, it is necessary to get acquainted with all proposals. On average, the price of 1 m² plaster walls, applied in mechanized way, starts from 560-900 rubles per square, if you plan on applying gypsum composition. Rates depend on the thickness of the formed layer. Price Mechanized plastering walls with cement-sand solution is slightly higher. Rates start from 600-900 rubles per square.
Costs for forming the layer may differ significantly PHOTO: stroysand.ru
What is mechanized floor screed: features of the process
To form a floor screed can also be used special equipment. Because of this, it becomes possible for a limited time to prepare a large enough area for laying finish. We offer to get acquainted with the technological features of the work.
Always excellent result PHOTO: ask-ntr.ru
Types of mechanical floor screed
floor screed can be:
wet. It can carry out any construction using cement concrete solution. After casting his composition performed alignment. Due to the large amount of water formed in the surface of the drying process can crack;
dry. Rarely used. It involves filling the dry filler and gypsum stacking sheets;
medium-dry. Is mechanized floor screed, special equipment is used to generate that.
Semi-dry dries faster PHOTO: photo.7ya.ru
Advantages and disadvantages
Using mechanized method for forming the screed has several advantages:
forming a perfectly flat surface that is suitable for laying any topcoat;
in the small amount of water introduced into the solution, which greatly accelerates the rate of drying of concrete. Grout may be performed a few hours after forming coupler. Works are performed in the footwear, which provides a uniform pressure on the floor surface;
reducing the drying period of a concrete solution to 1-2 weeks. Thus, water does not leak to lower floors;
process of forming coupler accelerated several times;
solution manages to avoid cracking at the time of drying;
It eliminates the additional use of self-leveling mixtures thereof;
no dust inside the room, since the mixing of components produced outside the building;
formed a mechanized way tie are able to serve much longer.
Formed perfectly smooth surface PHOTO: otdelo4nik.by
The disadvantage is:
the need to use several kinds of expensive equipment;
operation must be performed by people with certain qualifications;
feasibility of using on an area of ​​over 100 m².
Requires special equipment PHOTO: germetik-plus.ru
Floor technology
To form a high-quality tie, it is necessary to carefully observe its filling technology. To do this, you need to prepare the appropriate equipment to deal with the specifics of its use.
Compliance with the necessary technology PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
Necessary equipment
For realization of the mechanized method must be kept in stock:
Pneumosupercharger, wherein preparing the mixture. Options promotes special pneumatic supply ready-mixed concrete to the job site. Depending on the characteristics of the equipment used, the device supplies the solution to a height of 120 m;
screeds used for compacting solution;
disc sander, which smoothes and seals the tie;
shvorezchik. Required when a large area of ​​the room. It prevents concrete cracking and contributes to its fast drying.
Pnevmonagnetal help raise the solution to the desired height PHOTO: perfectbuild.ulcraft.com
Preparatory work and waterproofing
Preparation of the base is to verify its integrity and cleaning of existing contamination. All identified damage cleaned using plaster or other suitable solution. It is placed on the prepared base and waterproofing film is attached to the walls with overlaps of 10-15 cm.
Level marking is performed. To do this, set the beacons that define to what heights will be pouring concrete solution.
Pouring the mixture and maturation screed
Depending on the type of equipment used, being prepared solution or filling a dry blend is made in a special tank. Thereafter, performed by pouring the mixture previously exposed beacons. With screeds and disc sander is compacted and leveled. Mashing sutures begins 2-3 hours after pouring of the mixture. cut seams if necessary.
Tie left to dry completely. If the work performed in the room on the south side of the formed film surface is desirably covered.
The mixture is fed through a special hose PHOTO: sk-rm.ru
How much is piling tie mechanized method
The cost of forming a semi-dry screed depends on its thickness and the type of equipment used. The price is calculated for each square, and often depends on the total area. On average, prices start from 300 - 500 rubles per 1 m².
Reviews of mechanical plastering of the walls and floor screed
Choosing between manual and mechanical plastering of the walls, it is to get acquainted with reviews of those who have already taken advantage of this technology. This will make the right choice. Particular attention should be given to the compounds used.
Review of plaster KNAUF MP-75:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5162007.html
KNAUF MP-75 plaster
Feedback on plaster Bergauf DEKOR:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1272493.html
plaster Bergauf DEKOR
Feedback on plaster Weber Vetonit TT40:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—shtukaturka-weber-vetonit-tt40-25-kg/1807939582/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
plaster Weber Vetonit TT40
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