During the construction of a private house maximum attention is paid to the quality of building envelopes, as well as provide protection from the adverse effects of the environment. In this case, with time in the course of operation of the building owners are beginning to notice, that in order for indoor air It was not serious, often have to ventilate the room, which gives some discomfort (especially in the cold season of the year).
In the last century windows and doors are not airtight, as modern, so the minimum ventilation has been provided. Now, in order to arrange sufficient air with ventilation in all the rooms of a private house, you need to take care of the design of the ventilation system is still in the stage of designing the house.

Why is it necessary improvement of the ventilation system
In the past few decades, the need for the organization of the ventilation system has increased for the reasons given below:
- All amenities are located inside the building;
- Mounted fireplaces or heating furnace, requiring a constant flow of air for proper operation;
- On the ground floor are often built swimming pools and saunas, to remove moisture from requiring not only a powerful ventilation, but also correctly picked the dehumidifier;
- When erecting walling materials are used with a minimum air permeability to ensure maximum thermal insulation of the building.
Properly designed and installed ventilation system will avoid the following problems:
- The appearance of mildew because moisture (condensate from accumulating moisture is an excellent medium for microbial growth);
- Incorrect operation of the fire due to lack of fresh air to maintain the flame and exhaust the combustion products outside of the building through the chimney;
- Dizziness and breakdown due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air;
- The spread of odors from kitchens and bathrooms throughout the house;
- The accumulation of fat on the walls and furniture due to lack of the hood above the hob.
Many owners of private houses think about ventilation organization only after the occurrence of the problems described above. However, in this case, its installation will take away a lot more time and effort. With the principle of operation of the system should be read before the start of construction work on the facility design stage.
Types of ventilation systems
The task of the ventilation system - to replace polluted indoor air with clean streets. Made it may be a natural way by building exhaust ducts and equipment plastic window elements for mikroprovetrivaniya and using special mechanical equipment. The first method is not recommended, especially for houses with a large area, for the following reasons:
- Natural ventilation function due to the difference of the supply and exhaust air pressures being removed by means of vertical channels. In summer time parameters internal and external air are practically equal, so the system will not be effective;
- In winter, the cold incoming air will be uncomfortable.

To maximize the cheaper system can put the fan on the inflow or only on the hood. So to increase the efficiency, but the discomfort of drafts remain. In addition, channels impossible or very difficult for natural ventilation to install, if the house is already built. In this case, the best fit is completely mechanical ventilation, which is of the following types:
- Supply and exhaust.

- Ventilation with heat recovery.

In the first case, the drawing and the influx of fans placed. To ensure maximum comfort in the supply system includes: a filter (to trap dust from the outside), a heater, a humidifier or a dehumidifier if necessary. The heating element may be electrical or water. In extreme cold energy consumption for heating of a sufficient amount of air is quite significant, however recommended recuperator, providing fresh air heated by exhaust. The cost of such equipment is higher, but the operating costs are significantly reduced. Depending on the volume of the house and the type of heat exchanger its payback period is 5 to 10 years.
Calculation of ventilation systems
Calculation of the ventilation system - the definition of the amount of air required. For industrial buildings is necessary to conduct a complex calculation based on heat input and emissions of pollutants to all installed equipment. In the case of the premises all the more easier. It suffices to use the standard values specified in the respective standards and regulations. Each room is calculated individually depending on its purpose and individual characteristics of one of the following techniques as follows:
- By the multiplicity. In some areas the required ventilation does not depend on the number of people or equipment located in them. Multiplicity - a parameter that indicates how many times per hour the polluted air must be replaced by fresh off the street. For example, in cloakrooms - 1.5 times in a bath - 5 times;
- The number of people. This method is calculated ventilation for premises (living room, bedroom). The optimal value - not less than 30m3/ H for one person;
- According to the norms. For example, in the bathroom or the toilet need to be removed 25m3/ H air, in a kitchen stove burners 4 - 90 m3/ч. Do not forget that in most cases we call the kitchen, including the dining room, so for the dining room, you must add at least 1 times range of fresh air.
A complete list of rules for the organization of air in residential buildings can be found in MGSN 3.01-01. After determining the amount of air supplied and removed for each room necessary make a table of the air balance of the building in which the total value of the inflow and exhaust must be equal.
operation of the ventilation system is permitted in order to minimize operating costs are not at full strength (in standby mode) in rooms where people are rarely (for example, in guest rooms, billiard, libraries). For this system it is necessary to equip a special automatics and throttle regulating air supply to the individual rooms.
Plastic as a material for the ventilation system: advantages and disadvantages
The most common material for ducts is galvanized steel, but gaining increasing popularity plastics in recent years, as it has below advantages:
- Low weight. For transportation, lifting to the floor and plastic pipe installation does not require special equipment and hiring workers, is quite simple, you can cope with it all by yourself;
- Resistance to corrosion. This property is especially important for rooms with high humidity (bathroom, toilet, laundry and so on);
- Surface smoothness. The air moves through the pipes with a minimum loss of pressure, moreover, over time the inner wall is less contaminated compared to the galvanized steel pipes;
- Easy installation. Needed to install plastic ducts requiring far fewer devices.
Among the disadvantages of plastic pipes is worth noting poor resistance to high temperatures (therefore extremely not recommended to install them in the sauna) and a small selection of sizes in comparison with steel, which can be done under order. However, for small private line at home is enough, because the can be mounted ventilation of sewer pipes.
Selection of air ducts and equipment
After calculating the air and material selection for a system of ventilation equipment is necessary to select and diameters of pipes for distribution of air on the premises. Main parameter at this stage - the pressure loss in the duct. That is, the longer the line, and the tube has more air velocity, the more the pressure loss, and hence, the fan will produce less power. Aerodynamic calculation is quite complicated, but for small runs to pick up the diameter of the vent pipe, you can use the table below.

The optimum value of the air speed in the channel - 3-4 m / s, and more - you'll hear the noise of the system is less - need a more powerful fan. After selection sections via another table defined pressure loss therein, by summing the values obtained, we obtain a number, depending on which system to select fan.

Need only summarize values along the route to the remote switchgear loss per tap play no role. Note that each element of the system (the distribution grating sound absorber, heater) is also lost pressure, the specific value is specified in the parameters of the selected equipment.
To design a ventilation in a private house (or cottage) of plastic pipes has been the most effective and least costly, follow the rules listed below:
- Exhaust pipe must be raised above the ridge of the building to prevent ingestion of contaminated air in the upper floors of the window;
- For ventilation of roof space you need to install an aerator;

- In the branches, going to the kitchen and bathrooms, it is necessary to install check valves to odors do not spread through the house, when the system is not functioning;
- The number of turns should be minimized to reduce the resistance;
- If possible, use round tubes.
When planning the location of the supply hole height of the chimney must be taken into account. Ideal - the location of the supply of equipment on the ground floor of the building, but that the supply opening has been removed from the ground by at least a meter.
Installation of plastic pipe
Pipes for private house ventilation systems are installed as follows:
- Drilling holes for the passage of pipes through walls and floor slabs.
- Cutting the ducts to length.
- Removal of irregularities at the edges using sandpaper.
- Threading tubes in the connecting elements (transitions from one section to another, elbows, tees, etc.) using the sealant.

- Attaching the duct the walls and ceiling with clamps and brackets.
- Installation of equipment and switchgear.

- Check for leaks by the fan connection.
Important! On supply branch of the system must be installed throttle to prevent drafts when the system is off.