To the roof and served for a long time to fully perform its function, its supporting structure and insulation (if any) must be protected from moisture - rain, water from melting snow, condensation. It is this problem and solves Izospan for roofing. It is the common name of one of the best national brands, which combines several types of hydro-and vapor barrier materials for different types of roofs.

What is the Izospan
By appointment all materials Izospan divided into four categories:
- Waterproofing membranes. Used in insulated and non-insulated pitched roofs. Attic insulation and protect against possible leakage and condensation on the inside, which is formed on the inner side of the roof of the cold in contact with the warm and humid air. Vapor permeable membrane properties allow moisture from eroding insulation retain its insulating properties and do not create conditions for soaking the carrier elements of the roof structure. Another feature - the protection from weathering of the mineral wool fibers.

- Vapor barrier for roof. The multilayer film, in which one party has anti-condensation surface. Used in insulated flat roofs and pitched to protect the mineral wool against the penetration of vapor of warm air from inside the building. Materials Izospan vapor barrier is not absolute, but they have a sufficiently high water vapor resistance to keep insulation dry due to weathering moisture therefrom through the membrane outward (in a ventilated underroof gap). Another feature - the protection of the attic from getting the mineral wool fibers. As with any steam, Izospan films have a high moisture-proof properties (withstands water gauge pressure of at least 1200 mm in height), and their use as non-insulated proofing roofs.

- Reflective vapor barrier. It differs from the usual presence of the metallized outer layer on one side, which reflects some of the heat back into the room. Used in roofing pie heated attic. It allows you to save up to 10% on heating costs.
- Connecting the tape. Used for joining adjacent webs, enhance their length, compounds with waterproofing vapor barrier and the adjacent surfaces of the roof and gutter elements.

Non-insulated pitched roofs
According to the manufacturer's instructions, using materials parogidroizolyatsionnye Izospan D (DM) in the non-insulated pitched roofs. If planning to insulate roofs, the best solution would be enhanced selection of a series of membrane Superdiffuzionnaya Izospan AQ (proff or 150 proff) hereinafter.
a roof structure in section is as follows:
- Rafters.
- Parogidroizolyatsiya Izospan D (DM) or waterproofing membrane Izospan AQ proff (150 proff), laid and fixed to the rafters.
- Rake over the waterproofing (to create a ventilation gap in the roof space).
- Lathing.
- Roof covering.
installation of waterproofing
Putting Izospan start from the eaves of the roof, rolling it to the rafters with horizontal blades.

The lower edge of the first row is lowered onto the drip gutter and fix tape Izospan KL +.
Important! We must remember how to lay on the roof Izospan: Izospan D (DM) - smooth side up, Izospan AQ - up logo.
Waterproofing laid with a slight sag between the rafters - 2 cm. Upper panel must lie relative to the lower lap is not less than 15 cm. If the web is not long enough to cover the entire length in the slope, the capacity carried by rafter (similar to the size of the overlap - 15 cm). All overlaps should be prokleivat tape Izospan KL +.
On ventilated roof ridge or the ridge (using Izospan D or DM) in the waterproofing layer is left the gap width of about 10 cm.
On unvented ridge or ridge (using Izospan AQ proff or 150 proff) waterproofing laid with a bend in the opposite direction by 15 cm and glued seam tape Izospan KL +.
Waterproofing roofs mnogschiptsovyh harder than the gable, gambrel or poluvalmovaya. Here it is necessary to conduct a separate cloth waterproofing valleys.

The film is rolled along the entire length of the valley and is fixed to the board and the rafters. Compound with waterproofing rays passes thus:
- left skate blade factory on the right board of the valley with overlap of the edge is not less than 15 cm;
- right skate blade factory on the board left the valley with overlap of the edge is not less than 15 cm;
- the excess material is cut;
- mounting to boards and valley rafters (at least 30 cm away from the valley axis) is performed by a stapler.
Fixing to the rafters waterproofing also conduct a stapler. The final mounting is carried out via the rack fastened on the rafters. Before installation on the surface of the rack facing the waterproofing paste sealing tape.
Insulated pitched roofs
Roofing pie insulated pitched roof is as follows:
- Coating.
- Lathing.
- Remote rack to create a ventilated gap.
- Waterproofing.
- Rafters.
- Insulation between the rafters.
- Vapor barrier.
- Counter-.
- Lining.

If necessary, additional insulation on rafters rays inside kontrobreshetku mounted to another layer of insulation.
In use as a waterproofing membrane Izospan AQ (proff or 150 proff), AS 130, AS, AM, A. Selection of particular material depends on the type of roofing and loop loft insulation.
So for roofs combined with U-shaped (or trapezoidal) scheme of warming, in the roof which the relative small area thermal insulation, it is recommended to choose reinforced membrane with high water vapor permeability (water vapor flux density) - Izospan AQ or AS. And, for example, AM Izospan according to the instructions for use is nearly 2 times lower tensile strength and 12% below the maximum density of water vapor flow.
waterproofing installation Features
How to lay the waterproofing is described in the previous chapter. Differences waterproof insulated roof only in the fact that for superdiffuzionnye membrane in the ridge area is not leave a gap - vapor-permeable properties of materials sufficient to weathering moisture from roof pirogue.

The insulated roof with a slope angle greater than 35 ° can be used Izospan diffusion membrane A. It is fixed to the rafters with a little slack, but so that it does not touch the inside of the heater. As a result, under the roof should be value of the two air gap of 3-5 cm:
- between the insulation and the membrane;
- between the membrane and the roof covering.

The feature of this material is that it on one side has a rough surface, capable of holding the condensate to create conditions for its weathering. And this side is located within the roof.
Such a device (with two ventilated gap) is recommended if a large amount of condensate formed on the inner side of the cover:
- under the roof of metal;
- Bent under the roof.
In this case, waterproofing from the ridge to leave a gap of condensate weathering.
Important! If Izospan A will be based on a heater, he will lose some of its waterproofing properties.
On roofs with an angle of inclination less than 35 ° is used superdiffuzionnye membrane Izospan marks AM, AS or AQ. They can also be laid on slopes with an angle of any bias. These materials trail directly on the insulation. They are suitable for all types of roofs, including for profiled metal coating: trapezoidal sheet roofing and metal.
Vapor barrier
The heater is used as a vapor barrier Izospan RS marks, B, DM or C. This material with a rough surface, capable of retaining the moisture vapor before the conditions for its weathering.

Important! We must remember which side of the vapor barrier is laid - rough to the attic space (operated attic).
Rules laying IZOSPAN RS (B, DM, C) at the top of the following:
- installation are horizontal stripes;
- They start from the bottom, overlapping the next web placed on the bottom (an overlap of at least 15 cm);
- fixing is carried out to the rafters or kontrobreshetki additional layer of insulation, using a stapler or nails with a corrosion-resistant coating and wide hats;
- joints webs abut against other surfaces sized ribbons Izospan - vapor barrier layer should be continuous and without gaps.
You can use a reflective vapor barrier Izospan RF (FS, FD, FX). It is placed metalized surface to the room. installation rules are the same as in the anti-condensate vapor barrier.

packed film over the rail, which is fixed to the purlin plating. The clearance is needed to create a good environment for the efficient operation of both types of vapor barriers.
Insulated flat roof
Regardless of overlapping material insulation flat roof to protect from fumes from the premises. For this purpose, use one of the types of vapor barriers: Izospan D, RM, C, RS.
Installation of the vapor barrier is carried out under the scheme:
- the film is rolled on a plate (stacking side is irrelevant);
- dock lapped webs, the amount of horizontal and vertical stripes overlap - 15-20 cm;
- Izospan overlaps glued tape;
- and a heater mounted on top coating according to the design of the roof.