Warming of the garage - a car security measure. Because the day and night temperature changes in the room begins to accumulate condensate which is harmful to the metal and will spoil the machine. Make insulation of the garage with his hands is easy. Next, consider how to insulate a concrete garage with his hands.
Features thermal insulation of concrete garage

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Too low a temperature in the garage - it is bad, but too high - not better. When the insulation space is important not to overdo it. Sometimes in the pursuit of saving heat insulated garage owners all the cracks, forgetting about the POI that in any room should be ventilated. Otherwise, moisture will build up, forming a condensate, musty smell appears. The concrete garage should provide vent. The most suitable temperature for the contents of the vehicle is considered to + 5 degrees. Garage can insulate both inside and outside.
The inner insulation has a number of drawbacks:
- Heaters, even the highest quality, emit small amounts of toxic substances.
- There is always a risk that the garage walls will freeze in the winter.
- When the internal finishing layer of insulation reduces the space.
Exterior insulation concrete structure is preferred, it will reliably protect the space from freezing, but it does have a number of "cons." First of all, it is the high cost of building materials.
Important! Outside arrangement - the process is fairly labor-intensive. In addition to the insulation will have to make the finish to the structure looked attractive.
Yet in each method of warming has its advantages. Just to make this finish can be for many years to provide optimum conditions in a garage. It can be mounted and double insulation, more importantly, to choose quality materials and carry out construction work correctly.
How to choose the right stuff?

Before you insulate a concrete garage, you need to take care of the materials for this purpose. Each of the heaters have their own characteristics. Therefore, acquiring the product, should focus on their properties and performance.
For thermal insulation of the concrete of the garage, you can choose one of the most popular materials:
- Styrofoam. Universal and loved by many material. Since its installation at warming the garage no difficulty will arise. The foam is very easy, without any effort to cut into segments. This affordable insulation material, which is not afraid of moisture, it does not rot. His kind - polystyrene has a large service life - up to 40 years, do not miss the steam or moisture. A disadvantage of the foam is its poor stability when exposed to sunlight, without covering it quickly turns yellow and begins to crumble. This material is not breathable, "not breathing", some species are quite flammable. Their purchase for insulating the garage should not be.
- Mineral wool. If this material is used for the exterior insulation, the rigid variety wool must be chosen with a density of 200-240 kg per cubic meter. If you plan interior of the garage, you should buy a soft kind of mineral wool with a density of 120-180 kg per cubic meter. High performance thermal insulation and sound insulation at the same time - this is the distinctive features of the basaltic variety of mineral wool. Before you warm this material shlakoblochnogo garage, it is important to take care of a vapor barrier, or the substance starts saturate moisture and lose their properties.
- Glass wool. Warming of this material is cheaper than mineral wool. But the glass is quite tough and prickly fiber, so work with it must be carefully and wear protective gloves to avoid injury. Glass wool even more afraid of the water. If the material gets wet, then dry it is unlikely to succeed. Wet crumpled wool is not able to keep the heat, besides she has a strong odor.
- Reflective materials. One of the most modern and the best options for interior work. Unlike other insulating coatings at the screening webs minimum thickness: 5.2 mm in all, so such insulation will not affect the volume of the garage. The reflective thermal insulation is produced in the form of rolls, it is soft, easy to install. It is a layer of foil with a foamed polyurethane. In addition, the use of such insulation is obtained automatically lined room.
- Thermal insulation plaster. This finishing material, which is to enhance the properties contains a filler. Most often it is granulated polystyrene foam, vermiculite, sawdust. Less of this exclusion is that you must make quite an impressive layer of plaster, its consumption will be great for the substantial protection garage. It is best to combine the "warm" plaster with other ways of warming the garage or use it for decorating. Also it can be used for thermal insulation inside the building.
- Thermal insulation paint. In this method of warming has its advantages. Dyeing layer are very thin: each of its 1 mm corresponds to 50 mm mineral wool. In addition, it is a beautiful coat. Apply the paint easily, it is a good harbor any material. Coating insulating coating is manufactured based on acrylic polymers, dyes and synthetic rubber. Such materials are usually not combustible and is resistant to mildew.
How to Make warming their hands?

See also - how to insulate the door in a private house.
To maximize the warm garage, you need to take care of the insulation not only walls but also the floor, roof and gate. We must start from the walls.
The outer insulation of the walls of the garage

Related article - ways insulation of concrete floor.
The easiest and most common variant of warming the concrete outside the garage -Application foam. This is an inexpensive material that can hold the finish alone, for no special skills required.
Main steps:
- Preparing walls. They must be free of dirt, dust, chips and cracks - plaster.
- Mounting foam. It is better to choose sheets with a thickness of 5 cm and a strength of 25 units. The fixing solution may be applied to separate "points", but such an economical option without experience little complicated to implement. foam sheets at the same time you must very firmly pressed against the wall. Therefore, reliable composition applied over the entire surface using a spatula with teeth. Insulated walls upwards. For greater reliability sheets further fixed dowels, but after drying the binder solution.
- The final finishing of walls. The foam - insulation is good and inexpensive, but it requires additional protection against external factors. It is better to use for this purpose the plaster, reinforcing it with fiberglass mesh. Foam covered with a layer of adhesive up to 5 mm thick. Cut into strips of the grid pressed into the adhesive, be sure to overlap. Thereafter can be applied to the façade plaster. The final coating can be painted in several layers. It is also possible to use for finishing drywall sheets (special moisture-proof), but it is necessary to build a framework for their attachment.
Internal insulation walls garage

For such operations it is first necessary to mount a frame of metal profile, to which is attached a heat insulation layer. If the insulation serves as mineral wool, is first fixed waterproofing layer of film to wool does not absorb moisture. It is secured overlap, but not pulling, to avoid gaps. After laying filler operate a vapor barrier layer. Then performed finishing work using drywall and plaster.
Tip! Good option of warming the inside - is the application of polyurethane foam. However, it requires special equipment. The foam is applied to the wall, it just freezes.
Thermal insulation of roofs

To insulate the roof of the garage, you'll first need to build a framework of metal profiles. Fasten it to the concrete slab corners of metal screws. The foam sheet is first fixed to the frame with tape, and then firmly pressed against the inner lining sheet finishing. Mount special insulation layer and moisture from the steam is no sense, because the foam does not pass them. If for roof insulation choice fell on mineral wool, the first overlap of a waterproofing layer is then mineral wool or other fibrous filler material, and then a vapor barrier.
gates Warming

If you do not take care of this part of the thermal insulation of the garage, the heat loss can not be avoided. After the gate occupy a large area of the building. The easiest option of warming - is improvement "curtains" made of plastic. Transparent film in a thickness of 8-10 mm is suitable for this purpose. It's easy to cut into wide strips of 20-30 cm, and fix a stapler on a wooden rail, cornice. Gate leaf usually insulated from the inside, as it is technically easier. It fits all the same foam. You must first perform batten gate, and then mount the foam.
floor Warming

The concrete floor is good, he is very strong and durable, do not let the moisture. But the cons he also has: it is prone to the formation of dust as erased when the active operation. Thermal insulation of concrete floor in the garage is also necessary. The only exception is if there is a cellar under the garage. In the case where the room with a dirt floor basis, the easiest way warmed using expanded clay.
For this need to perform these steps:
- take some of the soil to the depth of the expected warming;
- carefully tamped earth;
- distribute a layer of insulating material such as roofing felt;
- sleep "cushion" of haydite about 30 cm;
- concreted floor;
- apply a coat of protective coating, such as paints, to avoid dust.
More expensive and more difficult option - it is a system of floor heating. But the insulation in a similar way the concrete floor in the garage, many consider it inappropriate.