In today's world block baths liked for convenience and ease of erection of buildings. Reasonable prices for building materials and construction of short lines, are important criteria. A block of expanded clay deserves special attention because of its composition, which includes sand, cement and baked clay. It is environmentally friendly, reliable and economical, evokes sympathy in the construction of private buildings.
General principles of warming bath
Warming bath of blocks of expanded time-consuming and without specific knowledge and skills, novice masters can make mistakes. Properly designed and installed insulation material will increase the life of the building services and the sauna effect will be of high quality.
Can I warm bath expanded clay?
The physical parameters of the heat expanded clay is its main advantage. A porous and light enough product obtained during high temperature firing clay, making the processed natural raw materials environmentally friendly and safe. Its small weight promotes the use of thermal insulation in both the floor and ceiling. Mid expanded clay backfill from 25cm to 50cm thickness.
Thermal insulation of expanded clay bath is possible not only to the interior of the structure, it is also perfect for the insulation of the foundation, if the sealing process has been performed during pouring.

A trench along the cap must be deepened to 50 cm - 70 cm, and then dry concrete. After laying the "cushion" the rest of the depth of the trench have to fill expanded clay. Filling thickness - 25 cm.
When wall insulation material is often used in the form of glass fibers. Before laying of the insulation must be dried and plastered walls. The layer of plaster is added together with the main insulation insulation.
Mineral wool and foam also have excellent thermal insulation properties, which are characterized by simplicity and ease of installation. The advantage of these products in low cost. Choosing between these types of insulation material, please be aware that in contrast to mineral wool and fiberglass, foam needs concreting from rodents.
Stages warming bath:
- The main room in the bath includes extensive paneling insulation. Because of the short space heating, expanded clay blocks susceptible to freezing, leading to higher fuel consumption and long waiting times. Therefore, insulation of the process must be, both outside and inside. This premise is necessary to ensure not only the thermal insulation, but also steam waterproofing (the latter not currently required).
- Shower room does not require such an amount of material for thermal insulation, as a steam room, but it also must be equipped with insulation material in the construction of the building. Excessive humidity in a room provided in the draft and vapor barrier drains for water drainage. The same treatment is necessary walls antifungal compounds. As an interior decoration is well suited ceramic tile, and for a budget option - plastic panels.
- Dressing room is warmed in the process of construction of the building. Indoors assumed only finishing work.
Choosing a heating material for a bath, you need to take into account the thermal insulation characteristics as bath can not be heated for a long time. Thermal insulation must be resistant to the severe frosts and not break during sudden changes of temperature.
Scheme "cake" from the inside insulation
The above description and step by step guide will help answer the question: how to properly warm bath and, in particular, a bath of lightweight aggregate concrete blocks.
Warming of the room provides for laying thermal insulation materials on the walls, the floor and ceiling insulation. To avoid substantial heat loss and provide room "thermos" effect, it is necessary to choose the most efficient heater.
Used indoors as insulation mineral wool or fiberglass is not recommended. Unlike external insulation, the material at high temperatures emit harmful substances. For thermal insulation of walls and all baths building, you can use expanded clay. But there is also an alternative thermal insulation, which is in the form of a foil of polypropylene or kraft paper with foil. Also expanded clay, other materials for the thermal insulation offered in the form of mats or rolls. The presence of foil heating material provide guaranteed temperature exposure up to 150 degrees.
Advance preparation of claydite-concrete block walls is the need to make cleaning the surface of the ground. Remove dust, dirt and dry wall, and then to drill holes for the wooden plugs. Hole depth should be about 7 cm and a diameter - 2 cm.

Wooden frame attached to the walls with a distance of 30 - 50 cm, depending on the width of the insulation. The thickness of the mounting bar should be greater than 1 - 2 cm air gap and the effective vapor and heat.
Between wooden strips laid prepared by heating material. In no case can not be used polyurethane thermal insulation products, as this material, like glass and rock wool, produces toxic and harmful substances at high temperatures.

In the next phase of construction is necessary to cover all the wooden frame with aluminum foil or foiled coating. Membrane isolation as well to cope with the task. When installing a vapor barrier, necessary to provide tightness of all the joints. Laid overlapping material must overlap the surface of 15 cm and subsequent sealing seams or reinforced aluminum adhesive tape.
The final stage of the "pie" for the walls is laying the lining of hardwood trees. Such rocks as birch, aspen, basswood, have characteristics of low thermal conductivity. In addition, the ability to withstand high temperatures and release at the same time a pleasant aroma.

To preserve the heat in the room and a comfortable stay, it is necessary to insulate the floor, not only in the steam room. It is desirable to provide a floor insulation throughout the building. You need to remove the soil to a depth of 1 to 2 meters and filled with sawdust, expanded clay or foam bed. After making concrete screed floor and to lay a floor covering, preferably of hardwood.

The process of laying a floor layer alternates foam layer of concrete in several stages. This technology will provide protection from pests insulation.

Choosing insulation for the ceiling, it is necessary to put not only on the aspect of thermal conductivity characteristics. The material should have good performance of water resistance, the external environment, elasticity, flexibility. A lot depends on what kind of insulation will be laid on the ceiling. Variants of: ekovaty, flax, expanded clay, foam plastic. These materials are non-toxic and resistant to all factors.
Distinctive bath insulation technology of LECA
Characteristics table block and foam materials:
Block of haydite | silicate blocks | foam concrete | |
Strength kg \ cm2 | 75 | 50 | 25 |
Moisture absorption% weight | no | 25 | 16 |
Density kg \ cm3 | 1800 | 600 | 1000 |
Thermal conductivity, W \ m ° C | 0,8 | 0,14 | 0,22 |
Cycles, frost | 50 | 50 | 35 |
Advantages of expanded clay:
- The absence of decomposition and putrefaction.
- Flame-resistant material (promotes a ceiling insulation).
- Good sound insulation.
- Resistance to frost.
The advantage of thermal insulation technology of the bath blocks LECA is material strength. Expanded clay block does not crumble and perfectly holds the wall the entire structure. Less heat absorption than the silicate and foam products, and the thickness of the block of expanded clay allows not applied plaster layer. Lack of moisture absorption as does not oblige the owners of the bath to the exterior finishing.
Bath is able to support in a person vigor and strength, giving spiritual and physical health, and the charge energy and high-quality thermal insulation of the bath will provide all facilities for lovers and gourmets Russian steam rooms.