Foam - universal and common material which has many useful properties. For example, its excellent insulating properties known to many (especially for construction workers specialties), which, coupled with the availability and environmental friendliness, makes this material fact and no alternative indispensable.

The foam is supplied as standard blanks - large-size panels. For this reason termonozh to foam is an essential tool, because the manual processing foam - in most cases threatens violation material structure that radically undesirable.
What is the foam cutter?
Cutter for the foam - a special device that allows to impart a particular shape and dimension of future products from this material. The tool is useful because it cutting foam It is carried out without any extra effort on the part of the person, which eliminates any unevenness on its surface. You do not need to search for and purchase a special foam, as the foam will approach from any household appliances (a refrigerator, a TV, washing machine), which is supplied overwhelmingly cases.

To cut a piece the desired shape and size will be enough raschertit on its surface using standard office supplies, space for the cutout and holes. Thus it is necessary to understand one simple truth: if the work is carried out with the foam regularly, in which case it will be advisable to purchase industrial machinery for cutting. In all other cases - suitable improvised device.
Homemade cutter foam: Types
Before proceeding with the independent manufacturing a cutter for cutting foamed plastic, with its pre-defined views needed. Currently, there are three basic types:
- designed for shape cutting;
- equipped with a metal working plate;
- designed for linear cutting.
Each of these types is ground under a specific method for cutting sheets. However, the linear cut - the most popular method because it is versatile and quite practical.
stages of construction
If we consider a variant of the linear cutter for cutting, then all the main stages of creation - three:
- For manufacturing core - cutting portion need special nichrome wire, the diameter of which must be equal to 0.6 mm. Its length should be at least 14 cm, so its resistance will be equal to two ohms. Find it will not be difficult, because the old heaters and electric contain it in large quantities.
Scheme regulated power supply - To homemade device worked without any problems and complaints, should be made current and voltage calculation needed for heating the cutting part. Determine the power of the transformer can be based on the standard of the formula (I = U / R).
- The length of the metal cutter should not be less than eleven centimeters, and the selection of metal is not essential (can absolutely use any kind). At the end you need to connect the textolite plate that will serve as an insulator. After that needs to be fixed, taken from a standard electrical outlet, contact groups at the edges of the plate. These contacts can be set different in its spiral shape.
Made with their own hands the torch to be connected to the mains. After this device spiral will gradually heat up, which will indicate its red color. It was at this point should be made of foam processing as a hot cutter would eliminate the deformation of the foam and not allow him to peel off.

Important! In order to minimize and eliminate the risk of injury when working with this equipment must be to adhere to safety, since the power of the instrument is sufficient for any damage body parts.
Phased production termorezaka improvised

In the manufacture of electrical tools for cutting foam, you can use a variety of elements and assemblies. For example, termonozh can be made of solder, Vyzhigatel and / or old (unnecessary) jigsaw. Consider the five basic steps required to do this:
- First you need to make the sleeve - basic and complicated in structure, element. Recovered plate to bend and carve then accurately drilled hole into which the thread is inserted.
- Then you need to remove the wire leading to the hole, and after - to find suitable connectors and solder them neatly in the gap area. It is important that all further work with ready-wire cutter with insulated wires.
- After - connect termorezak. Old jigsaw you must cut it into two parts. In its upper part is installed on the plate-foot screws, which was necessary to prepare in advance. A via screws connect the bottom part with a base.
- Insert the plug into the foot. Marks a point below the opening of the sleeve from the hole on a square (or plumb). Making a hole in the bottom diameter of 5 mm.
- Spreads nichrome wire. First, turn on the power to the entire Vyzhigatel and wires touch the nichrome wire. It is important that the distance between the conductors equal to the height of the device. Thus, if the device buzzing or strange noise, and the thread is not heated (this is a consequence of insufficient resistance), it is necessary to find a thinner wire.