A good bath is not enough just to build, you need to provide ways of its additional insulation to keep within the required temperature. It is clear to everyone, and the disputes about it does not happen. But in practice, when deciding - what is best to insulate the walls of the bath - there are different options. The choice of material, laying insulation technology, different approaches to the warming of the sauna and changing room - you need to know and take into account during the construction of baths. Especially if there is a desire not to entrust it to outside people and hold warming himself.

Warming of different types of saunas
Suitable preparation method of insulation elements and choice of materials for them depends on the type of structure of bath. Some materials and methods for their placement suitable for heat retention in any types of baths, and some is better to use only one case. Something that is absolutely necessary for the structure, which was built by the carcass may not be necessary for the wooden frame.
Bath log cabins made of logs or lumber
In principle, such bath buildings do not require additional insulation. Work on sealing the gaps between the crowns of carcass held during its construction. Later, after the shrinkage and shrinkage of a log house will need a second stage, in which the more carefully caulk all gaps between the crowns. It is for these boathouses often used natural insulation. This is a tribute to some traditions, and the fact that natural materials in these constructions a little inferior to the effectiveness of modern artificial novelties.
Bani brick or foam blocks
Of course, after the construction of the brick structure of the bath interior is made of wood. And set inside a small layer of insulating material would be useful. Brick and the corresponding materials are heated for a long time, but then keep warmth. If you do not allow release of heat to the outside. Therefore, the main object is to provide an outer insulation, not allowing the temperature dialed degrees leave the brick wall in the bath surrounding space.
The most suitable one for the outer insulation considered hinged outer facade with ventilation. The decorative exterior trim bath already being outside such a warming structure.

Frame bath
The cheapness of construction of the bath frame type determines the need of a quality insulation structure surfaces. As for log saunas, insulation is carried out in the process of erecting the frame. And not just because it's more convenient. Insulated material and its fastening elements are an integral part of the design of the entire structure.
To frame walls often used a two-layer insulation of different types - hard and soft tile roll. And especially carefully in framework structures to approach the ceiling insulation in pomyvochnaya.
For all types of constructed baths, it is desirable to adhere to two rules:
- Additional insulation of walls and ceilings inside the bath will only benefit.
- When considering insulation can not forget about ventilation between the frame of the building and insulation. It will not allow moisture to linger for a long time to warm in bed, and would prevent the formation of condensation.
The choice of heat-saving material
Considering options for warming bath or sauna, you should take into account the increased requirements for heat-saving materials for this purpose. Elevated temperature and humidity in such spaces (especially in the steam room), and the subsequent return to the previous sharp values, the presence of people in a protected space - that the conditions in which the material must retain its quality long term. Therefore, in addition to the heat-insulating properties, these materials must meet the following criteria:
- Resistance to fire. This is especially critical for the materials of insulation design elements near the stove.
- Preserve their properties and form under high humidity and temperature.
- low water absorption
- Environmentally friendly and no emission of harmful substances when heated.
In the present conditions it is not difficult to find materials that meet these requirements. The choice is wide, although it has its own complexity - you need a good understanding of how to choose the material of all. Can be roughly divided into three groups of bath heat insulators.
natural materials
Many of them have long been used in the construction of the sauna.
- Moss
- Tow
- Jute
- Lnovatin
The advantage of natural heaters are their environmental quality. They do not emit noxious fumes, do not rot. But can we hope to create a heat shield entirely of these materials?

These shortcomings in the first place should include a low fire resistance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for warmth in the steam room. Warming of the wooden frame, self-protection is a waiting room - that's the appropriate point of use. It is worth noting that the very laying of these materials in the crowns of log and subsequent zakonopachivanie their slots - quite a time-consuming process.
There are opinions that the materials of natural origin can be got mold, fungi or insects. But if that happens, the reason probably in the wrong device log or poor internal ventilation.
mineral wool insulation
This is a different kind of mineral wool or rigid mineral plates.
- The mineral wool rolls. This heat insulator is resistant to fire and bad absorbs moisture. In addition, she and a good sound insulator. But because of the low mechanical strength of the mineral wool roll is not very convenient for laying. This lack of lack mineral wool.
- Glass wool. This material is made of organic glass fibers combines a very low thermal transparency with low cost.
- Further development of the mineral wool has become a basalt fiber or rockwool. It is made of molten rock and is considered one of the best of insulation materials. Very convenient for installation as easy to cut to any size. Disadvantage - the high cost.

chemical materials
Some of these convenient materials are not suitable for internal insulation steam. Reason - low ignition temperature. But they are light, easy to use, and suitable for internal insulation of the changing room. And placed them in the outer layer in the structure of frame structures.
- Styrofoam
- Expanded polystyrene
- Penoizol
But manufactured and artificial materials that are ideal for thermal protection anywhere in the bath, even in the immediate vicinity of the stove. Such a material is called foamed glass.

It is not ignited even by high temperature, not subject to deformation by humidity is produced in forms convenient for mounting. Almost the only drawback is the large weight of the material. And like any new product it is more expensive than the already familiar heaters.
The basic rules of installation of heaters
Having defined what is possible to insulate the wall from inside the bath, will face the correct paving technology of these materials. Experienced craftsmen know the methods and rules by heart, but for those who want to spend warming bath with his hands, it is useful to remind them.
Warming of the wooden frame rims
For log cabins of logs or timber for insulating materials are laid at the stage of construction of the structure.
- Selected insulation is laid between all the crowns of log
- Compacted material is laid on joints
- Upon completion of construction, waiting time required for shrinkage log, conduct caulking all joints and cracks on the outside and inside.
Thermal insulation of ceiling
Creating heat-shielding layer on the ceiling should be given special attention. Through the ceiling takes most of the heat, and then the bath is bad keeps couples. Also the insulation layer required and high-quality steam.

Type-ceilings are divided into three groups:
- Grazing
- podshivnoy
- Panel
Fixing of thermal insulation of ceilings each type has its technical details. But for any kind required to comply with the following rules:
- Use of vapor barrier film that protects the insulation against moisture
- Laying insulation be carried out in two or three layers overlapping joints
- Obligatory sizing of joints. The best material for this - aluminum foil.
- When getting your decorative ceiling desirable to leave between them a gap in the vapor barrier layer 1 - 2 cm for ventilation.
wall insulation
Normally, the creation of heat-shielding layer for walls steam rooms is conducted on the basis of layer cake.

The basic sequence of actions on warming the walls is as follows:
- On the walls of lath Cell set of wooden bars or slats
- Cells crates dimmed rolled canvas or fiberglass
- In the same selected cell is laid thermally insulating material
- Above the heat protection film lined paroizoliruyuschaya
- The entire structure is closed with a decorative inner lining to meet the ventilation gap

Exterior insulation bath can be created on a simple scheme:

floor Warming
Heat can go through the floor and, especially in winter. Therefore, in the device floor also include thermal protective layers. Most often it is a layer of expanded clay, but can be applied to thermal insulation sheet.
- The first layer is poured concrete screed
- Waterproofing stacked film
- LECA is carried filling or packing sheet insulation
- Applying a second layer of waterproofing
- Topcoat poured concrete screed

Differences in the changing room and steam insulation
Predbannom conditions in the room are not as critical as in the steam room or sauna. High humidity - only a couple entering the dressing room from the open door to the steam room. A high temperature in the changing room and need not be. But the warm dressing room still need to get in it could comfortably sit in between and after sauna procedures. And getting too cool air through the open door to the steam room is also undesirable.
As for steam, warm in the dressing room and you need to wall and the floor and ceiling.
Choosing the better to insulate interior walls in the dressing room, you can first draw attention to the eco-friendly, natural insulation. But it is better to use heaters chemical production. Especially in the anteroom apply materials that do not fit in the doubles indoors because of their instability to heat. Such heaters as styrofoam, styrofoam and penofol - are lightweight and easy to assemble. Warming of foam is considered a priority for Predbannikov masonry.
The very placement of thermal insulation technology in the dressing room is not very different from the one on which the insulated steam room. Although the humidity in the waiting room is not comparable to the steam room, the protection of any insulation material and water paroustoychivym layer is still necessary. And ventilation heat shield on the perimeter of the changing room should also be.
Final work
At the final stage, the insulation of windows and doors. Improperly installed through the door and through the cracks in the window openings can leave a lot of heat.
The door to the steam room must be done as low as possible and with the obligatory presence of the threshold. It should open inside the changing room. The window in the steam room is not desirable to have a large size, and place it should be also as low as possible. Frames should be double or triple - air is an excellent insulator. Encouraged the use of insulating glass.

Insulation gaps window openings can be achieved naturally caulking material - hemp, jute. But can be applied to sealing of mineral wool and silicone sealants - in the steam room. For sealing window and door openings and a waiting room suitable foam.