The foundation - an important part of the bearing structure of the building. He carries the vertical load - the weight of the whole house, and is opposed to the horizontal soil pressure. Experiencing it and the impact of groundwater and condensate. Moisture is absorbed through the pores of the foundation. In winter, all the moisture has penetrated into the pores of the material freezes. ice crystals tear the material. Located near the soil mass and are in a state of seasonal movement. All these factors can lead to the destruction of the cap.
Correctly executed waterproofing and thermal insulation for the winter to help reduce these risks to a minimum. Winterizing only from within is much less effective, because the very foundation is subject to temperature changes.

Moreover, at the junction of foundations, floors and walls formed by "cold bridge" over it will leak heat into the external environment.
Thermal insulation on the outside of the foundation to protect it and prevent heat loss.
Variety of foundations and their insulation characteristics
Belt at the stage of the formwork
If you take care of the insulation in advance, during design, you get thoughtful, energy-efficient and cost-effective solution.
Once the trench is dug, it should pour the sand and make the shuttering of polystyrene foam sheet. This formwork is required to protect against bursting poured concrete solution, setting a backup of the boards or a thick plywood.
On sale there are special Styrofoam blocks with cavities. They are used for masonry, like bricks or blocks, are interconnected with glue. The cavity is mounted such masonry reinforcement, concrete mortar is poured and vibrating compaction is performed.

Shuttering of this kind will be permanent, and remained on the design of the foundation, will serve him excellent thermal insulation
Belt made of concrete or stone
Insulated monolithic strip foundations will last considerably longer. First, flooded or folded to be waterproofed construction of foundation blocks. For this purpose, special bituminous mastics. Layer waterproofing it is necessary to allow to dry until completely weathered solvents. It takes three days to a week.
The expanded foam is glued to concrete adhesive. Avoid acetone based adhesive - as it dissolves the foam.

Above the foam protective sheets or asbestos cement suffered plaster layer can be set fortified preset reference grid.

For insulating the aerial part recommend using 100 mm thick sheets.
How to insulate a foundation built of rubble? Before its thermal insulation layer should also align mesh plaster.
How and why to insulate pier foundation? Thermal insulation it is more complicated than the belt, since there is no closed loop. Warming of each pole give a smaller effect than the external insulation of a closed loop formed by the tape. Most often insulated circuit begins with a lag and the subfloor.
To pier foundation does not act as a voice of cold in the house, it is necessary to arrange a thermal break between the top of the column and floor designs. Material for such seals should:
- have a low thermal conductivity;
- be strong enough - through the laying house load weight will be transferred to the foundation.
To do this, fit special finely granulated foams high strength.
Base plates - the most perfect view of the support structure. Insulated Swedish plate as it is known in common parlance, the structure provides maximum strength and resistance to seasonal fluctuations in the soil. Insulation conducted prior to casting as a bottom, and end faces with plates to prevent the formation of so-called "Cold bridges".
On the leveled and compacted sand bed roll unfolded layer of waterproofing material, more spread out the styrofoam slab. They are mounted on top of the reinforcement system, then you can fill the plate. With the fixed ends of the plate thickness cut sheets to serve as permanent shuttering. By thrust them attach special gons.

In any case, experienced builders to put insurance outer end of the props of the formwork boards and thrust bars.
The thickness of the plates in the Russian sources varies between 60 and 100 mm, western recommendations say 200-300 mm.
Problems insulation screw-pile foundation of the house are the same as in the case of columnar foundations. Theoretically it is possible to dig the soil to a depth of freezing and make insulated outer contour around piles.

However, it lost all the main advantage of screw piles - is almost complete absence of excavation and installation of the wooden house foundation in one day.
Most experts agree that the piles themselves in the insulation do not need, and should focus on and efforts on the insulation of walls, floors and contact points of the lag and the tops of the piles and tying to avoid cold transfer through them. And the piles have to be frostbitten.
Traditionally used for thermal insulation of building a home based materials such as:
- Expanded clay, sand or slag. The oldest and least efficient method.
- Sheet foam plastics. Polystyrene foam and much more effective than bulk materials.
- Mineral wool. High thermal efficiency and low moisture protection.
- Sprayed coatings. Maximum efficiency and very expensive equipment.
Loose materials
The only advantage of conventional bulk materials - their low cost. They do not make high demands on the skills of workers and do not require complex and expensive equipment. Such materials are often used to insulate the foundation inexpensively and with his own hands
A large amount of filling is performed in parallel and basement waterproofing function, removing it from the ground water. This is particularly important in the loamy and clayey soils with a high water table and low freezing.

The sequence of works:
- Choose the soil around the foundation of his deeper sole. The width is selected between 0.5 and 1.5 meters, depending on the depth of freezing and groundwater level.
- To conduct the waterproofing of the foundation walls.
- At the bottom of the trench to lay the resulting waterproofing geotextile, fill gravel layer of about 10 cm and expanded drainage pipe.
- Cover recess particulate material selected from layered compacted.
Cubic meter of sand cost a few hundred rubles, depending on the distance of delivery.
Sheet foamed plastics
Foam - a modern and relatively inexpensive heating material. It combines low thermal conductivity with a high resistance to stress and damage resistance. Installation was not characterized by complexity, does not require expensive equipment and is available handyman.
Disadvantages of the material - the need for additional sealing, the requirements for surface preparation and low resistance to rodents.
The sequence of works:
- Clear foundation walls to the foot from the ground and bitumen and oil pollution. Dry them.
- At the bottom lay drainage pipes to drain groundwater.
- Run waterproofing materials not containing bitumen and acetone - they react with the foam and destroying it.
- Plates are glued insulation polymer glue. Gaps and cracks are filled with foam to minimize heat loss.
- Insulation protects fine-mesh wire mesh against rodents.
- Fill up the trench with sand.
Foam sheet size of 1000 * 600 * 50 mm worth 80-100 rubles.
Polyurethane sheet size 1200 * 600 * 50 mm cost 120-140 rub.
Mineral wool
Despite the availability of the material, mineral wool infrequently used for insulation of foundations. This is due to the high complexity of associated activities, the need for additional waterproofing insulation and the shield device of asbestos cement sheets, protecting the material from damage ground. As a result, the cost per square meter of insulation is approaching a more modern materials. Apply the mineral wool, or ecowool, preferably for thermal insulation of the aerial part of the foundation.

The sequence of execution of works:
- Clean and dry foundation walls. If necessary, repaired defects.
- Lock Guides from the rails or metal sheets.
- Place the mineral wool slabs. Run parogidroizolyatsiyu using special films.
- Mount ventilated facade or plaster.
Square meter of 50 mm mineral wool thickness costs 100-110 rub.
Evaporation for insulating materials
This type of material provides extremely efficient thermal insulation, as a sprayed layer of foamed plastic has no seams and joints. In addition, it also serves as waterproofing.
However, a significant drawback is the need to use expensive specialized equipment for spraying. professional installation costs up to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Household devices cheaper, but also they can pay off only for high-volume jobs.
Neperezaryazhemy minimum set of equipment for spraying, together with the materials containing 0.6 cubic meters of foam, worth 20 thousand. rub.
The process of warming
The technological process is dependent on the material used for insulation. Details are given above in the description of materials. general requirements are:
- Purification of the foundation wall from the ground roughness and impurities.
- a drainage device at a level slightly below the base
- Necessity otmostki device and its insulation.
Some features of the process in the particular situations listed below
Insulation of the outside at close groundwater
If the ground water are high, foundation insulation loses its effectiveness. In addition, the seasonal shifts of soil freezing and thawing can damage or disrupt the thermal insulation.

How to protect yourself from the groundwater? During the construction of doing the following:
- Below sole drainage system is laid, tapping ground water from the foundation.
- Between the insulation and the ground slept filter sand wedge pillow, diverting moisture from the surface of the thermal insulation to the drain tube.
Sand bed will play the role of a damper, protecting the insulation of expanded soil pressure.
In order for this method to work, the following conditions must be met:
- Line foundation surface should be as smooth, without recesses and ledges.
- To apply large fraction backfill sand, possibly mixed with the slag.
- Backfilling is necessary to sift the stones, leading to damage to the insulation chiseled in seasonal shifting of.
Insulated otmostka
Insulated blind area significantly increases the efficiency of the thermal insulation of the foundation. For its devices should:
- The perimeter foundation dig a recess width meter and a half, to a depth of half a meter.
- According to the outer contour of the lay drainage pipes connected to the general drainage system.
- Pour pad of sand 20 cm thick compacted.
- Place the sheets of expanded polystyrene thickness 30, and preferably 50 mm. Plates are placed to the short side wall, the width of the insulation is thus obtained 120 cm.
- Cover the top of the sand bed of 10-15 cm.
- Pour the concrete blind area.
Instead of foamed polystyrene can use 20-cm layer of slag.

Insulation for the foundation of foamed plastics needs to be protected from a number of biological factors:
- Rodents.
- plant roots.
- Mold and fungi.
To prevent access of rodents to insulant, tightly compacted layer of sand. From the roots of the plants should be carefully cleaned the excavated trench. Since the end face is set asbestos sheets, blocking the access bioobject. Modern proofing materials are composed of additives that prevent the development of mold and mildew.
Most methods do not differ insulation complexity of the process and does not require expensive equipment and materials. However, if the work is done on the already finished basement, they are all linked with significant excavation. In this case it is better to work with assistants. With the exception of spraying, all work is done by conventional construction tools.