How to choose a decorative stone for finishing the fireplace?

Fireside decorate any home. Always nice to be wrapped in a blanket, sitting in front of his fireplace, and enjoy the flashes of flame hearth.

In the modern interior is increasingly began to install decorative stone fireplaces, using artificial materials to simplify finishing. Indeed, the use of natural stone requires the creation of a foundation for the design and conduct of complex construction procedures.

In this article you will learn about the advantages of artificial stone, are familiar with the recommendations of the Proper material selection and get all the necessary information for their own fireplaces hands. In the photos you can clearly see the variety of finishes and decorative stone tiled fireplaces ready.

Benefits of decorative stones

Artificial stones are used for finishing electrical and wood-burning fireplaces, gas structures, bio fireplaces and stoves, fireplaces. By achieving the maximum similarity of structures of the fireplace with decorative stone trim complements the overall style of the interior.

Such facing stones have a number of advantages:

  • high fire-resistant performance;
  • a long time retain the natural color and appearance.
  • friendliness when decorating the expense of ease of material;
  • a variety of colors and textures make it possible to select stones for the fireplaces in the style you want;
  • low cost compared with natural stone;
  • ease of self-use, comfortable cutting and styling;
  • no harmful smells, as relates to environmentally friendly materials, does not contain impurities and toxic reagents.

Artificial stone is produced from the cement with the addition of fillers, expanded clay, pumice or perlite. Dyes are added to give the required color material.

  • With these technologies, artificial stones weighing about two times less natural.
  • At a small cost of the external texture of the material is not very different from the natural stone, sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from each other.
  • The appearance of the material follows the natural shape of paving stones. These come in the form of a puncture sawn rubble.

According to the individual customer orders made quite an unusual shape and color.

Recommendations regarding the selection of decorative stone

To Stone fireplace of stone with their hands need to purchase the appropriate materials.

When choosing from the variety of decorative a rockShould approach this issue creatively, to determine in advance with the style of its construction design. It is important to consider the following tips:

  • Do not chase item of foreign firms. More often than Russian analogues have the best quality and at the same time have a low cost.
  • Decorating of fireplace stone is performed using heat-resistant products. Before purchasing, consider the decorative stones, heat-resistant characteristics, depending on the type of fire. If you decide to apply for the lining is not heat-resistant decorative stones, then when heated can be released toxic substances.
  • Check out the certificates of quality for products, such documents give a guarantee for compliance with the specified parameters. If you refuse to grant certificates - this indicates a questionable quality. It is possible that the production was carried out with the use of harmful ingredients.
  • Get the material well-known manufacturers, who work for a long time and have proven themselves in the industry.
  • Quality products at the carton has a branded logo and coordinates the manufacturer.
  • Before you buy, pay attention to the appearance of artificial stone must be free of defects such as cracks or chips, as well as other signs of marriage.
  • Pay attention to the stone production date, since the solidification process of the material is still within a month after the release. Only after this time the material gets its strength.

In addition to decorative stones will need to stock up

  • heat-resistant adhesive;
  • water-repellent, having barrier properties;
  • grouting;
  • cleaner designed for removing cement residues from the surface;
  • specialized nail surface covering, creating the effect of a wet stone.

For facing the fireplace uses a special adhesive compound. It must be chosen with regard to the main surfaces: a quality connection can only be the case when the composition of the decorative stone coincides with adhesive backing.

  • For example, gypsum decorative stone glued using the adhesive plaster, cement and stone requires a cement adhesive.

Moreover, if the main surface has a depression, then apply the mastic. It can qualitatively fill all unevenness.

Preparatory work before wrapping

After selecting the covering material it is possible to start the preparatory work. For pre-treatment, to determine the surface on which be laid artificial stone.

  • These works only when the air temperature can be carried out over 50C, since lower temperatures affect the quality of the bonding surfaces.

To prevent contamination of elements should be made of stone facing downwards. Thus, the work performed will be neat and tidy appearance.

Cutting artificial stone pieces using a hacksaw with fine teeth, in this case, the edge is smooth and beautiful.

Building expert advice

  • When used as a framework of wooden its surface previously coated with waterproofing.

If the fireplace is made of metal or concrete - waterproofing not produce.

Please note! When serious irregularities concrete or brick wall of the fireplace must be applied plaster.

  • On the base are fixed plastering mesh special fasteners.
  • Is applied from above mesh plaster and wait for complete drying of the layer.

If the thickness of the material has differences or shaped decorative stone uneven structure - hence, should lay them in a chaotic manner. So the total composition will look natural and believable.

Required tools

Prior to the construction work, prepare the appropriate tool:

Other than those designated in the tool, it is desirable to have a photograph:

  • screws or nails for mounting of auxiliary materials;
  • spray or brush for wetting the surface of the substrate prior to applying the adhesive;
  • building trowels;
  • ordinary hammer and rubber;
  • bolgarka disk stone;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • flat bars of wood as a guide post;
  • a container in which the solution is stirred.

Facing stone

Decorating of fireplace with decorative stone is shown in the photo, we will examine the main stages of tiling and will focus on the important nuances of the process.

The entire surface of the base portal fireplace is cleaned. It is important to pay special attention to this, because of the preparation of the base depends on the result of the work.

If the portal is brick - it is cleaned, removing any excess solution or uneven seams. Sharp and durable metal object, make an indentation in the joints between the bricks.

  • When uneven main surface - it is aligned with plaster or cement mortar, putting it on the net.

Before performing painting and decorating to make a drawing and arrange all the details on the floor. Before laying the "dry" try on one number and check the configuration.

  • When using a tile having an irregular shape, it is necessary to mark with its reverse side, on the edges of adjacent parts being prescribed number.

It is important to know that faced with a fireplace will even if the finishing work begins with the strengthening of thick stones. They will become a reference point for applying the adhesive under the subtle details of the masonry.

  • Laying stone tiles, take it from several boxes to a uniform distribution pattern, as they can vary in color and thickness from each other.

Make possible the seams between the tiles of equal width to match drawing hereinafter.

  • Oblitsovyvaya seamless masonry fireplace, pressed tightly against each other all the details.

Wanting oblitsevat "under a brick" or using parts of rectangular shape, stay vertical angles. Accurately monitor the connection of horizontal and vertical planes while maintaining an angle of 90 degrees.

  • You can use a special template on which marked the thickness of seams and the intersection of perpendicular lines.

Finishing process always starts with the bottom corner. After completion of the corner facing the surface to move the upper horizontal row. Further, basic work is conducted, which is carried out from top to bottom.

  • When you are finished to survive for at least a day to dry the glue, then you can proceed to rubbing seams.

Important! Pre-check the quality of grouting on pruning ornamental stone - if it does not leave marks on it.

After drying surface throughout its structure treated with a special fireproof hydrophobic composition. Thus, a protective film, impermeable and moisture retaining decorative stone during deformation or external force on the fireplace. With such a surface dust easily erased. Also, the protective film retains artificial stone structure when the temperature drops.

Decorative stone and it is desirable to decorate the front side portion of the portal. To select the whole upper part of the plane of the finished boards made of natural or artificial stone.

Decorative stones with their hands

Having little experience in construction work can independently produce the desired facing stone size and color.

For this purpose, silicone mold, into which the solution is poured cement, sand and dyes.

In accordance with certain technologies cement mix is ​​replaced by alabaster. This immediately mixed all the composite components, diluted with water to the desired consistency and poured into forms.

The molded material has set firmly, only then it can be used for decorating the fireplace.

Decorating of fireplace decorative stones available to any person. At first glance it seems that it is very difficult and time consuming, but it is not. If in the process you have something does not work, remember that you can always redo it.

The main thing - try to trim correctly selected items and creative attitude to the process, following the recommendation. In this case, the fireplace is filled with beauty and charm of a home, the delight your entire family for years to come.