Previously fireplaces created only from refractory brick types. In our time, we began to produce cast iron fireplaces that are able not only to warm the space of the house, but be original decoration of the interior in any style.

Varieties of iron furnaces
In accordance with the principle of heat generation are distinguished:
- conventional furnace;
- furnace with long burning.
With cast iron fireplaces can heat the air in the room very quickly, and they are unable to maintain the temperature for a long time. In this regard, the developers have found a solution to give long burning fireplace functions. They maintain the high temperature for 5 hours or more.
This is due to hermetically sealed design of the furnace. Inside the chamber, the wood is not just burn, and is slow smoldering. Gas released during this is guided in the special chamber, where additionally burned. This effect leads to the release of large amounts of heat. Thus, the efficiency is much higher than conventional structures.
In accordance with its purpose fireplaces are divided into the following types:
- heating;
- heating and cooking;
- an additional possibility of heating hot water;
- fireplaces, one-piece, heat the room, decorate the interior. They can be equipped with hobs and oven.
If the cast iron to the furnace hearth is further equipped with a hob, then it can be used for heating or cooking food.

Choosing the right equipment, it is necessary to take into account a lot of thermal performance. Each design has its positive and negative sides. Carefully study all the options and weigh iron fireplaces for the home.
Advantages and disadvantages of cast-iron constructions
Iron has the properties for a long time retain heat even after burning firewood, it continues to heat the room.
One of the main advantages can be called easy installation and ease of use of fireplaces. Previously, the installation of brick buildings had to do a lot of preparatory and construction work, and now fireplaces with cast iron firebox is set independently. In addition, the benefits are:
- high levels of efficiency;
- fuel economy;
- modern design;
- mobility and easy to transport;
- maintaining a predetermined temperature level during the 10 watches - only for continuous burning fireplaces.
Lack of equipment can be called
- increased requirements for the installation of the chimney;
- stated specifications only in connection with dry wood.
The principle of heating a cast iron design
Cast iron fireplace oven resembles burzhujku. Heating occurs not by transmitting hot water through the heating pipes, and due to convection of hot air. Each chimney gated voids provided for heating the air mass around the hearth. Some models, such as Buleryan or like Breneran, voids are in the form of pipes, and in other fireplaces - a camera with rectangular openings. These structures heated room very quickly, and the temperature is kept in the space of a long time. It is possible to heat adjacent rooms through special ducts.
What you should pay attention before buying a fireplace?
To choose the right so many factors to take into account the stove. And it's not just about the range and diversity of appearance, but also on a variety of practical purposes. One feature necessary to carry out heating, heating is carried out for the other stationary heating and fireplaces are set as a decorative element.
When you select a cast-iron fireplaces compare its parameters with the specific application. Model Selection may depend on the space in which the structure is installed and methods of operation of the device.
- Consider choosing iron fireplaces type of fuel used. For them suitable not only wood, but also the waste produced during wood processing, as well as coal. Coal is typically used in areas where fuel is abundant or readily available as compared with the wood.
- hearth configuration affects the space heating process. The furnace determines where the fireplace, and what finishing materials will be decorated will be installed.
Depending on the type of fireplace inserts can be identified
- closed furnace;
- open furnace.
Open type furnaces. There are simple devices, in which the heat is directed toward the heated room and carried out thanks to the natural power of fire. Indicator efficiency is 10 - 20%, is substantially less than that of a closed furnaces.
The advantages of such designs include:
- The opportunity to enjoy an open fire in the hearth.
The disadvantages are:
- little efficiency;
- during continuous use it burns oxygen from the room, so you need to regularly slightly open window, or create a forced oxygen supply;
- deposited on the chimney walls significant layer of soot tube must be cleaned regularly;
- typically portals such fireplaces trim refractory brick, which has low thermal conductivity, and take a part of the heat;
- continued access of oxygen affects the rapid combustion of wood, it affects the cost and fuel consumption.
Indoor type furnaces. The efficiency of such structures is much higher than that of the previous type. Efficiency can reach up to 90%. The operating principle of a closed structure as follows: heating the heated air warms the wall of the portal and trim, transferring heat to the space.
There are models, equipped systems slow-burning firewood. This makes it possible to heat the space under one tab wood for 10 hours or more.
The advantages include:
- Fuel economy of use due to the high rate of efficiency;
- regular and stable operation of design;
- insusceptibility to external factors such as a sudden gust of wind or draft;
- a large range of different models, compared with open fires;
- additional opportunities, even in small cast-iron stoves, fireplaces hob may be present. This stove is needed to cook or reheat food or heating water for domestic needs;
- repair without damaging the portal can be carried out if necessary;
- long service life;
- minimum fire risk from accidental sparks, as the door protects against fire in space;
- Safe operation, no need to constantly keep an eye on the hearth. Combustion takes place independently and there is no need to constantly monitor him. Most importantly, for what you need to follow - is that in the furnace were always wood;
- possibility of controlling the combustion process by adjusting the oxygen supply to the furnace;
- manufacturers produce portable structure having a low weight;
- ash collected in the ash box, wherein the heated area does not become soiled;
- due to the tightness of the construction standards to the parameters of the chimney is much easier than to open.
Choosing a fireplace, it is worth considering its location in the house, they are:
- wall-mounted;
- island;
- corner.
The best option for a small room will angulation, and for the spacious rooms you can install an island fireplace.
Pay attention not only on the external data and the size of the unit, but also in power. It can be calculated in accordance with technical standards, where 1 corresponds to the volume in kilowatts 25 meters.
For residential space area from 50 to 100 meters need furnace 7 to 11 kilowatts. In larger floor space capacity is calculated from the following formula: 10 square meters corresponds to 1 kilowatt.
Design experts recommend purchase slightly less than the required power, therefore, fuel consumption will be more rational.
For year-round use of the fireplace best suited long burning structure. They are very economical and allow to expend the minimum amount of fuel with a maximum impact of heat.
In the domestic market, the two groups can be roughly divided among a wide variety of devices:
- elite fireplaces;
- fireplaces economy class.
The first group includes the model and brand of foreign manufacturers. They are of high quality and reliability in a stylish and modern design. They have consistently high rates.
The second group may include domestic or Chinese companies. Among them you can find interesting and original design with low price. The main demand is for products in this group.
It is recommended to purchase the popular brands of stoves "Meta" and "Ekokamin".
Fireplaces "Meta" made from European and Japanese components. It is a guarantee of high quality products. The price of such units is from 30,000 rubles.
The company "Ekokamin" produces universal design. In the lineup there are fireplaces with a cooking stove and a heat exchanger. For facing these devices use modern refractory materials like natural marble.
The distinctive features of the instrument serves Ekokamin companies flue connection to the rear wall and having a slow burning wood system. Another important advantage is the low cost of the equipment. At the same time, you can pick up a very good structure in the range of 20 000 rubles.
Assembling the iron furnace hearth
Installation iron design is very simple, although there are certain nuances that require special training.
- The structure must be mounted on the refractory coating. Especially clearly should carry this condition in wooden houses.
- The brick buildings important to install the equipment on a solid concrete pad.
To increase the heating efficiency of using a special duct system. They consist of a corrugated pipe, the feed force or a natural way, warm air from the furnace room. Practical experience shows that the air ducts allow to heat large areas and even two-storey houses. The principle of such designs of heating: hot air rushes into the reservoir and then distributed by the fan in all the rooms through pipes.

Requirements for chimney
Chimney must be connected by following the manufacturer's requirements for fire safety and related instructions supplied with the equipment.
For the near-wall and corner fireplaces with wood, warmed and need a high chimney. The basic installation requirements include:
- The total height of not less than 3 meters. Failure to comply with the requirements of adjustment possible smoke room, insufficient draft or not efficient burning of fuel.
- Minimize the horizontally arranged portions of the pipe. For the necessary traction may not be more than 1 meter horizontal orientation.
- The chimney is necessary to use a heater for fast, simplified connection and without additional fireproof works.
Having defined the main characteristics and practical qualities of the fireplace, you can draw attention to a certain group of cast iron fireplaces, which will significantly simplify the selection process.
For those wishing to using cast iron fireplace to create a particular style in the house, while maintaining high heat characteristics, there are many aesthetically pleasing and original varieties structures. Owners who want to heat their homes and cook food over an open fire, can effectively use iron stoves for it.