How to make a portal to the fireplace with his hands?

To bring in their housing element of luxury, you can install a fireplace, faced with natural wood or semi-precious stones, although this requires a corresponding interior and big money investments.

In our time, there is a possibility that is available for all lovers of home, modern technology allows to create a portal for the fireplace made of plasterboard, similar to the actual design and decorated by any materials.

There is no need to invite the stove-maker or a professional designer, you can build it yourself. When this is useful to you only desire to create a center of drywall required tools, materials, and faith Success! In this article you will get a detailed, phased construction of the information portal, from the concept to the final.

Well, I wonder? Then let's start!

The question arises: how to make the portal for the fireplace with his hands, it seems very complicated at first glance. Although in reality, referring to information in the article you will see that the construction of the frame of the plasterboard is available to anyone. This building will transform your apartment and bring to heat the space, originality and comfort.

Required tools and materials

With the construction of the portal for the fireplace does not need to have high-tech tools and professional equipment, prepare enough for this most basic:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • pencils and markers;
  • sharp knife;
  • scissors for cutting metal profiles;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • spatulas for decorating.

Attention! Use caution when working with sharp objects and enjoy the creative process.

The materials that you will need for the erection of structures:
  • 8-12 mm thick plasterboard, the size depends on the type of finishing materials;
  • and a guide wall metal profile;
  • Tape-serpyanka;
  • aluminum corner;
  • putty, primer;
  • materials for decorative finishes.

Making hearth

Before the construction of the portal with their hands should consider design options to match the interior or your preferences. In this case, once it is necessary to define what is in the hearth of the fireplace plasterboard.

Most often installed in electrical equipment, create an imitation fire. Although you can create a decorative fire or set a beautiful candle.

  • Portal for medium-sized best option would be the monitor screen connected to a computer technician. flame fire image will be transmitted via Bluetooth or USB cable.
  • If you want to create a small fireplace, while in the niche of the portal, it is desirable to insert a picture frame with a monitor function and translation of flashes of a flame of fire;
  • Portal for real size inside hearth mounted electric fireplace, suitable for any room. It not only transmits the image of fire and the crackle of the logs, but also warms the space.
  • In case you do not want to install in the likeness of the flame can focus arrange decorative candles. Using different sizes of candles does not produce heat, but beautifully illuminates the structure, filling the room romance and the desired flavor.

portal design

Before the design layout to choose a place where it is better to place. Competently and correctly selected location is an important stage of construction.

Learn the basic rules and guidelines:

  1. first select a room for the installation of the fireplace;
  2. then look for a place where design is most appropriate;
  • in a large room fireplace trim is better positioned in the center of the free wall;
  • in small rooms more practical to build corner fireplace;

Choose their own place, taking into account the style of the existing interior and specifications for the building.

Building construction DRAWINGS

Portal of drywall made with their own hands is a building, which has its own size, and shape of the reliefs. Therefore, it is important to first of all think about every step in detail.

First make a simple sketch drawing on paper. If possible Construct the project layout and mentally place it in a selected location. That, on the basis of your drawing to create a layout on a scale that will show the reality of ideas, you can use foam, and glue. It will allow to calculate the right amount of material and help to visualize the whole process of erection. In the photo below you can see the option to create a portal for the fireplace.

Form in the portal can be of different volume, but if you use the electric heater inside the furnace, pay attention to the important recommendations:

design size should fit the area of ​​the living room and the dimensions of the heater. Remember that a large portal can take a lot of space in a small room, and vice versa, a small structure will be noticeable in a large room.

  • With this structure is necessary to provide ventilation for heat output in accordance with an instruction therefore the fireplace design developed after the purchase of electric or subject selected model.
  • Making portal choose according to space design. For example, the presence of ancient lines, flourishes and stucco look ridiculous to be in high-tech style, for these interiors characterized by clear lines, bright colors and a minimal amount of decorative elements.

Finishing materials, too, should choose in advance, because, as a heavy decoration materials requires more rigid attachment of the metal frame on the plane and the use of durable reinforced gypsum board profile.

On the basis of the safety requirements and style portal, pass the drawing precise visual style, which will be the individual feature your design.

Creating a frame of wall fireplace

The next important step is to create a portal fireplace from metal sheets. To do this, you should take advantage of rack-mount and guide rails.

Mounted frame, in accordance with the specified dimensions in the project. It is securely attached to the wall and floor covering. Make sure that the frame had a strong bond of all the details. This recommendation is important for the stability of the entire structure. At elevated tight construction with ease of drywall mounted and carried decoration. Remember! It is necessary to check the level of the horizontal and vertical planes to the whole structure look symmetrical.

Facing construction

At the finished frame is fixed elements cut plasterboard, details of this process, see below in the specification of the angular fireplace.

  • If you are using a simple liner decor, then it is possible to mount a single layer of GCR.
  • If the finish is complex, with elements of heavy materials, such as natural a rock - then drywall is attached in two layers.

The upper part of the portal - mantel desirable sheathing double layer of plasterboard to enable it to withstand any load.

The next important step is necessary to putty structure. To do this, you must first be primed surface and then putty handle the entire plane and every corner inside the portal.

This process is performed in accordance with building regulations, using serpyanku belt and perforated corner, as detailed below, for a description of the angular fireplace.

The construction of the corner of the portal

Small room corner fireplace fits best, because it is compact in size and occupies a small utility area. Positioning can be in any corner of the room.

Erecting base and to draw a sketch, checking the heater dimensions to it and taking into account Ventilating distance between the chassis and the equipment in accordance with an electric passport fireplace.

Consider the whole process step by step construction of this portal:

  1. It is necessary to measure the size and profile of aluminum cut with scissors or a hacksaw.
  2. Finished elements are connected with screws to the metal via screwdriver. U-shaped elements are inserted into each other for bonding, as pictured.
  3. The frame is fixed to the wall surface with plastic dowel nails at a distance of 50 cm from each other. To provide additional stability of the whole structure can be made at the base of the fireplace, which extends forwardly at a distance of 30 to 50 cm. Below this protrusion in the recess can be fitted similarity woodpile.
  4. To try on the final design of the electric heater, check the size and the presence of air gaps, as well as a way to connect to the mains.
  5. Cut the drywall in accordance with the sketch dimensions and details of the data secure with screws on the frame. Tighten them, deepening the cap into the material, so that when finishing they were hidden.
  6. The entire surface of the carcass to be treated with primer and let it dry completely.
  7. On the outer corners reinforce using putty aluminum mounting bracket, and then seal the ribbon serpyanku all joints drywall sheets.
  8. Now is the time to putty surface. When the plaster is dry - it sanded by irregularities. Then again coated with a primer and after drying should be applied plaster finish. Permanently dry construction immediately ready for decoration.

decorative trim

Portal - a facade of the fireplace, so approach with special attention to the decoration process. For these purposes, you can use all sorts of materials:

  • polyurethane moldings;
  • decorative plaster;
  • marble or granite;
  • Artificial tiling materials having the texture of stone or wood;
  • tiles, decorative tiles;
  • gems;
  • precious woods.

RememberThat it was the appearance of the portal gives the aesthetic beauty of the whole structure!

It is important to choose design of your fireplace in harmony with the interior of the entire premises.

  • Use materials that are found in the decoration of the surrounding space or textures that blend with it.

creating Portal fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands, you can bring in the housing originality and charm of a home. This fireplace will please you at any time of the year, giving the interior refinement and filling your space with aesthetic beauty.