Properly chosen model of fireplace for your home is very important. But to get a good and safe hearth need to competently perform the installation of the fireplace.
It is important to understand that the wooden house is a fire hazard, so many owners are afraid to install them in the fireplace. However, with knowledge of how to properly install a fireplace in compliance with all fire safety regulations, can be reduced to "no" all such fears.

Varieties fireplaces for wood house
When choosing a wooden house furnace is important to choose the model is not only effective, but also fireproof:
- Russian pechzanimaet much space, so is ideal for larger homes. In addition to a reliable heating makes it possible to prepare, it is enough to install the hob and oven.
- Stove, as the name implies, contains a fireplace and oven. It's a pretty safe and effective form of fireplaces. Its design allows you to quickly and efficiently warm up the room, which is very important in winter, especially when there are shortages of gas or electricity. Such constructs can be cast iron or steel.
- Bio-fireplace is easy to install and operate and very ennobles the interior of the house. The fuel is ecologically pure ethanol in liquid form.
- Electric fireplace also features easy installation, easy to use, safe, but depends on the supply of electricity.
- Gas fireplace has good heat dissipation, easy ignition and the absence of soot and grime, but requires the pipeline.
By location, they can be:
- Front, set along the walls;
- Angular, filled corner of the room and occupy relatively much space;
- Island, set away from the walls.
Fireplace in a wooden house
In recent vacation home is gradually turning into a full-fledged year-round home. In any major home heating is the question. The owners of wooden buildings often prefer to use as a heater fireplace with natural fire.
However, when choosing this method of heating is very important to remember safety rules, since the base material can be easily constructed dwellings combustion.
Classical wood-burning fireplace in its construction involves a closed combustion chamber and the flue pipe. It finished with this oven, as a rule, natural stone or other heat-resistant materials.
Important! Installing a fireplace in a wooden house should take place no earlier than 3 years after the construction of the house, this time is necessary for the shrinkage of wooden structures.
See also: Chimney for fireplace unit.
When the masonry chimney must be as hard as possible to reduce the impact on him shrinkage house. First of all, this applies to the places of chimney intersection with joists and walls. At these points need especially high-quality insulation to prevent fire.
Basic rules for installation of the fireplace
How do I install a fireplace in a wooden house? To answer this question, we distinguish the obligatory requirements:
- At the stage of building design provides for the presence of fire. When building a house you need to make the insulation inside the walls of the fireplace with a metal sheet.
- Should not be tied to the heater walls of the house.
- Be sure to create a separate independent foundation under the stove.
- Floor insulation is carried around the fireplace in the risk of fire, for this purpose, ceramic tile, iron sheets, roofing material, etc.
- It is necessary to prevent the ceiling from the influence of an elevated temperature using drywall and metal grids.
- fireproof sandwich panels used in the construction of the chimney.
- If you have multiple floors in the building, heating design must be provided separately for each level. Plan the installation of the fireplace at the stage of a wooden house design makes it possible to foresee all fire prevention measures.

Selecting the location of the fireplace
After selecting a model, it is important to decide on its location in a wooden house. This factor is one of the defining safety.
- Do not place the oven in front of windows and doors to prevent drafts, as this could lead later to smoke blanketing.
- The small rooms impractical to install it, as necessary for optimum combustion a large flow of oxygen. If necessary, heat a large area is recommended to use air ducts.
- Sex around the fireplace must pave incombustible materials such as metal, stone, granite. This measure will help to avoid the fire of coal loss or sparks.

An ideal option in a wooden house - a free-standing structure, not attached to the walls of the building.

When positioned as close to the wall, its surface must be protected by means of brick or metal.

See also the article: views and photos arbors with fireplace!
Apparatus fireplace base
Depending on the size and weight of material used, the furnace can be more than 100 kg, and with the cladding and sometimes more than 500 kg. Plus the weight of the brick walls, protecting the wooden wall of a house. It has almost 1,000 kg. Add more weight chimney. Such a construction requires heat resistance durable foundation.
Therefore, before the outdoor masonry fireplace dismantled layer and dug pit. On its bottom a layer of gravel is placed, compacted and pour a solution of a mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1.

Next stacked roofing material for waterproofing.
Front of the fireplace on a wooden floor is laid a sheet of metal.
For the construction of wall fireplaces isolated adjacent to the wall of the building it with the help of heat-resistant materials, such as brick.
At a laying of its foundation used red brick, with the creation of the furnace - Refractory. When constructing flue apply metal sheets.
protective wall
In a wooden house for protection from fire in front of the fireplace brickwork must create a protective wall made of bricks, adjacent to the wall of the building.
Important! Dimensions of the protective wall should be greater than the dimensions of the fire at least 0.5 m.
fireplace insert
It is very important in the construction of the furnace to achieve its perfect horizontality.
The furnace is placed in open fireplaces using refractory brick, and at the closed - of metal.
For metal inserts provided a window of the fire-resistant glass. Fireplaces with closed furnaces are more effective and convenient to use, can control the combustion process.

An important rule! When the device of the fireplace in a wooden house clearly desirable prepared following scheme masonry.
This not only affects the efficiency of the heating design, but also its safety.
The clutch must be carried out at temperatures above zero to ensure reliability and durability of the structure.
The first series should ideally be performed smoothly. From this it depends directly on the outcome of the work.
To make the fireplace a decent appearance and style of cladding used his furnace using tiles or plaster on the basis of asbestos.

In the construction of fireplaces with a closed combustion chamber holding the lining is a prerequisite. For this use, brick, tile, marble, wood and others. materials.

Often used plastering fireplaces surface.

This method is very popular because of its affordability and simplicity. Important!!! Plastering is carried out in two passes, a thickness of the final layer of plaster must not exceed 50 mm.
After drying of the plaster layer coated with paint. also for facing fireplaces use heat-resistant drywall or ceramic tile.
installation of chimney
Installing a chimney in a wooden house, use non-combustible building materials, paving the inside foil wool. Above the fireplace, at a height of at least 0.3m, creates a casing to protect the wooden ceiling.

When installing the ventilation outlets are two possibilities:
- ventilated, it is more rational method of cooling flue pipe by movement of refrigerated air;
- unvented when all the cracks in the flue pipe thoroughly insulate.
If the construction of the fireplace is planned at the design stage house, there is an opportunity to think about the highlights at once:
- choose a convenient space for the future of the flue depending on the proximity of beams, rafters;
- strengthen the foundation of a house in the place of the future location of the fireplace.
The most secure and durable one in this case for the wooden structure is a three-layer radical chimney. It has a great weight to 100 kg.
With the construction of the chimney in an already built house there is the inconvenience of a lack of available space when choosing its location. In this case, a good option is to bypass the stainless steel chimney.
Schacht chimney pipe qualitatively important to prepare. Wood materials in contact with the pipe, it is necessary to change the brick. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of influencing the shrinkage in these areas. Therefore, the distance between the chimney and the ceiling is formed more.

Installation and use of fire in a wooden house should be done strictly in compliance with building codes and fire safety requirements. Independently, its installation is not recommended without special knowledge.
Important! When operating fireplace necessarily have to produce annually check the safety of thermal insulation materials in the spaces around the pipe.
To remove accumulated soot must be periodically invite specialists.

For protection against sparks can be emitted provide for the installation of the door with heat-resistant glass. If you wish to watch the flames of fire, it can open up.

When mounting the chimney and the chimney is important to maximize the flatness of the surface, or arising from the curvature of the flue swirl flows will lead to smoke blanketing.
Masonry chimneys are rectangular in shape on the cross section itself is already leading to the emergence of turbulence in its corners, which reduces cravings. In this matter, the best results have pipes with a circular section, such as pipes made of stainless steel.
At cooling chimney formation occurs moisture condensation. It falls into the micro cracks of the chimney that the freezing leads to its destruction.
To solve problems with the twists and vlagoobrazovaniem in brick chimneys can be used with stainless steel insert.

Operation of the fire in a wooden house
Fireplace - is primarily a source of fire, so when it is used it is important to minimize all possible risks of fire.
Before using, make sure that there are no near inflammable objects such as curtains, books, etc.
Important! In homes equipped with fireplaces, must be a means to extinguish the fire extinguishers.
In addition, all residents of the house should have a basic knowledge about the rules of behavior in fire and fire safety regulations.

Installing a fireplace in a wooden house
Despite the increased popularity of brick fireplaces, they have one serious drawback - the inability to qualitatively warm up the entire house.
Furthermore, some of the heat goes through the tube. A more rational solution for the wooden house can be called installation furnace hearth. This design makes it possible to not only heat the room, but also to cook.
Also, they are easy to mount and greater safety in use. If it is necessary to heat the building of several storeys, it is sufficient to connect to the furnace water heating circuit.

Modern stoves do not require designing and professional installation, just select your favorite model and make an easy installation.
The main advantages of modern fireplaces:
- economical;
- provided with combustion control system parameters;
- not imply the installation of a sound base and creation of protective walls in the building;
- have high heat;
- closing a furnace equipped with a self-cleaning heat-resistant glass;
- have a disconnect ash pan;
- able to uniformly heat the entire area of the house.
Structurally, there are two types of settings:
- Air heating system;
- a water heating system.
If the house has a few interior partitions and is used as a summer residence, in which people live arrivals, it is quite suitable hot-air heating system. When permanent residence, as well as in high-rise building or a multiroom rationally use water heating system. For this purpose, the water circuit is connected to the radiator.

Installing a fireplace in the house - a very important and serious event. All heated system in some way are flammable devices.
The wooden houses construction of fireplaces should be done with maximum compliance with all the rules. When using the fireplace it is also very important to follow all the requirements of fire safety. On this depends the safety of the house, well-being and lives of all its residents.