Live flashes of fire burning in the hearth, to attract the eye of the structure. Therefore, the design of the fireplace is necessary to think in advance and organize the space around it in detail in the best way.
Different methods of registration
Care should be taken so that the fireplace fits into the overall stylistic mood of the room. It must be combined with the interior and at the same time be remembered for its beauty and originality. In particular, this rule works if the fireplace is located in the main or only the room, such as in a holiday home or a country housing.
Due to the design with a decorative stone fireplace takes an interesting look at the same time, the texture of stone it gives different stylistic content. It fits into the interior of modern style or in a minimalist space.
For rural interiors need a simple decoration. It is appropriate to place a brick fireplace or design, finished in wood. This cladding gives the naturalness and natural mood, creating a cozy and homely atmosphere.
Clearance fireplace zone
Along with fireplaces should be given clearance area around the fireplace. Equipping the design of this space, you will create a favorable environment for monitoring flames that flicker in the hearth. To do this, selected practical and beautiful furniture, the décor fireplace accessories and items placed on the mantelpiece.
There are many exciting options for the appropriate design mantel that will go with your style and a certain type of fire.
At all times people use this element of the interior for the obvious displays of decoration items. Previously, the regiment could be made out for hours or a couple of porcelain figurines on the sides, and in our time, thanks to the creativity, you can make even the most daring fantasy decorating as desired. Below are some interesting and diverse design options.
The use of three-dimensional objects
Many different decorative details on the mantel look inappropriate and inexpressive. To fix should arrange her large items that will give glamor fireplace. You can use vases or figurines. It is better if the items are made in the same style or duplicate each other - this will give the integrity and completeness of the whole composition.
By choosing a common theme to be placed on a shelf, create stylistically decorative composition. Choose objects made of the same material.
The photo glass objects of different sizes look fresh and appealing. Following this principle, you can create decorative panels made of different materials: wood, ceramic, metal, or just bright accessories.
Making pictures
Quite common method of decorating the fireplace area with the help of pictures. You can use a few small items or one expressive picture of considerable size. They are hung on the wall or put on the portal.
It is important to ensure that the elements combined with each other and supplied with fireplaces.

A very interesting option would be unusual painting or a huge picture in the frame.
Receiving the "creative disorder"
If regiment thoughtlessly crowded with various objects, it gives the impression of negligence and disorder. When choosing decorative items should be kept.
Having defined with one type of objects, such as a vase or candlestick, limit several shades elements well combined with the color of furniture and other decorative items in the room. Thus, it is possible to create a rich, interesting installation, which will emphasize all the details of the composition.

Use the rule of three
The rule states that to create beautiful decorative band enough to use 3 pieces. The values and options combinations may be any. The photo shows a neat unusual group of street signs and antique mirrors, and a house plant in a pot serves as a hub, connecting all the pieces together.

The two materials are combined, too
If you do not like to decorate objects of one type of material, then you can express your creativity with the help of two main elements. For example, as in the picture, all items placed on the shelf, consist of wood and are white. All elements form a unity with each other, while they can be placed in various combinations without changing the overall harmony.

Bring originality and uniqueness
You can make the fireplace area with various objects that will be rare and unique. Try to create a decorative composition, decorate it with antiques or objects of your hobby. The quirkiness they look, the better the effect! Use everything that you like among the variety, with such a composition will be remembered forever.

Making the fire zone is sometimes enough to place a single object. It is recommended to set a bit further center to motivate and create asymmetry. The photograph shows an example where using small portrait translates focus on a brick wall fireplace portal.

Create harmony counterparts shelves
With objects create balance and harmony of elements. Paired static compositions, and instill a sense of balance space.
Place objects as mirror images of each other, wherein all engage the surrounding space, with shelves, racks, drawers, figurines, vases and other.
There is one more interesting way to visually balance the composition, the photograph shows a modern fireplace in which one side is wider than the other, this creates a visual load on the left side. Using three vases arranged right asymmetry can be balanced throughout the structure.

Combine with fireplace interior room
The room, which has a strict and effective style presupposes a corresponding decorative elements. In the picture you can see the interior in light tones, to create a spectacular impression. Thanks to the items placed on the mantelpiece, there is a supplement of the picture.

Free regiment
If the fireplace is made in an elegant style with expressive details, then you should leave the regiment without add-ons, they will only distract attention from the main element.
Although, if you want, you can arrange the space around the hearth wall, for example, an appropriate finish or decorative wallpaper.

Use of mirrors and reflective surfaces
Any interior can be supplemented mirror surfaces. You can oblitsevat wall around the fireplace, using reflective panels of any size.
The easiest option - placing a mirror in a decorative frame above the fireplace portal. In accordance with the style of the interior can be used patina, classical or modern mirrors with 3D effects and three-dimensional parts.

Supplement candles composition
Candles give the romance and an organic look, combined with a fireplace. They can be arranged in groups of a few pieces and placed in beautiful candlesticks.
It is recommended to use candles not only the same shape, but also diverse. Although they should be similar to any color or style.

Notes rustic mood
In a contemporary style to any interior You can use the elements of nature. Collect beautiful shoots, wooden figurines, decorative cones or twigs and locate unobtrusively next to the fireplace. Such details give the interior nature and natural charm.

Making a fireplace, remember the most important rule - it is important to always give off the center of the composition.
Do not try to hide the construction of other objects must be adequately supplemented with appropriate focus decorative elements or to set off its splendor.