Number of materials for insulation is growing. More and more consumers aware of the need for insulation of walls, roofs and basements of private homes and other buildings. Technical features and benefits of insulation Isover prompted some to use precisely this material. What he really is? What are the merits and the properties?
What is Isover insulation?
This heater contains the mineral wool - the fibrous material, which is manufactured in the form of plates, rolls and mats. The thickness of glass fibers - 4-5 microns, and length - 100-150 microns. Only natural ingredients are used to produce, why worry about the ecology of the material is not necessary.
Plates can be rigid and semi-rigid. A heater mounted in both the horizontal and vertical position, as when the inner workings and the regeneration of the facades.

It is made of sand (quartz) and glass breakage. To improve certain properties in the material may be added to soda, borax, limestone and other components. The entire mass is poured into a special bin. There occurs melting of the ingredients. When the molten glass departs from the centrifuge, due to inflate it forms steam filament. After contact with the rollers, spray impregnated filaments are aligned and form a carpet. Then, at + 250 ° C, the polymerization process. When the material cools, it are cut into rolls, mats, and plates.
Technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages
Since insulation - Isover is the main role, you should pay attention to its thermal conductivity. Indicator coefficient of thermal conductivity in the range 0,038 W / (m * K). The following factors can be identified among other advantages:
- Good sound insulation. Using mineral wool in the interior walls can be achieved good effect.
- He did not eat rodents and insects. Therefore, using such a material for the facade can not be afraid that it will be later in the holes from rodents.
- Easy installation. This material is available in different forms, so you can choose the one that will be best for the work performed.
- Long service life - 50 years.
- The material is not deformed when compressed and has a tear strength. Due to its good compressibility, it is convenient to transport.
- Resistance to extreme temperatures.
- Insulation is non-combustible, therefore meets the high requirements of fire safety.

Disadvantages of the material:
- The need to use protective equipment during installation work. Although over time the damage from mineral wool will not be provided when installing insulation is necessary to protect the respiratory system.
- High moisture permeability. When wet during use or during installation, heat-shielding property will be lost. Therefore, doing façade work, mineral wool should either be covered or coated with a layer of plaster as soon as possible after installation. This will prevent the deleterious effects of precipitation.

types Isover
The variety of shapes, mineral wool Isover is used in various fields. During the construction of his house can be used for thermal insulation of ventilated facades, attics, floors, ceilings and partitions. Each model has its purpose and used in a particular area, so give a general description of the material is difficult. You can still consider each type separately.
Optimal Isover
Its density is 28-37 kg / m3. It comes in the form of plates. It is used to frame the house. They can insulate the roof, floors and walls. It is used as sound insulation for interior partitions and floors between floors. Plate Dimensions - 60 * 100 cm, thickness - 10 cm or 5 cm. One package contains the four plates (10-cm) or 8 tiles (5-centimeter).
In Ruf Izover Optimal produced with a smaller thickness - 3 or 5 cm. In most cases, it is used for flat roofs. Despite the small thickness of the material, its structure is homogeneous. It withstands a load of 7 tons per 1 m2.
Isover Standard
This model is used for the thermal insulation of the facade walls before siding sheathing or facing brick. They also sheathe frame structures. They are available with such size as rockwool Optimal series. Among its characteristics should be noted low compressibility under specific load 2kPa - 10%. Izover standard density plates is 50 kg / m3.
Isover Venti
This product is designed for thermal insulation of ventilated facades, with it, there is no restriction on the height of the building. This is achieved in that the material has a high mechanical strength. It is also available in slabs 60-100 cm in size with a thickness of 5 or 10 cm. Material Density - 85 kg / m3. Due to its high vapor permeability of the construction effectively leaves moisture. As well as other materials from mineral wool Isover Venti is off.

Lineup Izover Venti Optimal plate has a thickness of from 3 to 20 cm. This allows you to choose the most appropriate solution for each insulate the facade.
Isover Facade
This range is used for thermal insulation of facades of plaster. If the finish is selected Kameshkovo plaster and insulation will need to be covered with a thin layer of plaster, then this option must be selected. The thickness of the produced slabs is 5 to 20 cm, width - 60 cm, length - 100 cm.
density features Izover Plaster Facade - 145 kg / m3. To simplify and accelerate the installation of such plates on the walls surface of the material is discharged from other geometrical sizes - 60 * 120 cm.

Isover Light
It is used in various areas - interior walls, suspended ceilings, ventilated facades and frame structures. Isover Light has increased the elastic properties of the plate. Material Density - 38 kg / m³. During operation it is not subject to shrinkage or deformation.
Isover Classic
It is used for floor and ceiling insulation and fit between joists. Produced Izover Classic in rolls during transport than when the mineral wool is compressed to 6 times. Density - 11 kg / m3. Roll width 122 cm, in it the material is folded in two layers to 5 cm thick, so the installation easily select a desired thickness of insulation. Since the width between the beams can be 60 cm, the mats are cut lengthwise into two portions on 61 cm wide and tightly laid between the boards.

Isover Sauna
This model is also a vapor barrier. The presence of the foil layer makes it possible to preserve the heat for a long time the sauna. It also saves time on installation work, since once performed two stages and there is no need to install additional films or membranes. Thickness Izover Sauna - 50 or 100 mm. It is used for thermal insulation not only walls, but also the ceiling in the baths.
Isover Wizard Acoustics
It is used where it is necessary to create an acoustic insulation. It comes in the form of mineral wool slabs of stone wool. It is used for exterior walls, interior walls, floors and ceilings, ie, wherever may need high-quality sound insulation Isover Master.
Isover Flor
Such a heater is used to protect against impact noise. It reduces the noise level by 35 dB. Izover Flor discharged manufacturer in the form of rigid plates dimensions 60 * 120 cm and a thickness of 3-5 cm.
Isover Pros
This is the most warm material among peers. It is available on rolls and is used in many of inclined structures, such as roofing insulation, drywall partitions on a metal frame. Isover Pro is also used to trim or siding facade facing bricks. The thickness of the rolls is 5, 10 or 15 cm. Roll length of 4-5 meters.
There are other versions of this insulation. Due to this diversity, you can choose the most suitable material for the quality performance of thermal insulation works. You can also choose the thickness and size of a heater. Properly conducted all work can significantly save on heating costs and to provide a comfortable environment in the room.