Fireplaces made in the loft-style, go beyond conventional thinking and allow other eyes to perceive the center, gives the interior of your room vibrant, active and unpredictable colors.
Loft relates to outrageous style filled with elements eccentricity and manifestation fanciness.

It is a combination of contemporary style and old rough surfaces. In evrokuhnya it can be combined with antique furniture.
The history of occurrence of the style
Forming of the loft belongs to 1950. In the United States of America then formed such a concept. While used as a residential area of abandoned factories. People lived in the cluttered buildings that are reconstructed to fit your needs and desires.
Translation of the concept of "loft" with the English language - it means the attic, so the United States is called the upper and warehouses. In our time, decorate the interior of this style anywhere.
fireplace loft
The pioneers of the style became ordinary poor people working in the cultural sector, artists, craftsmen and sculptors. In times of rapid land acquisition prices, these people have found a comfortable and affordable accommodation. They have become used to settle industrial buildings, furnished environment to your liking.
Life in dilapidated buildings with crumbling plaster and paint was a burden to the people. So they brought everything in order, clarifying and creating a comfortable environment. It was at that time originated the style loft, and its use began to spread beyond the industrial premises, increasingly penetrating into the private apartments.

Popularity registration picked up rich people, businessmen and monopolists, who began to acquire such industrial buildings at high prices. At the same time creative people once again had to relocate.
Benefits style

Characteristics and features loft-style:
- spacious, open and bright rooms that contain a minimal amount of furniture and household items;
- objects relating to factory and plant type, such as rough walls, brick red or gutters;
- separation zones in the room furnishings;
- combination of modern with the old things and the absence of decorative wall decoration;
- color shades cold tones;
- panoramic large windows and very high ceilings;
- accessories non-standard type.
When you create the interior of this style, you get a lot of advantages.
The main advantage - no need to pick up the furniture in the same style. You can use your favorite Grandma's chairs with a table, in combination with modern furnishings.
Yet one plus - there is no need to do interior decoration. If you have a wooden ceiling - then leave it open. There is no need to paint the walls with paint or covered with wallpaper, texture construction material provides the necessary interior.
Yet a significant advantage - the original mood of the style follows the flight of creative thought.
Adhering to the basic rule - to bring a lot of space in space and light, you create an excellent creative atmosphere in the loft.
Fireplace in the interior
In those days, fireplaces are often used for decorating homes. Heating was carried out with the help of self-made or purchased, the cheapest furnaces, stoves. They were an integral part of the room, as the lofts were not heated and without stoves can not do during the cold season.
People with incomes and greater opportunities in an environment attended fireplaces, with small size, but the whole room is heated.
To create a loft-style fireplace serves an important role. It can be decorated with antique or a modern design. You only need to properly position, in accordance with the interior room.

The choice of design
For a harmonious combination of the fireplace in the interior of the loft you need to find a suitable design. There are so many variations and modifications.
You have to choose among the small brick ovens and a huge glass fireplace, modest homes, covered with stone or veneered tiles. Make your choice, taking into account not only the available budgetary resources, but also their own wishes to the original interior mind. Let us examine a few basic designs.
Compliance with fashion and modern trends.
For the young, aspiring and active people make better use of the interior topical and contemporary details. The fireplace in the stylish design of the strict lines perfectly fit into the space.

You can select the oven hi-tech style, which has an unusual shape and color. They come in the form of missiles, domes or presented in the form of droplets on the ceiling.
Modern high-tech style is not fancy limit and adds variety to the style loft, in harmony with each other. This fireplace is installed in the desired position, considering its appearance and functionality.
The choice of design retro
Lovers of antiques, who do not understand fashion innovations and technologies can be used in the retro interior. Fireplace with vintage elements can take their place alongside modern furniture. It combines two opposite style! The presence of retro-modern decor fireplace causes the walls.

You can play on contrasts for an expressive manifestation of style. Fireplace in the old style can be made of bricks and decorate using natural stone or ceramic tiles. Expensive granite oven will complement the interior, bringing the spirit of antiquity in the space.
practical design
Family people appreciate the reliability and practical elements of the decor. Often the choice of stops on a brick fireplace. They are surrounded by a direct setting and cozy accessories. For example, functional furniture fits into the niche wall or cabinets. The interior consists of a useful safe and practical items, no unnecessary parts.

To give the interior a loft style using brick wall without finishing or wooden ceilings.
careless design
Creating a loft style in its space, leave a small amount of furniture. At the same time heats the room will be a metal stove, installed next to a wall or in a corner of the room.

This layout is suitable for young people who rarely appear in his apartment. Bring mood loft style is very simple, you can use the old pieces of furniture, had inherited. And, if there is a hole in the couch, then it is not sewn up, but on the contrary, accentuate her attention obmotyvaya contrasting color of thread or highlighting bright colors.
Fireplace any design can find their place in the interior of the loft style, with the exception of the classic versions, stucco or wood carving. Such a construction can spoil the overall picture, exposing the inappropriateness and impressively massive fireplace.
Important details in the style of
Prior to the acquisition or construction of the fireplace need to pay attention to the significant nuances:
- If the living area is located in the attic, then it is recommended to install lightweight and small design.
When using a stone or brick furnace can bend or break the floor decks. If the installation of the fireplace on the ground floor, then take care of providing a solid foundation.
- Electric decorative fireplaces can fit into kitchen cabinets or niches in the walls.
Equipment is chosen according to the design of the walls and furniture.
- room size must match the dimensions of the structure.
In small rooms need to install a small fireplace. Bulky designs look ridiculous in small rooms.
Remember, for a loft style is characterized by a lot of light and spacious accommodations.
- Wall of masonry, having no trim needs to be at a considerable distance from the stone or brick fireplace. Near the wall should not be decorative items, as it translates the design into a loft style.
Remember the most important rules of operation during installation and maintenance of fire: follow fire safety and thermal insulation of objects of decoration and furniture.