Tiles for fireplace relates to a universal material that is used to make stylish, and original aesthetic appearance of the hearth.
It is important to remember that there are many options of finishing among the construction materials. Before choosing a need to define the parameters of tiles for the full functioning of the fireplace and high-quality appearance of the texture of the product.

In this article you will find detailed information on all existing kinds of decorative tiles and on the basis of information received take an informed decision.
The characteristic features of the material
Tile for the fireplace must withstand high temperature, therefore the highest demands imposed to the coating and quality. You must meet the following conditions:
- ecology, no odors or safe separation during heating and evaporation;
- heat resistance, it is important to match the temperature conditions up to 10000Since it is desirable to use tiles made with at least 2-firing;
- the thermal conductivity and specific heat parameters that serve as the basic characteristics of the coating, since it is necessary to transfer heat from the furnace space and preserve heat as long as possible;
- resistance to moisture, water absorption should be minimal, not more than 3%. On the outer packaging this figure is marked with E and the next specified number of water absorption;
- coating thickness and rigidity, the figure reflects the degree of deformation of the tile;
- thermal expansion, must be no more than 8%;
- porosity of the material, resistance to mechanical damage, a small number of pores reflects the strength and durability of the material;
- resistance to fading;
- resistance to temperature;
- anti-static, not attracts dust;
- visual appeal.
Recommendations regarding the selection of tiles for lining fireplaces
Using visual assessment may be carried out authentic material quality analysis. Professionals are advised to pay attention to the following characteristics associated with:
- The thickness of the tile and its elements.
You must have the same parameters. tile mantel the average is 6-8 mm.
- Corresponding geometrical shapes. Before purchasing, check the identity of - for that attach the tiles to each other outside and inside of.
It is necessary that they are tightly butted and left lumen. Any irregularities create visual defects. If internal or external parties are not the same - it will affect the quality of the lining, so it can smoothly go to the surface.
Note. According to experts the best size for the tile is considered 120 to 120 mm, with large dimensions decreases tile strength.
- Colors and shades, pattern should ideally be the same in all characteristics.
Council. By purchasing tiles, take 20% longer. This reserve will be used for cutting the material and replaced when necessary.
- The presence of cracks and chips, if the edges of the tiles crumble - so it is very fragile.
It is important to track the crack on the reverse side, if they are - then under the influence of temperature, it can burst and the front part.
Memo marking symbols
On the outer carton and on the inner side of the tile must exist markings representative of the main parameters. For different types of uses the following symbols:
- T - is refractory tiles;
if one or two figure written on the icon in the form of a flame, this number means the number of firings. The more indicator - the better the tile.
- The letter E with figure shows the percentage of water absorption;
- The letter A or B is a method of manufacturing a tile. A - reflects the use of computer technology and high-precision dimensions.
- Sign PEI reflects the wear resistance, it is characterized by a degree from the I to the V, all the varieties used for decorating fireplaces.
- Meaning EN 122 in the embodiments A to D and indicates the susceptibility to chemical attack.
Attention! Only with special certificates of quality on the tiles, you can use it with confidence, trusting the stated parameters and characteristics of the products.
Why veneer fireplace?
- to increase the heat capacity of the indicators and the impact of heat in space;
- to reduce the time for the heating of premises;
- decorative design decoration;
- To simplify the design care. For example, the tile is easier to clean than the plastered surface.
- Psychological factors. Replacing heaters stylish fireplace, the owners bring to the overall atmosphere of beauty and comfort of home.
What tile is best to use?
Choosing tile for facing the fireplace, consider its functional and practical use of quality. Their classification is associated with:
- Destination, are distinguished:
- Fast Discharge structure desired temperature;
- stove, maintain the desired temperature;
- fireplaces with cooking hobs.
- The heating temperature of the outer wall.
- moderate, in the range 100 0C;
- increased from 100 to 120 0C;
- higher than 120 0C.
- The material of manufacture of fireplaces.
- brick;
- stone;
- concrete;
- metal.
- The shape of the furnace.
- closed;
- semi-open;
- open.
- Used fuel.
- solid;
- gaseous;
- interior decoration.
- Methods for supplying heat to the space:
- channel with direct radiation;
- + channel with radiation convective heating air.
- According to the types of radiation;
- one-sided;
- double-sided;
- trilateral.
In a conventional wood-burning fireplace having an open fuel chamber occurs sided heat loss. Such radiation is from the side walls and the rear inner surface of the fireplace.
surface heating temperature - determining factor when choosing the material, acquiring tile it is necessary to consider first.
Variety of heat-resistant tiles
Finishing fireplace tiles can be made of synthetic or natural material.

For natural products include marble, granite, jasper.
To include artificial tiles made of natural raw materials with the addition of the necessary components. It has various sizes and subject to firing. It is these products have the required fire resistance.
The most common types include:
- ceramic tiles;
- majolica;
- tile;
- ceramic tiles;
- tiles;
- fireclay tiles;
- granite;
- marble;
- artificial stones.
Terracotta tiles
It is made from the clay composition different structures by molding and calcination. Appearance similar to a brick or natural a rock, Its surface relief and rough.
Used indoor or outdoor fireplaces. It is also often used for baths and saunas.
Is as follows:
- impact resistance and durability;
- resistant to changes in temperature;
- fire resistance, it is made at a burning temperature of 11000FROM;
- moisture resistance;
- good adhesion to any base;
- high emissivity that is related to surface texture and thermal expansion characteristics match furnace brick.
The photograph shows the different types of terracotta tiles

Tiles made of clay by calcination and heat-resistant decorative glaze coating. Characterization of the material coincides with terracotta tiles, majolica is present only in the scenic pattern on the surface. Finish each tile is done by hand, it forms a high price and, accordingly, a high quality material.

In the photos you can see the variety and designs characteristic of majolica.

Tile has high heat stability, but it is susceptible to sudden changes in temperature. Nowadays produced tiles, which has basic characteristics for high-quality finishing of the fireplace, you need to look for this information on the manufacturer's packaging.
A tile is not recommended to operate in areas where the temperature may drop to negative values.
When tiled wall elements not apply conventional clay-cement mortars, using for this heat-resistant adhesive or mastic.

Clay tiles
It is made by adding to the powder chamotte several varieties of clays and other additives imparting desired color to the finished product. The material is baked and subjected to glazing.
There are a variety of colors, from light to dark brown tones.

Clay tile for the fireplace has a high density compared with terracotta or majolica, this gives it a high quality of waterproofing and frost. Thus, the tiles used in indoors and outdoors, where there are abrupt changes in temperature.
Attention! Do not use plates for clinker kiln brick decoration, this is due to different coefficients of thermal expansion of these materials.
Finishing tiles known since ancient times, nowadays it often finds its admirers. Glazed tiles are used for fireplaces and unglazed - fastened inside the structure.
They have a box-like shape, smooth or embossed tiles glazed. Manufacture is carried out manually and each tile individually decorated. This leads to their high cost. Some elements are collected in a handsome uniform pattern.

They have high heat transfer performance due to the ledges present on the back side of the tile.
The material is characterized by the following advantages:
- heat resistance;
- high emissivity;
- increased durability;
- environmental friendliness;
- a huge range and choice of colors.
This heat-resistant tiles can be used in areas where there is no permanent heating. Another advantage may be called lowering high surface temperature - can safely touch the tile at any temperature.
The only drawback is the high cost of tiles material. Although the craftsmen in the home can make a tile on their own.
fireclay tiles
It is made of refractory clay with the addition of rock flour strength reinforcing material. The firing temperature goes up to 13000FROM.
The advantages include:
- resistance to abrupt temperature changes;
- absolute fire resistance;
- It is not subject to cracking;
- withstands prolonged deforming load;
- not prone to abrasion;
- It has a low coefficient of sliding;
- It is not exposed to corrosive acid and alkaline environments, solvents or mineral oils;
- the thickness of the material is much greater than that of the tile.
Manufacturers produce single or double fireclay tiles. When finishing it is not necessary to further isolate from the surface or combined with natural stone.

stoneware slabs
Environmentally friendly material which is made from sand mixed with several kinds of clay and adding granite or marble chips. As dyes used salts and metal oxides.
- The material is characterized by high density, non-porous surface structure.
- It retains the original image, even under direct sunlight.
- High resistance to abrupt temperature changes.
- The thickness of the parts varies from 8 to 12 millimeters.

The appearance of granite may be like all the above types of coating and natural stone.

When facing heat resistant adhesive is used, and if the fireplace is located on the street - frost then applied glue.
marble slabs
Natural material having a beautiful texture and is suitable for luxury interiors. Before facing the need to make the personal order designer for cutting all the elements of a decorative finish.

Fireplaces, decorated with marble and have interesting qualities:
- refined appearance and originality finishes;
- plates rapidly accumulate heat and transfer it to a long space.
The uniqueness and originality of the shades of colors and patterns veining creates the splendor of each facility.
artificial stones
The increasingly began recently decorated fireplaces artificial stones. This is due to the fact that natural materials are constantly increasing in price, and artificial - have become available thanks to the latest technology and high quality material.

A variety of sizes and textures stone for finishing hide any irregularities design. Making fireplaces this way has the following advantages:
- simplicity and ease of processing the material;
- ease of installation and fast finish;
- huge number of different shapes and textures imitating natural stones;
- low cost compared with natural materials;
- You can realize any imagination and create design patterns.

Acquainted with the main varieties of tiles for the fireplace, you can make an informed choice and bring to the interior not only the beauty, but also a reliable, durable and practical surface of the front part fireplace.