Take refuge in the heat of summer or rainy weather can be in the gazebo, and if it has a fireplace, then you can go to bask in the living fire, enjoying the comfort and warmth.

Such a gazebo with a fireplace offers advantages at any time of the day or night, as it creates an atmosphere conducive to rest and prepare delicious meals on an open fire.
Build construction possible with their own hands, if you have building skills and desire. Or you can turn to professionals who will create according to your sketches and wishes of the necessary construction.

In the beginning is to determine the desired outcome, some garden furniture and a fireplace you need? For this we consider the main varieties of designs:
Project options for gazebo
Grounds rest in the space portion can be undeveloped various ways. Variety of pavilions linked to the presence of walls:
- If the design has only a rack with rails, and the walls are no such facilities are open type.
- Partially closed type pavilions include several closed walls.
- If you have installed all walls, while a gazebo closed.
In an open option, you must still install a wall, which will be a support for fire and protect it from the wind through.
Choosing the type of structure, carefully weigh all the factors which are related to climatic conditions.
In the southern regions often erect an outdoor gazebo and with frequent winds or regular deposits choose partially or completely closed types.
Using modern materials and techniques actually build a gazebo with a fireplace on their own projects and the unique design.
Disposition gazebo
First we need to choose the best location for the gazebo. The location should be close to the main structure, thus it is necessary to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds.
It is important that the smoke from the fire did not get into the living area!
The best place is considered an open area next to large trees or small pond.
parameters gazebo
Next, you must choose the size of the structure. This indicator is directly related to the number of resident and visiting people.
gazebo frame build, depending on the material possibilities of the family. Usually, it is created from brick, stone, plastic, wood or metal.
Preferring a gazebo made of wood, you get a safe and comfortable environment that does not require extra investments. Cm. Photo
frame scheme of wood pergola

The outer parts can be decorated with siding, and for budget options - selected finishing plastic or aluminum. The inner surface decorated stone or wood paneling.
Since wood is a rapidly combustible materials need to advance in the design of pavilions, consider fire safety measures:
- The wooden floor is necessary to cut out a space for pouring the concrete foundation under the fireplace.
- Before furnace is necessary to sheathe sheets of iron-working area.
- The optimal location of the fireplace - in the center, so it eliminates the possibility of fire walls.
Choosing a brick gazebo, it is worth noting that to build a fireplace in it will be much easier than in the gazebo made of wood. To do this, use standard materials are the same as for the masonry stove.
Thinking through all the details, we can calculate the number of necessary materials and proceed to the construction of your gazebo.

The construction of the gazebo
- Foundation. Construction begins with the foundation. It is better to fill the monolith at a time, if the floor will be further laid paving slabs. Or to construct belt conveyor, in the planning of the wooden floor in the gazebo.

The foundation must be reinforced using a BP-net as the height above the floor level will be insignificant. After pouring the foundation, it is maintained for about 7 days for the initial setting to be able to produce further works.
- Prefab pillars and the roof. Next, install your frame poles in preparation for the installation of the roof. Rack pillars may be made of reinforced concrete, brick, metal pipe or profile, and the wooden beam.
- Masonry fireplace. After assembly of these elements can proceed to the construction of the fireplace. Spread on the prepared foundation in accordance with the selected scheme, the walls of the fireplace. For masonry used brick soaked in water so that it did not pull moisture out of solution. Refractory bricks of the furnace spread portal.

In the design of the fireplace, keep in mind that its main function is the creation of visual decoration and style, so pay attention to the size of the fire. It needs to be done to enjoy a spacious open fire.
Chimney and ventilation system. Fireplace is considered complete if it is equipped with a chimney and a competent ventilation system.
Erecting similar structures, always observe fire safety rules.
Construction of a brick fireplace for gazebo
There are many varieties, which differ in the number and modifications of furnace systems. Optimal location - near a wall or in a corner of the arbor.

To extend the functionality of the fireplace, you can supplement it with the following elements:
- cast iron hob with an additional combustion chamber;
- smokehouse or oven;
- suitable niche for drying and storing wood;
- barbecue.

According to the principles of construction work outside fireplace similar to home. It has the same dimensions, circuit laying and decoration.

To reduce the fire can be done on top of the metal hood and the metal mount instead brick chimney.
masonry fireplace success is determined starting material. For her, using conventional or firebricks. Simultaneously with the erection of the fireplace are building the adjacent brick wall.
If desired, you can manually carry out masonry or find a professional master.
The construction of the walls and roof of the gazebo
After completing the masonry, are taken for the establishment of the roof. One of the most important things - the correct calculation of the angle of the roof. Preferred roof - sloping, as it gives minimal resistance under wind load.

To cover the use boards, metal sheet, slate or polycarbonate sheets.
Important! All wooden elements must be treated with antifungal and fire-bioshield means.
- Floor in the arbor. After completion of the roofing begin laying the flooring. Best Mode - paving slabs, produced sand, and various polymers. She has a lot of colors and long life.
- Walling or handrail. At the final stage of construction is carried out the installation of walls or railings. Here used any material appropriate practical and aesthetic purposes. Usually, wall linings are used, block house or decorative wooden lattice.
Installation of lighting, electrification and communications
For the lighting of the space in the gazebo using dots. For small area enough 2-3 lamps. If desired, you can illuminate the path leading to the arbor.

Electrification will need to purchase high-quality wiring, providing reliable waterproofing wires.
The presence of electrical outlets make it possible to establish electrical appliances, supplemental lighting or sound.
For convenience, move the pipe with drinking water, hiding it in the ground. Thus it is necessary to consider the presence conclusion sewage basin or kitchen sink.
Stylistic design of the fireplace
Appearance sets the mood and comfort in the gazebo. Fireplace can be decorated using textured or facade bricks, as well as stone-savage or limestone.
In a closed gazebo can set windows to protect from wind and rain, creating the illusion of finding the great outdoors.

For decorating the gazebo avoid the use of synthetic and plastic, because the open fire creates a high level of fire risk.
It is recommended to use fire-resistant materials, creating a welcoming atmosphere.
Finally. During the construction of the gazebo with a fireplace with his hands should calculate and consider the set of the smallest detail. The duration of work depends on the skill of the owner or his assistants, taking into account the complexity of the project.
The construction of the fireplace can be modified, adding cooking elements or vice versa to reduce mangala barbecue.
Choosing the style and shape of a fireplace, prefer natural shades that blend in with the center and the surrounding environment in the gazebo.